Energy Vision 2050 - part I

This is a guest post by Sterling Smith (TOD user Sterling). This first installment of the series outlines the evolution of the energy panorama from now to 2050. A second installment will deal with technical and political aspects of the path put forward.

Sterling is a software architect who works in Silicon Valley and lives in Woodside, California. He was born in the suburbs of New York City and graduated from Dartmouth College, where he majored in physics. He has worked in the software business for 35 years, still writes code, and has been part of eleven start-ups as well as several major corporations. Sterling's wife, Deborah Metzger, PhD, MD, is a very prominent gynecologist with whom he is raising four kids.


While many people who are just beginning to learn about peak oil do not yet grasp how serious it will be for society, many of those who do understand the threat are perhaps overly pessimistic of the world’s chances for shifting to a new energy base and even of maintaining civilization. Much of this debate revolves around the desirability of trying to preserve modern civilization and its apparent reliance on physical growth, but many also doubt that there are any energy alternatives to oil and the other fossil fuels that could possibly ramp up to address the looming need. I think we need to decouple these two issues and debate them separately. This article does not attempt to answer the question of whether civilization is worth saving. I think we need to answer that question “can we preserve modern civilization” before we try to take on the question of “should we do so”? The objective of this and a future piece is to derive and present a vision of a world that preserves modern civilization after it can no longer rely on fossil fuels as its primary sources of energy, with the assumption, supported in the second piece, that energy sources exist to support this outcome.

The world may follow any of several paths but the single one presented here seems to me the most likely. The first step will be to project the overall economic path that the world is likely to take as it struggles through the coming peaks of fossil fuels and replaces them with an alternative infrastructure. In step two, I will attempt to derive the total energy that would be required to support this projected economic activity. The third step will be to determine the energy mix that could support this energy demand. A future article will attempt to describe how we get there from here and what the new energy system would look like.

My reading of the evidence convinces me that the world possesses adequate energy resource to power a civilization like ours into the indefinite future. However, for this to happen, we will have to transition to a radically different energy infrastructure in the years to 2050. Can the world survive this transition? My faith in the ingenuity, persistence and will to survive of mankind says yes but I am not prepared to defend that at this time.

The Size of the World Economy in 2050


  • Energy resources exist that could power a civilization like ours forty years from now.

  • The long term growth rate will approximate the current rate after a new energy infrastructure is built.

  • The world will not be able to avoid a severe downturn, due to peaking, lasting about 20 years.

  • Concerted societal action will mitigate the downturn.

  • Total world population growth will end by 2050.

  • The world economic activity mix will shift toward less energy intensive activities.

  • Growth in traditional economic activities will slow.

My starting assumption is that the rate of economic growth in the next forty years, if unconstrained by declining energy, would likely be about what it has been for the last fifty years, which is 3.9% (World Economic Growth - Earth Policy Institute). However, since the current population growth rate is about 1% (1.167% - 2007 est.) and population growth is expected to go to zero by 2050, I reduce the expected growth rate without an energy shock to 3% in 2050. The rapidly developing countries such as China and India have had more than twice this growth rate in recent years but many critical resource are becoming constrained. These physical resource limitations are likely to slow physical economic activity but the economic mix is trending towards more creation of intellectual capital (entertainment, knowledge, communications, software, etc.) through activities that are placing much lower demands on physical resources. It should be possible to maintain this 3% level of aggregate economic activity growth while dramatically reducing physical resource consumption. I think it is fair to conclude that this level of economic growth in 2050 would maintain the current level of economic vitality.

Figure 1. Gross World Product, 1950-2005

The next task is to estimate the impact of fossil fuels peaking on economic activity. Three potential scenarios come to my mind as possible with a fourth thrown in since it seems to be popular.

Collapse – In this scenario, once the crisis of peaking hits, it is never successfully mitigated. Economic activity turns down and continues down to a low level. Since there are potential mitigations, this might happen is if the shock causes the economic system to break down so that a coordinated response is not possible. This scenario would undoubtedly be accompanied by wars, tremendous environmental destruction and a huge die-off.

No Growth – For some reason that I cannot fathom, zero economic growth seems to have great appeal to some. This scenario seems completely implausible to me. We will either make the transition to a new energy base or we will not.

Profound Oil Shock – In this scenario, economic growth slows down as shortage of oil, principally, puts people out of work. Eventually, substitutions emerge and economic growth resumes. The net effect is the time at with the economy reaches a certain level is delayed for some years.

World War Mobilization – This scenario would occur if the world mobilized to take concerted action to mitigate the problem as quickly as possible by focusing world resources narrowly. It seems more likely to happen after a more rapid deterioration. Growth could be significantly above trend for the entire world for up to ten years. A third World War might not include as much wholesale killing as the first two. It might just be an intense economic competition with dramatic winners and losers. The rapid wealth transfers now occurring are setting the conditions for this kind of event.

Figure 2. Four Responses to Peaking

While the world war level mobilization seems to me almost as likely as a profound oil shock, I am going to arbitrarily choose the oil shock perturbation as the basis for my model. The question is, what is a plausible depth and duration for the downturn? The Hirsh Report predicts that it will take twenty years to fully mitigate the effects of oil peaking. It also notes that economic upheaval is not inevitable (“given enough lead-time, the problems are soluble with existing technologies.”) During the Great Depression in the US, the economy lost 25% of its value in 1930-1933, but was back to its previous high by the beginning of 1937. My guess for the coming downturn is that it will be similar in magnitude to the 1930s depression but that it will be shallower and last longer. With this in mind, my model estimates that the world will lose about 70% the economic growth that it would have otherwise had during the twenty year mitigation process starting in 2010 (23 vs 78 T$). This is a very severe downturn but I am simply making guess here how severe it will be.

The only somewhat similar historical precedent for such a downturn happened after the 1979 oil shock, prompted by the Iranian revolution and the subsequent Iran – Iraq War, when the price of oil rose two and a half fold and stayed at about twice the previous level for about six years before collapsing in 1986. This event involved a temporary reduction on consumption of about 15% which created a noticeable blip in world economic growth (see figure 1) but no overall downturn. This was a much smaller event than the 2010-2030 downturn assumed here. It is interesting to note that this event was mitigated not only by the rapid increase in oil supply in many countries but also by the world’s first nuclear power buildup.

Figure 3. Projected Gross World Product to 2050

Energy Demand


  • Economic activity and energy consumption are directly related.

  • Energy supply constraints produce greater energy efficiency.

  • Greater energy supply leads to lesser energy efficiency.

  • Emerging knowledge intensive activities will use proportionally lower energy.

It is widely believed that there is a direct relationship between a level of economic activity and the amount of energy that must be consumed to produce it (see works by Robert Ayres and Charles Hall). However, I expect three major trends which will slow the growth of energy demand. The first is the already stated expectation that world population growth will go to zero by 2050 which will lower long term economic demand growth to 3%. The second is that energy efficiency will improve for the current mix of economic activity, which will itself decline by one third due to resource constraints. However, these efficiency improvements will be largely given up once the supply of new energy resources increases. In my model, the current mix of economic activity improves to 70% of the current energy consumption per unit of GPD in 2020 (i.e. these activities are 30% more efficient), but then reverts to 90% by 2050 once the supply of energy has rebounded. I believe the world will add an additional approximately 1% of growth per year (of 3% total growth) of low physical resource activities which characterize the information society. These are modeled at half as energy intensive as the current mix and grow to 33% of the total mix by 2050. Together these would provide 3% economic growth with 75% of the current energy demand per unit of economic activity in 2050. The current world energy demand is about 15 TW per year (World energy resources and consumption).

Figure 4. Projected World Energy Demand

The question has been raised if it is plausible that energy efficiency could improve 30% by 2020? For the purposes of my model, I am mainly concerned with deriving the demand in 2050 so the efficiency in 2020 does not matter except for the light it might shed on the plausibility on the depth of the downturn. To me a 30% improvement in 12 years does seem plausible in a severe crisis.

Energy Mix


  • Oil will peak by 2012 , coal by 2024 and natural gas by 2029.

  • The amount of electricity that can be generated by nuclear, wind and solar is not effectively limited by the amount of available fuel.

  • No new energy source will be significant between now and 2050.

  • Production volumes of fuels from low grade hydrocarbons will never rival today’s production of traditional fossil fuels.

  • It will be important to leave a significant amount of coal in the ground to lessen global warming.

  • It will be necessary to slow the consumption of remaining oil and gas below the projected natural decline to save some for future generations.

  • A future electricity grid will be designed around the principal of power on demand
    Transportation will shift to an electricity base from an oil base.

The next question is how to provide for the energy demand with the resources that are likely to be available. Fossil fuels are all projected to peak in this period. It is probably not possible, in the short to mid term, to ask people to reduce their use of oil and gas more than they will have to due to peaking, since there are not good immediate substitutions. However, if possible, it would be better to slow the consumption of these so that we do not exhaust the last supplies of these as soon as projections now suggest we will. Coal is another matter. It is the dirtiest of fossil fuels and it can be displaced directly for electricity generation by sources that I do not expect to be in short supply. Due to the seriousness of global warming, my model phases coal out for electricity generation by 2050. It will presumably still be used in 2050 for transportation fuel, especially for aviation and for such uses as steel production.

Dave Rutledge of CalTech, who has done some of the best work on the peaking of coal supplies, has estimated that even if all fossil fuels are consumed as quickly as they can be produced, that carbon dioxide levels will peak at only 460 ppm, a level that most climate scientist recognize as at just the threshold of doing serious damage to the climate. Does this mean that fossil fuel depletion will solve the global warming problem and that we do not need to do anything about it? I do not think so. James Hansen, NASA's top climate expert, thinks that this threshold needs to be 385 ppm, below the current level, and we are already seeing serious negative effects. Even once emissions decline significantly due to peaking production, it will take several hundreds of years for the carbon dioxide levels to come down to acceptable levels.

My model will use these data compiled by Luis de Sousa for his Olduvai revisited 2008 article (thank you Luis) which has oil peaking in 2012, coal in 2024 and gas in 2029 (1 TW = .086 Mtoe):

Figure 5. Conventional Fossil Fuels

In the following three graphs I show how each of the three fossil fuels is expected to decline due to peaking and also provided recommended levels of consumption, shown as dashed lines below the solid lines of the same color. I assume that coal will be phased out in the model by 2050, except for expected non electricity generation purposes, due to its severe impact on global warming. For oil and natural gas, I cut back the consumption of each on the assumption that these will become too value for us to consume them as fast as we can. I am convinced that this will only be possible once we have alternative sources rapidly coming on line. All data are converted to tera watts.

Figure 6. Projected and Recommended Oil Supply

Figure 7. Projected and Recommended Coal Supply

Figure 8. Projected and Recommended Natural Gas Supply

As you can see, I am projecting that by 2050 we will be able to rely on fossil fuels for only 5.5 TW of my expected world demand of 31.7 TW or 17.3%. I believe this total includes essentially all likely production from alternative fossil fuel source such as oil sands, oil shale and bio fuels which are essentially repackaged fossil fuels. None of these sources seem to be capable of producing much net energy and/or to be producible at high rates. I expect that Biomass, hydro and all other sources (excepting nuclear, wind and solar) will provide about 1 TW combined, as they do today bringing the conventional total to just over 20% of my predicted demand. (I do anticipate the there might be a very large increase in hydro to deal with the wind and solar intermittency issue.) Here is a view of the current world energy mix (World energy resources and consumption):

Figure 9. Current World Energy Mix (Click to enlarge)

Wind and Solar will play vital roles in the future. However, they will have to operate within a power on demand grid. People will not stand for not being able to get on the Internet at night or use air conditioning during the day because the sun is not shining or the wind is not blowing. Today, all wind and solar has to be redundantly backed by dispatchable sources such as gas or hydro to cover for their intermittency. A max of 20% for these sources is widely accepted as the upper bound of their usefulness without a method of large scale power storage or other way to cover for their intermittency. This situation will be made worse in 2050 by gas becoming too precious for power generation. The only large scale storage method of power storage that has emerged to date is pumped water storage. Stuart Staniford and others have proposed a world wide super grid as a way allow solar to be used where the sun is not shining. Al Gore has also recently described a large scale electrical grid as a way to allow wind power to provide a very high percentage of electrical power. To give these vital sources the benefit of the doubt, my model will allow 30% wind and solar with one third of it assumed to be backed by some storage method or grid yet to be determined. I do not think that the proponents of these approaches have demonstrated that they could reach the high levels of renewables they advocate, preserving the power on demand nature of the system and competing on cost with alternatives likely to be available at the time. Note that my model does not adequately provide for the dispatchable power sources that would be necessary to provide the redundancy for the level of wind and solar projected.

My model assumes that 80% of the energy that the world will require in 2050 will have to come from nuclear, wind and solar, or 25.4 TW of electricity. At least the current amount of gas used for electricity generation and all the hydro totaling another roughly 1.5 TW will also be part of the total for an electricity total of 26.9 TW. Of this 30% could come from wind and solar together adding up to 8.07 TW which is 158 time the current .051 TW from these sources. Note that the level of wind and solar projected would only be possible in a mix with nuclear baseload or if the power on demand characteristic of the current system were abandoned. In the latter case, the grid would be completely dominated by the intermittent characteristics of wind and solar.

Figure 10. 2050 World Energy Projected Production Without Nuclear

The next chart shows the dilemma of what would be possible without nuclear power or some other energy source not here considered. Again, remember that this scenario would also feature an electric grid that would only provide power on intermittent supply.

Figure 11. Production vs Demand without Nuclear

I am not sure how to explain the gap in 2010-2030 between the energy projected to be available and the demand projection of the model. One interpretation is that the crisis will be primarily a shortage of oil and that coal and gas cannot immediately substitute. Demand goes down because the oil shortage depresses economic activity and enforces conservation. This article does not pretend to understand what happens during that period, how we would muddle or suffer through it. The important point here is to look at the end state: what is the size of the world economy in 2050? Perhaps the downturn does not have to be a severe as I am forecasting it to be. Tom Whipple, former CIA analyst and top peak oil reporter, has a recent article the comments on the coming crisis. He concludes:

It is getting very complicated out there, and none of us really know what is going to happen.

The Solution

This article assumes that the world has sources of energy in nuclear, wind and solar that are not supply limited and it has the will and the means to transition to a new energy base after fossil fuels are no longer available. In my view, the only credible way to do this is with a large nuclear, wind and solar buildup. In my model nuclear increases 19 fold and wind and solar increase 158 fold.

Energy Mix in 2050 (Tera Watts)
Oil 1.0 3%
Coal 1.5 5%
Natural Gas 3.0 9%
Wind & Solar 8.1 25%
Nuclear 17.0 54%
Other 1.1 3%
Total 31.7

My goal is to write a future article which describes what this world would look like and how we would get there. My hope would be to write that article with the collaboration of several Oil Drum posters who know more about the details of this issue than I do. It is obviously controversial to put forth a vision that assumes that the world can resume the kind of growth it has seen in the last 50 years after fossil fuels are largely depleted and especially to base the vision heavily on nuclear power. Regarding nuclear, I cannot think of a topic where so many contradictory views are debated so often without a consensus emerging. For example, many people still think that nuclear has a low energy return and that supply of fuels are nearly running out, views that I think are strongly at odds with the evidence.

Is this vision hopelessly naïve and cornucopian? Only if you assume that there no way to go but down for mankind.

Spreadsheet with calculations and graphs.

You grossly underestimate the global potential for new hydro and geothermal. A near steady 40 GW for 50 weeks/year from Grand Inga alone. And extra 15 GW from Canada, etc.

On first reading you did not reflect the 20:1 efficiency gains possible from electrified rail, urban and inter-city. That is, more GDP, less energy.

More Later,


Alan, There are a lot of unanswered questions about geothermal. "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched". As for hydro, there are few untaped cost effective hydro resources in the United States. Jesse H. Ausubel evaluated the Land use requirements for hydro, and came up with some startling observations:

"For the USA as a whole, the capacity of all existing hydropower plants is about 97,500MWe, and their average production is about 37,500MWe. The average power intensity – the watts divided by the land area of the USA – is 0.005 watts per square metre, that is, the approximate power that can be obtained from a huge tract of land that drains into a reservoir for a power station.

Imagine the entire province of Ontario, about 900,000 square km, collecting its entire 680,000 billion litres of rain, an average annual rainfall of about 0.8m. Imagine collecting all that water, every drop, behind a dam of about 60 metres height. Doing so might inundate half the province, and thus win the support of the majority of Canadians, who resent the force of Ontario. This comprehensive ‘Ontario Hydro’ would produce about 11,000MW or about four fifths the output of Canada’s 25 nuclear power stations, or about 0.012 watts per square metre or more than twice the USA average. In my ‘flood Ontario’ scenario, a square kilometre would provide the electricity for about 12 Canadians".

Other than not letting so much water go over Niagara Falls unused, and refurbishing some old hydropower plants, Ontario is not included for new Canadian Hydro.

Manitoba, Quebec, Labrador/Newfoundland and BC are the potential sources. And Alaska might build the 5 GW Rampart Dam.

USGS says that the USA has 17 GW of potential small hydro. Small hydro is severely under used almost worldwide (EU best).

Elsewhere, Tajikistan, India (40 GW from memory), Nepal, Afghanistan, Siberia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile (4+ GW), Laos, several in Africa and elsewhere have significant hydroelectric potential. All of current African electrical demand could be meet by hydro + geothermal production with power to spare.


AlanfromBigEasy, Just because hydro resources exist does not make them cost effective resources. Small hydro may have very limited capacity factors. Ecologist long ago determined that daming every river might not be environmentally sound, and you might get opposition to building a dam at Niagara Falls on aesthetic grounds. Some past hydro projects have proven to be dangerous, for example the Glen Canyon dam which nearly failed some time ago, and the leaky Cedar Creek dam on the Cumberland, that has the potential to drown Nashville.

Niagara Falls already generates 5 GW (Sir Adam Beck on Ontario side). Relatively little water is allowed over the falls at night and a maximum during daylight during "tourist season".

In addition, seasonal maximums exceed the capacity of the power plants. An upgrade to Sir Adam Beck (including a 14.5 m diameter tunnel) is designed to reduce frictional losses, and reduce the % of time that water is "spilled" unused (after subtracting tourist flows) from 2/3rds to 15% of the time (from memory).

Paperwork is the limitation on small hydro in the USA. An operating hydroplant of 3 MW cannot generate enough income to pay for renewing the license after a 50 year renewal (several examples).


Small scale hydro seems to be a greatly under-estimated resource - the power of the Mississippi river, to name just one example, is worth harnessing as well.

On your original point - not only are geothermal and hydro greatly under-estimated, but solar, wind and biogas are as well (with ocean power - particularly tidal and ocean current also likely to make a significant impact by 2050).

This article doesn't seem to have considered the potential of renewables thoroughly at all and largely ignores the cost and safety aspects that make large scale nuclear power a non-starter for solving our energy needs.

How anyone who is peak oil aware can baulk at the very theoretical safety concerns of nuclear escapes me.
Power down will kill billions, as proposals to use all renewables for the whole world are based on technologies which we do not have deployed at the needed scale, and rely on considerable breakthroughs.

Any contribution form renewables will be welcome, and it has good potential to provide peak solar power in hot climates, wind power where there is a good wind resource, and so on.
The difficulty arises when for ideological reasons it is generalised into an assumption that we can do lots of things that we have not presently got the engineering for.
There are plenty of wind turbines built where it is not windy, solar cells where it is not sunny, and so on.
That is all great fun if it is taxpayers money which is being spent.
However in the serious situation that we are now in, we need ot get on and build what we have the engineering for.
If that changes with future progress, well and good.

The main effect to date of the theorising about what might happen in future and largely imaginary difficulties with nuclear has been to provide support for the lethal coal industry, and increase greenhouse gas emissions.

I'm all for renewables being deployed as fast as is practical, and also for nuclear power.

India is planning to exploit new rivers with one or two dams and a series of "run-of-the-river" plants downstream from the dams. Recent advances in tunneling make run-of-the-river more viable.

The dams release water as needed and, at scheduled times, the water enters the several run-of-river plants downriver.

If we "had it to do over again" many other rivers would have been developed this way.

Best Hopes for more Hydro,


This comprehensive ‘Ontario Hydro’ would produce about 11,000MW

Canada produces 1,000GWh/day from hydro, which is an average of 42,000MW. Quebec alone produces at an average rate of 20,000MW. A single hydro project (La Grande) has a maximum capacity of 15,000MW. Even Ontario already produces about 7,000MW from hydro, and the province is hardly 2/3 flooded.

I think it's safe to say that whoever wrote the linked article has no idea what he's talking about.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about geothermal. "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched".

Charles, You can say the same thing for Nuclear energy. Some of the questions might be who is going to finance them and do you want one in your backyard. Yet the paper gives us nuclear at 37% of total energy. I do not see that happens particularly in a financially decimated world economy that seems to be occurring as we speak. The prospects for geothermal are much closer to reality that an explosion (pun intended) in nuclear power plant building. It is essentially a first world solution.

The uncertainties are of a different order for geothermal as it is a much more immature technology.
That assumes that you are talking about using it for really substantial power generation, which means hot dry rock.

A number of problems have been encountered, notably getting just the right amount of fractioning in the rock to allow the water to flow through to the well which extracts it, and that problem will be different for every field.

At present it also costs a fortune - that may change, but we are talking about uncertainties.

You also can't build a geothermal plant just anywhere, and practically speaking the areas where you can hope to build them are relatively limited.

Iceland seems to be at the leading edge for geothermal. It is one of many renewable energy resources that I think we need to develop in order to keep the electric grid functioning. It will be a different set of technologies for each locale. I really cannot see nuclear at 17% of world production. Financing, adequate cooling water coupled with climate change, containment building production capacity these are just the direct difficulties The energy problem needs many diffuse solutions based on local resources and needs, not a handful of concentrated one designed to keep the energy fat cats engorged.

You can say the same thing for Nuclear energy. Some of the questions might be who is going to finance them and do you want one in your backyard.

I'd like one under my backyard (say, 500 feet or so down) because then I'd have a cheap source of low-grade heat to keep my house heated in winter and perhaps cooled in summer with an absorption chiller.

As for what kind, I think the USA could start with roughly 100 GW of molten fluoride reactors operating as thorium breeders.  The initial fuel loads could be obtained from the plutonium in spent PWR fuel, eliminating it permanently.  Small, standard-sized reactors could be cranked out in factories in pieces small enough to be moved through tunnels and assembled underground, where they would be isolated from the environment (and terrorist-proof) but still very close to customers for waste heat.

Once you have supplied the local need for electricity, heating fuel and low-grade industrial process heat without a gram of fossil fuel, the impact of shrinking supplies becomes much more remote.

And a big plus is that you can keep the fuel molten as the rock around the reactor also melts. Geeze, what do you think the thermal conductivity of rock is? Nuclear power plants need substantial cooling. Putting them in a hole makes no sense at all.


Most remaining hydro is in China, which currently has about 50 GW of hydrocapacity under construction, and has plans for another 50 GW. Grand Inga is in Congo and hardly relevant for the civilized world I think.

Grand Inga is in Congo and hardly relevant for the civilized world I think.




1) Get some sensitivity training, or at least get consious.

2) In any rational "substitution for fossil" scenario, the huge resource potential of the Sahara desert is likely to make central Africa the energy equivalent of todays middle east.

3) Given 2) and the resulting electricity export infrastructure developed, Grand Inga just happens to be in a near-perfect location to exploit and supplement that solar energy.

Congo is a total mess, with mass rapes and brutal killings, it is simply not a civilized place, thats all. And no, we will not see GWs exported from a dam in Congo up through central africa and to Europe. Let us be sensible here. Hydro is in China and thats where we see the mass growth and it gets done, no hassle, may I remind you that China has 150 GWs already in capacity, with another 100 GW coming online in the next decade?

Inga 1 and the world's longest HV DC line have been exporting power south, some as far as South Africa, for a couple of decades.

China is a minority, less than a third, of the potential hydro by 2058. Today, Iran rivals China for hydro under construction (China is in a pause, Iran has several GW under construction).


It is totally out of the question to export GWs from the Congo to Europe. Besides, if you are talking 2050 or whatever, Congo will have over 200 million people, and some of them will want electricity as well when the madness going on in Congo hopefully is put to an end.

Iran rivals China for hydro under construction? Where have you heard that China has stopped hydroconstruction? It is totally false. 50 GW is under construction. We'll see what might happen in 2058, but for now, China is the place for hydro and no other.

I would prefer that Grand Inga and other hydro and geothermal power Africa (perhaps exporting a few MW to Spain and Saudi Arabia).

But there is no technical limitation to prevent HV DC to Spain.

In late 2003, Iran had 243 dams under construction,

Shahid Abbasspour is being increased from 2 GW to 4 GW, and the 3 GW Karoun-3 is under construction are the two largest projects.

You are ignorant of the world wide hydropower projects to maintain that China is the only major source of new hydro. (And China has had political kickback from the prior projects and is "go slow" ATM).

Canada - Lower Churchill 2.8 GW
Chile - HidroAysén 2.75 GW
Brazil - Jirau 3.3 GW
Argentina - Pati 3.3 GW
Venezuela - Tocoma 2.2 GW
Russia - Burreya 2 GW
Russia - Boguchan 3 GW
India - Subansiri 2 GW

And many more (other things to do than google) but enough examples to refute your "only China" claim.


Hello, I am rather new to the Peak Oil discussion. However, I have spent a great deal of time studying the issue. From listening to both sides to this debate, the one fact everyone agrees with is that for numerous reasons it is getting very difficult to find and produce more oil every year as the older oil fields decline. Assuming demand continues to rise as it has in the past this would seem to inevitably lead to a numerous and massive economic disasters.

BUT, I also see a relatively easy path which could be taken which could dramatically reduce the need for oil. Converting our transportation fleet to hbrid plug in electic vehicles would create massive demand destruction for oil. Further demand destruction could be obtained by converting the vehicles to run on compressed natural gas. Further oil demand destruction could readily be expanded by the use of biofuels. We need to stop the tarrifs on ethinol imported into our country. With this adjustment to our transportation we could have cars running effectively hundreds of miles while only using a gallon of gasoline.

It seems that if these simple and readily attainable chages could be accomplished, oil demand could be so destroyed that the world would face a glut of oil and Opec's hold on the world would be ended.

One only needs to look at how oil prices have fallen almost 30% due to very modest demand destruction due to the high prices, to see that demand destruction can derail the horrible consequenses of peak oil as it occurs.

Where are you from? I think you now need to spend a good deal of time studying those alternatives you propose.

Reply to PeakOil Is A Bitch,

I think that "we" will do all the things you mention and more, If "we" means the nations of the West. The problem. who is the "we" and "our" that is being referred to?

If it is the U.S., our gasoline consumption only accounts for about 10% of all the oil produced in the world. If any of the Peak Oil models widely accepted by the Peak community are correct (the Hubbert, Campbell, Deffeyes, Simmons models roughly averaged) and if the Export Land Models (ELM) are correct, the U.S. could stop EVERY CAR inside the borders of the nation from operating tomorrow, and outlaw the use of any privately owned gasoline vehicle, ANY, in the U.S. for the future, and it would still have virtually no impact on Peak oil. Likewise if the U.S. keeps driving, and Europe stops. Likewise if the Japanese stop driving. No one nation or even continent in the West now has the power to stop or even slow peak oil. We are simply not the area of growth in oil consumption in the world. Oil consumption has been roughly flat in the U.S. for years, and declining in Japan and Europe and will continue to do so. This matters not a spit in the sea to the issue of peak oil, because again, the western developed nations IS NOT where the growth in oil consumption is happening.

In the key post we are now replying to "Energy Vision 2050-part I", we must assume that Sterling Smith is taking a world view and not a national view. The question is, how can Mr. Smith assume that the nations of the world will come to any real agreement on how to address the energy issue? The high growth nations such as China, India, Eastern Europe and others will have an entirely different agenda than the slow growth but already wealthy nations of Europe, Japan and the U.S. We can sit around and discuss "here's what we should do" all we want to, it doesn't mean that the nations that really matter,the Asian developing nations that are really growing in consumption will agree to the agenda we set.

The oil consumption in the U.S., Japan, and Europe WILL DECLINE. That is as it should be. But we will do so simply because it is most economically sensible that we can do, because it enhances national security if we do, and we have the technology to reduce oil consumption if we so choose. Oil is frankly now not worth the trouble it takes to get it, even if it were far cheaper than it is now. It is going the way of the rotery telephone and television by antenna. We will reduce oil consumption in the West not because it is the "right" thing to do (although it is) but because it is profitable and will protect us.

But that will have absolutely no effect on peak oil. In a certain odd way, and if one is willing to be politically incorrect, it can be said that Peak Oil is a problem for the poor nations and the poor folks. The only reason we care is because we know that poor nations and poor folks can get a bit unruly.


The oil consumption in the U.S., Japan, and Europe WILL DECLINE. That is as it should be. But we will do so simply because it is most economically sensible that we can do, because it enhances national security if we do, and we have the technology to reduce oil consumption if we so choose. Oil is frankly now not worth the trouble it takes to get it, even if it were far cheaper than it is now. It is going the way of the rotery telephone and television by antenna. We will reduce oil consumption in the West not because it is the "right" thing to do (although it is) but because it is profitable and will protect us.

Are you implying that humans are rational and will always work together for the common good. I challenge anyone to prove that. Oil consumption will decline because it peaks, not because humanity comes to grips with it and voluntarily takes the drastic measures needed to mitigate the economic crisis peak oil will create throughout the world. To go on to say that we can profit from reducing oil consumption ignores the inevitable ongoing increases in the price of oil. Any savings from reduced oil consumption will be more than negated by the increasing price of oil. We are too far behind on the technology curve of alternative energy sources to solve the economic issue.

I may agree with your point that reduced oil consumption is profitable if you mean that reducing demand is cheaper than the cost of wars to enable us to increase our use of oil.

Saying oil "is frankly now not worth the trouble it takes to get it, even if it were far cheaper than it is now." is an unusual observation that I have never heard before on TOD and one that I'm not sure sounded the way you thought it would.

By the way, I still have a rotary phone; it comes in handy when the power goes out:)

> If it is the U.S., our gasoline consumption only accounts for about 10% of all the oil produced in the world.

And if you include diesel, kerosene (jet fuel), bitumen (asphalt), etc? In short, all of the transportation consumption should be included, which is about 66% of US oil consumption or roughly 18% of world consumption. Other developed countries could also make a big impact (most don't have as far as we do to go), increasing the percentage of world consumption.

Of course, I concur with Dr. Hirsch's finding that we will hit the wall regardless because there is not enough turnover in the auto fleet alone, among other measures, to enable a painless transition. But I believe starting the transition will now will likely reduce and shorten some of the pain later.

China is on the verge of a massive oil consumption boom though. China is where Japan were at the beginning of the 60s and S-Korea in the mid-80s in terms of development level. What happened in Japan and S-Korea the following 10 years? Japan's consumption increased 6-fold in 10 years while S-Korea increased its consumption 4-fold. The demand pressure building up in China up to 2020 is staggering.

Hello, I am rather new to the Peak Oil discussion. ... I also see a relatively easy path ... hybrid plug in electric vehicles

Hello there newbie. Welcome to TOD. Sorry for the rude reception (negative 5 rating at time of this post). Obviously you ruffled the feathers of some old crows here the wrong way.

Try to understand why and forgive them.

Yes, obviously you are new to the PO discussion. The HPEV option has been explored round and round here many a time. Bottom line is that "we" H. Sapiens are not as clever or as capable as you currently believe or as you may have read about in the science fiction books.

The bigger problem is that each of us is a "specialist" in some oddball triviality (accounting, acupuncture, business, engineering, law, etc.) and that tiny amount of knowledge gives us swelled head beliefs about the capabilities that "we" as a species have. We're not that smart. We don't have scalable technologies to do the "easy path" that you propose.

Welcome any way. Sorry for the bad news and the rude reception.
(If you are truly interested in PO, you will next begin to study electrochemical battery technologies to get a better understanding of why "we" don't have a decent battery, and then you will study electric power grid technologies, etc. You've got a lot of learning to do.)

-9 now, The Doomers have got the knives out today... :o)

PHEVs and so on will have a part to play as transportation is one area where economies are just begging to be made. A 100mpg PHEV will cost a fraction to run than a 20mpg SUV for sure and there are some breakthroughs currently being made in batteries and recharge times. I also think they will go some way to 'close the gap' in Fig 11.

But I also fear that the desire to carry on BAU as long as possible but 'more expensively' will be the real problem. Our ability to fund this 'more expensiveness'/BAU by telescoping all future earnings into the present via debt only works out well if the future is all roses. What happens when it becomes clear to everyone that the future is looking bleak? -And I don't just mean the 'Amuse Bouche' Credit Crunch we are now witnessing.

Add to this ELM, Resource Depletion/Nationalism, Social factors like Retiring Baby Boomers/ Medicare and a handful of other SHTF issues and its going to take some amazing decisioning to get us through and steer the ship from the rocks...


Even if we TOD Folk can agree on what the answers should be for the brightest future, our challenge is how to educate the other 99.99% to vote for politicians and policies that will make a difference.

Put another way: We are only collectively as intelligent as the TV shows the majority watches. Look at the US Presidential election. What is today's top issue? Pigs with lipstick! I rest my case.

What is today's top issue? Pigs with lipstick! I rest my case.

Maybe its just the massive contempt I have for the system/country/people I have the misfortune to be embedded within, but I think the US is unique among developed countries in this regards. My impression is that most of the rest of the developed world is able to come up with at least semi-rational energy plans. Sure some really stupid mistakes have been made -abandoning the nuclear option early on for many European countries. But they do seem capable of learning from their mistakes. It is only in the USA, where that seems impossible today.

POiaB:  I'm keeping myself away from a warm bed so I can give you an up-rate and a well-deserved response.

Aside from the difficulty of expanding the supply of petroleum-compatible biofuels and the effects of tariffs, I think you're dead on.  The inelasticity of oil supply is believed to produce a 20% price increase for a 1% shortage; this implies that a 1% demand cut can produce a 20% reduction in price.

Plug-in hybrids are, step back's claims notwithstanding, the bridge to the future.  Existing battery technologies such as advanced lead-acid (Firefly Energy) could power vehicles for 15-20 miles until lithium-ion or rechargeable zinc-air or sodium nickel chloride (Zebra) can step in.  The problem is getting the vehicles built with adequate powertrains; adapting to available batteries is the easy part, as it seems that just about every hybrid with decent sales has at least 1 PHEV conversion for it.

If rail is electrified, the supply of steam coal is no longer dependent upon oil to move it and the electricity supply becomes relatively secure against disruptions.  If road transport moves to PHEV and EV, the definition of "motor fuel" goes from petroleum to anything which generates electricity, from wind to nuclear to micro-hydro to industrial or domestic cogeneration.  As the number of sources grows, the threat of disruption recedes.

Yes, we can still screw this up.  It doesn't mean we will.

I think a much more realistic way to look at the future is to consider if high tech enclaves can be formed and if so how extensive they would be.

Trying to do generalized demand concepts in what is probably going to be a fractured world probably gets the numbers wrong.

If instead you look at the world on a region by region basis what stands out is that regions with both farmland and good hydroelectric power can remain relatively intact. In addition if they have good ports and at least decent railroads they can survive on agriculture and manufacturing. Outside of these regions with good coal supplies and good rivers or rail also come out fairing fairly well. And finally of course existing nuclear and NG power are important. If forced the use of oil for transportation can be minimized but electricity and farmland cannot be replaced. And last but not least the population should be well below the carrying capacity of the region.

Given this if you look around the world a lot of areas seem capable have having a robust local economy. Depending on your filter it represents anywhere from 400 million to two billion people who are blessed to live in a regions that could fairly easily withstand a energy crisis and keep its infrastructure intact.

On the west coast of the US from Northern California up the entire region fits a lot of the criteria to some extent its really southern California and much of the southwest into parts of Texas that could have problems.
For Mexico the biggest problem is of course Mexico City.

In many of the marginal cases the issue is more population concentration beyond the local carrying capacity.
In general in the US plenty of places exist that could support the entire population but it would require some movement in general away from the coasts and back to the Mississippi valley region. The point is that reasonable migrations alone could greatly reduce the stress at a regional level.

A similar analysis works for South America and Europe. Eastern Europe could for example handle a higher population. Australia for example could also fair fairly well with some reasonable movement of people to the northern territories.

But even assuming people don't make optimum moves you continue to have plenty of regions with sufficient natural wealth in fact if for some reason movement was restricted or the nations fragmented leaving large populations stranded with limited resources the other regions would probably fair even better if they where defensible.

Given this the need for nuclear plants to power certain regions or renewable sources is a lot lower than would be suggested if you simply assume that no major changes take place.

Now looking at your graph its pretty easy to see that energy production could easily drop to 5 terra watts without assuming further disruptions.

This would imply that countries like the US would produce 30% of their current energy levels and have economies closer to those of the 1950 as far as GDP.

This is easily doable without making assumptions about our societies ability to mobilize itself post peak.

Certainly it might be better but the easiest way to deal with peak oil is to cut demand by 50% or more.
These cuts take the form of moves to electric rail where political stability exist and can even take the form of additional nuclear power and coal fired plants. For regions of instability that take the form of demand destruction via social breakdown.

Looking at world wide energy production.

And population

One can see that a technically advanced population of around 2 billion seems very reasonable assuming 5 TW.
In fact the rest of the population which would continue to use energy could have 1-2 TW's to use if you assume a total of say 7 or so.

In any case you can push the population numbers and TW potentials around bottom line is 1-2 billion people are probably going to see a substantial drop in their standard of living.

Keep in mind that China alone would require about 2 TW by the early 2020s, almost triple the current production. Where is that going to come from?

"If instead you look at the world on a region by region basis "

Thank you memmel.

Why do people think the world will somehow miraculously unite and work together - how often in history have diverse regions/nations who were desperately competing for resources got together and sang Kimbia to solve their desperate problems?

There is no reason, other than "faith" and wishes to think it will be any different this time.

There will be regions where they can sustain a relatively modern economy and their biggest problem will be trying desperately to limit immigration.

Why do people think the world will somehow miraculously unite and work together?

I do not make any assumption that they will.

I do not think the areas that you describe are defensible in the way you envision. Once other areas of the world become unlivable, people will migrate to places what survival is still possible. Those areas will eventually be wrecked as well.

My point is that if there is a way that people can build an alternative energy infrastructure, it will probably happen. People are not going to willingly submit to a power down and huge die off.

I said nothing about people willingly doing anything one reason I think a 5 TW baseline energy level is reasonable is that a lot of resources would become unavailable because of war.

However the important point that seems to come up every single time I look at the problem is that a significant population redistribution seems to be a absolute requirement post peak. A micro scale version of this which we call the end of suburbia is a contentious issue on the oil drum.

This is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak in what we will be dealing with. In fact these migrations and attempted migrations are in my opinion the driver for fragmentation of our current nations into enclaves that will refuse entry to citizens of the same nation.

As and example of this look at China which has very tight internal border controls. Although ineffective to a large extent the wealthy cities with a special example of Hong Kong are not freely accessible by the average chinese.

So one is probably the number one post peak issue which is migration seems to be generally ignored by people trying to look at the big picture. I simply don't see a model as valid that does not include future migrations.

Just the simple example of building a new nuclear power plant will draw people and industry around the plant.
Given that we will have a shortage of energy and excess of people I can't see this going smoothly.

So you predict essentially a collapse scenario. That might happen. I think a successful building of a new energy infrastructure is possible. I am just trying to explore what it would take to get us there.

I think a successful building of a new energy infrastructure is possible.

Of course it's possible. It's even possible that the energy infrastructure will be similar in type to the energy infrastructure we have right this minute. It is possible I can win the lottery ... not likely, but possible.

Other development scenarios are more likely, in my opinion. I would expect to see a general shrinking of 'industrial bases' to enclaves - with the other areas being 'de-industrialized'.

It is possible that many de-industrialised areas will be pleasant while others, hellholes. Some fertile area will become desert. Other places will wind up underwater. Without the constant fuel imput and an improvement in water management, food production will become 'chancy'. Marginal areas will likely be hard places to survive in. More and more places will become marginal. People in difficult circumstances are not in a position to support technology projects. Only the wealthy can do that, and a de-industrialized world will become a less wealthy (in some ways) place.

De- industrialization and enclaves are already under establishment in the US. Wealth here is generated by borrowing from other countries while enabling their own industrialization. On its face, this is unsustainable.

As for wars; very likely, but the 'danger period' for major, interregional wars (with possible nuclear outcomes) is from this minute ... to perhaps ten years from now. All 'modern' military forces are extremely dependent on liquid fuels ... particularly the militaries of the US, NATO, China, Russia, India and Pakistan. As petroleum runs out, the temptation to use military force to guarantee supplies will intensify. See: Iraq ... It's a 'Use it or Lose it' paradigm. Once petroleum decline sets in in earnest, the military effectiveness of the major powers will decline ... along with the powers, themselves. Even if a 'working alternative' for electric production is put into place, it will not substitute for conventional liquid fuels. One cannot run a 60 ton main battle tank ... or helicopters or self- propelled artillery ... on batteries.

Without modern militaries, the political structures that they support will subside, which means irregular forces will fill the vacuum.

2050 Europe/America might well become like 14th century Italy; divided into small, ineffectual warring states with merecenary militias sufficient to maintain instability, but insufficient toward compelling the sort of unity that would succor technological advances. Some of these states might be very pleasant, with many 'marvels' (streetcars and streetlights and whatnot) and culture. Others would be hellholes ... but none would be under any measure a substitute for modern Italy ... or America. Under this scenario, broadly based replacement infrastructure development would be unlikely.

This leaves out the onrushing 'peak water', 'peak arable land', and 'peak credit/wealth' issues.

The concept of wide-scale 'prosperity' is a conceit that has existed as long as it has because it is politically expedient. No politician can get elected promising less, sacrifice or hardship. Prosperity has so far been easy to obtain, tap, drill, mine or chop down for it. Nature doesn't vote and it hasn't ...

until now.

The underlying issue is whether nature is capable of satisfying our insatiable gluttony. Whose specific gluttony and how it can be managed in fine detail is irrelevant. The gluttony will be reduced. This means less, not more of some different kind. Less either will be done by action on our parts ... or it will be imposed upon us by nature.


I think we have examined these doomer scenarios often here. My idea is let's define what it would take for the world to take a big hit in the next twenty years but build like crazy and come out of it. That is the idea behind my scenario. Then once we have some agreement on what it would take (I do not hope to line up the irreconcilables), the survivor faction will come back with another part of the vision that describes what it would look like. Then you can judge if that vision is plausible and whether it is likely.

Right now you doomers have had the floor pretty much alone. Many people think there is no conceivable way that we could build our way out of this. I just think that is mistaken.


To doom or not to doom, that is the question!

Many people think there is no conceivable way that we could build our way out of this. I just think that is mistaken.

What exactly are we trying to build? A cleaned-up version of 'the American Way of Life'? 'Consumer Paradise Deux'?

Unless it is a quantum improvement over the current mess, it's not worth making an investment in, period. To generate terawatts of power ... for more cars, more noise, more sprawl, more waste, more, more more more more more more! YIKES! Waffo?

Opt me out! I am a doomer. Hear me roar!

This is an existential situation that cannot be simplified into an engineering issue to be dealt with by applied technolory. A lot of what the 'Doomers' express - here and elsewhere - is dissatisfaction with the current regime. This regime doesn't measure VALUES of its products, but rather the technical means of their production relative to cost and that measurement is given as a substitute FOR values. This is a fundamental fraud, that cannot be reconciled in any way to either ends or means. These things and all that supports them ... have insinuated themselves into every part of our lives. The consumer paradise has leeched itself onto us and won't let go. It does not even have the courage of its own conviction to admit that this is so ...

We ... I ... am more than the sum total of automobiles I own. Can't we try something else?

In the economics world there is a lot of talk about 'The Economy'. "What does it mean," I ask? "Is there One Economy like One God or ... Jesus or Allah ... " Our 'One True Economy' doesn't work very well, why does everyone in America and the developed world make such sacrifices for this Economy? What about alternative economies? Can anybody think of any? How functional can the 'One True Economy' be when it measures the profits of gambling casinos as production? How functional can it be when if measures Consumption as Production? How functioal when economist cannot agree what are the best ways to keep it running properly; the Austrian School has one idea and the Keynesians have another ... and the Friedman school and the Greenspans ... and everybody cheats, anyway! How is our current 'lifestyle' so much different from our ridiculous economy?

The world has gotten itself into this corner by doing things ... just because they can be done. Your issue is seminal to the degree that the reconciliation of the dilemma - that an alternative scheme is possible or not - can be measured in abstract, here. Time will tell, of course. In a perfect world, there would be no need for terawatts. In an imperfect world, calculating whether the terawatts will arrive or not requires more than just connecting the wires.

I just got here and don't know anyone here. All I wanted to say is that Steve from Virginia's post is a very sensible statement. The present model does not work. Only hubris demands that we believe it can be fixed. Only hubris.

A lot of what the 'Doomers' express - here and elsewhere - is dissatisfaction with the current ... VALUES

Wishing doesn't make it so. And I would point out the {questionable} ethics of wishing death and destruction on most of your co-inhabitants, simply because they don't subscribe to your personal view of utopia.


Forgive me if my point has been addressed down the thread - I'm diving into the discussion while I have a couple of minutes.

I don't think it's helpful to cast people as doomers simply because they do not think that the world can build its way out of a problem that is being created essentially by overbuilding. I hope for a better world for my descendants but that doesn't mean I believe it is possible or desirable that such a world will need an ever-growing number of vehicles, flyovers, airports, cellphones, airports, you-name-it, together with ever-increasing consumption of resources to feed that growth.

Historically, humans do not have a good record of making big transitions without getting into conflicts (think industrialisation/empire building; Napoleonic War (really, the first "world war" since it spanned America, Europe and the Far East) or the growth of oil and the first/second world wars). Humans have warred for millennia - I don't think that having had stupid amounts of fossil energy at our disposal for around half a century will change that, so further conflict seems inevitable. Again, I don't think that recognising that fact makes me a "doomer" - many millions have died in past wars but millions more were unaffected by wars or survived them (even prospered) and then lived out the rest of their lives.

I'd recommend Clive Ponting's book "A Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations" to anyone looking for a perspective on how we got where we are today in order to seek answers for the future.

And of course, "collapse" doesn't necessarily mean annihilation.

There's a difference between acknowledging the potential for nasty future scenarios and trying to work out rational mitigations, a position which I take, and actively promoting and hoping for said nasty scenarios (doomers).

I don't think it's helpful to cast people as doomers simply because they do not think that the world can build its way out of a problem that is being created essentially by overbuilding.

The question is not "is our society good"; the question is "can we replace fossil fuels as our energy source"?

You or I or anyone here may or may not like the various things you've listed (consumer culture, militancy, etc.), but those likes and dislikes of ours have very little to do with the physical question of whether getting energy from X instead of Y is possible. It's entirely possible to come to the conclusion that replacing fossil fuels would be easy, but that we should not continue business-as-usual for other reasons.

"Possible" and "desirable" are different questions, and it helps no-one to mix them up.

"Possible" and "desirable" are different questions, and it helps no-one to mix them up.

True they are different questions, but one has to ask both before making one's plans otherwise one runs the risk of either attempting the impossible or achieving the absurd. Utopia or suburbia.

Ask how to produce "TW for growth" or whatever before asking why by all means (the former question might at least produce answers that most people agree on) but let's not fall into the trap of calling people doomers simply for pointing out that that's what we've always done in the past and questioning the value of where that has got us.

Ends and means. How can the two be separated when they are both part of one process?

Both have to be ocnsidered if only for reasons of allocating capital.


Ends and means. How can the two be separated when they are both part of one process?

End: "I want to visit a friend."
Means: "I will drive my car there."

Now remove oil:

End: "I want to visit a friend."
Means: "I will ride my bike there."

Or change the goal:

End: "I want to get a bookcase from the store."
Means: "I will drive my car there."

Ends and means are very different. It needlessly confuses the issue to try mixing them.

Both have to be ocnsidered if only for reasons of allocating capital.

Absolutely. But they're different questions, which means that confusing one for the other will just lead to muddled thinking and a lack of progress on figuring out either.

The absolute power of the military might decrease, but it is relative strengths which are important, and that is what wins battles.
Their power could be a fraction of what it is now, and lesser armed peoples would still be helpless.

The only reason that areas like Iraq and Afghanistan are able to fight back is because the Great Powers are still 'playing nice'
Halagu Khan had no trouble at all subduing them.
He just killed huge numbers of people, and any resistance would have resulted in entire districts being denuded of people.

As the technology drops further, machete's are quite adequate to dispose of whole populations.

Those who want to give up all aspects of Business as Usual, must be tired of Breathing as Usual, as any drastic drop in material circumstances will lead as it always has to massive endemic warfare, and in that environment any notion of some sort of green paradise with everyone back to nature and avoiding the alleged evils of nuclear power are entirely fallacious.

We either make things work, and although many things might change that include large amounts of BAU, many elements must remain, or the death toll will leave few survivors, and they would be at a fantastically low standard of living.

Any little areas which were doing something like trying to survive with the low EROI of wind turbines would have their infrastructure hopelessly smashed so as to make that impossible.

We don't need to guess about it, it has happened before and the result was very primitive conditions, with all the complicated systems of the Roman Empire, for instance, rendered useless.
Of course, at that time the disaster was not universal.
This time it would be, and the process of reducing the population to the 500 million or so which might theoretically be maintainable in some sort of renewable society would smash things up so thoroughly that the population would drop far, far lower.

Exactly. The doomers do not have the moral high ground.

The real problem that I think causes the split between doomer and non doomer is the doomer don't make the assumption that the middle class must be sustained at anywhere near its present size or form while most anti-doomers are really pro middle class.

Looking at most job descriptions including my own I see no real reason for it to be sustained. As long as the middle class resulted in growth and the flow of wealth to the top it was tolerated to a certain extent.
Historically and by a large number or metrics large middle class populations are rare.

Certainly our modern kings are in love with technology and the need a fairly extensive support class and generally technology is needed for mass production etc. So we have a reason for X precentage of the middle class thats involved in our core industries. But this required precentage is much smaller than the worlds total.

I'll use two example almost anything thats technically possible can be done within the state of California or within the countries of Britain or Germany. What I mean is that in these cases a population level of 30-60 million living a decent living level can provide everything we need as far as high tech goes.

Now certainly when you get into these population and do a serious review of the jobs people do you can make some significant further cuts how low can you take it ?

10 million is very reasonable and it could be lower if you focus on key technologies. The bottom line is most of us are not needed at all and for people that are doing needed jobs most of them are redundant esp if the population living the good life was smaller.

So just assuming BAU in the sense that a complete high tech civlization exsists with PHEVS EV VC EV? etc etc really does not require a huge backing population.

It hurts to realize your not needed but thats the truth. If your not needed and energy is in short supply then you will be forced to reduce your standard of living or if your luck find high paying meaningful employment.

Doomers if you will like myself recognize this and further we recognize that concentration of power has reached the point that we no longer have control of our futures. The wealthy are just as unneeded but they have power we do not.

How can you convince them to pay for all this stuff so we can live the good life at their expense ?

Once energy and other resources become dear again the natural outcome is for the wealthy to begin to concentrate resources concentration of fiat currency is not that important. In fact the wealthy being smart are the first people to switch back to a barter economy and collect real assets to maintain wealth.

The big question is then how many people do they need to ride their coat tails so to speak.

I'm a doomer because I say not very many.

Your not a doomer because you feel like we all have high net worth however you never explain why we need to keep the middle class anywhere near its current levels.

Show me that the miles of strip malls and housing tracks and nail salons etc etc are absolutely critical to our high tech economy and I'd change my views. However if they are not needed and the wealthy do switch for concentration of fiat currencies to concentration of assets then you can be pretty sure these redundant assets that don't generate wealth will be scrapped just like the people the live and work in them.

Its tough realizing you have no more value than the poorest beggar in the streets of India but to be honest from the viewpoint of the people at the top what we see as a huge difference is a minor split.

Once you humble yourself and realize that your own value to a post peak world is small then you realize that most people you know are in the same boat and the doomer position follows.


Thank you for raising a very interesting point.
But before I give my perspective I'd like to outline what I think are your assumptions:

1. The elites will continue to requre a certain level of technology
2. Those same elites require a supporting skilled population to provide that technology
3. The current large middle class population is larger than needed to provide the elites with what they require.

Are we in agreement with that?

If so, I'd like to begin by examining the assumptions.
#1 I will leave alone.
#2 I will leave alone.

#3 is the interesting one for me.
Why do we have a much larger middle class population than is strictly necessary to maintain the elites?
I think this comes down to a couple of factors.
The one is that the increased wealth of the middle class makes the elites even wealthier than they would be otherwise and that, human nature being what it is, would make them want to continue the status quo unless they are absolutely convinced they have to take a drop. If that is the case, can we answer the question of whether the elites are the same as the rest of us? Will they willingly take a drop?

The other is this:
If it is the case that the elites have indeed decided that it is necessary to reduce the middle class then the question is:
Are they ABLE to? A corrollary question is this: Is is SAFE to do so?

I ask this question because if there is a sudden collapse in the standard of living of the middle classes, a dictator will be voted in who will problem the ex-middle-class the lifestyle they used to have. Dictators being what they are, will provide this by *blaming* some other third party and effectively igniting a war. I can see that the rest of the world could easily say the problem is the USA or China which would be a huge, huge issue. If we get a third world war the elites themselves in their carribean hidey-holes will not be safe either.

Thus I have to question the whole position that it is in the interests of the elites to reduce the middle class by means of a collapse. If they had the power (and it is by no means certain that they do) to reduce the middle class population and desired it, it would be much safer for them to do it *slowly*.

I have to question the whole position that it is in the interests of the elites to reduce the middle class by means of a collapse.

I question whether it's in their interests at all.

This is a massive issue in China. Essentially, the government is using economic growth to keep its hold on power secure, with the idea being that people whose lives are improving are less likely to revolt.

If you're super-rich, would you rather have (a) 10% more money, or (b) a 10% chance of revolution wiping out your wealth?

Driving vast amounts of the middle class into poverty simply isn't a sensible strategy for anyone rich to take. Wealth is of limited value without stability, and even someone trying to selfishly maximize their own benefit will want to maximize stability. In a relatively modern society, one of the best ways to do that is simply by making sure most people have reasonably good (or improving) lives.

... simply by making sure most people have reasonably good (or improving) lives.

... or the "dream" that one will come in this life or the next if only they continue to do good works for the elites ;-)

Let them eat cake.

Seriously for the most part the American middle class is only interest to the elite every four years or so for a few months around election time.

Hell our politicians barely even try to act like they are representing the people any more.
What the elites do or don't do is up to them but one thing we do know is they suffer from infinite greed.
I suspect most would be classified as psychopaths or suffering any number of mental problems.

As far as safe or able to destroy the middle classes well we have not have anything close to the use of force to control the masses used in the past so sure they are able.

On that note, I see where our lipstick candidate is not ruling out war with Russia. Great to hear directly from the hand that rocks the cradle. It will be quite an empty cradle should that occur.

Hell our politicians barely even try to act like they are representing the people any more.

Ahh, the "things were better back in the Good Old Days" fallacy.

Are your "Good Old Days" the 50s, when people were blacklisted on suspicion of being commies? Or the 60s, when the government misled the public to get support for starting a war? Or the 70s, when national guard troops were shooting students? Or...

Those days weren't that good, and these days aren't that bad.

What the elites do or don't do is up to them but one thing we do know is they suffer from infinite greed.
I suspect most would be classified as psychopaths or suffering any number of mental problems.

And you base this "knowledge" on what, exactly?

The two richest people in the world have donated almost all of their money to charity. That doesn't make them saints, but it suggests that "infinite greed" doesn't have much basis in reality. And while I suppose it could be argued that you'd be crazy to give away $40B, I hardly see how that's a reasonable basis for a diagnosis of "psychopath".

Far more likely is that you simply don't like "The Man", and so you believe all kinds of bad things about people with money or power. If that indicates anything about anyone having mental troubles, I don't think it's indicating it about them.

As far as safe or able to destroy the middle classes well we have not have anything close to the use of force to control the masses used in the past so sure they are able.

You realize you've just said "we've never seen it so of course it would work"? Do you realize how absurd that sounds?

Fact of the matter is, places like China can and have used brutal force to control their populations, and have decided that it's much better for them to use soft power - like economic growth - than hard power. Anyone can look for themselves and compare places like China which use soft power to places like Burma, North Korea, or Zimbabwe which use hard power, and anyone who does will pretty quickly come to the conclusion that they'd much rather be elites in the former than in the latter.

Living in a stable and prosperous country will make an elite richer and safer than living in a beaten-down, impoverished one; why would any rational person choose the latter?

So I simply cannot agree with any of your theories, as they all make what all evidence suggests is an insane assumption, namely that "the elites" will sacrifice their own wealth, comfort, and safety in order to beat down "the masses". Unless you can back up that assumption, you're never going to get anywhere.

Memmel, you draw one possible future and assume that it is the only one.
It is also doubtful if it is in fact possible, as the high-tech enclaves you refer to would attract considerable forces which would try to take them over.

In any situation where there is much conflict and a shortage of resources, the contenders usually thin out, as the advantage goes to the biggest fish, in the law of the fishes.

In this situation, the point of mass production and the middle classes is that it increases the ability to fight war, and so the instabilities in the system you suggest might well lead to either total collapse as people fought over the remnants, or one power which in fact managed to maintain mass production, maybe by the use of nuclear power, dominating the others.

You are hypothecating a system which suffers a catastrophic collapse, and then somehow miraculously stabilises, without giving any indication of why that should occur.

Your case for the impoverishment of the middle classes is a strong one, but the story doesn't stop there, and can go in all sorts of directions thereafter, including the sans culottes executing the rascals.

Even the IPCC draws more than one scenario! It appears that you have allowed your dislike of many aspects of the present system to influence your predictions, which verge on prophesy rather than rational scenarios aware of the unpredictability of the real world, which escapes and transcends our models time after time.

Well my point was its easy enough to come up with a good base case scenario that not the end of the world.

I don't consider impoverishment of the middle class as the end of the world the only reason I focus on it is that anti-doomers if you will focus on saving the middle class as indicative of saving the world.

Driving your EV from your suburban home does not ensure we have saved the world so to speak and on the same hand riding a electric train to work for 30% of your current pay and living in a shoddy soviet style high rise apt block is not the end of the world.

Between these two extremes is a quality of life concept that replaces our current materialism.

And underlying these resource focused arguments is a need to change our lifestyles and societies.

My approach is to start with the bad scenario and see how they can be turned into better outcomes.
I don't agree with most of the rosier projects simply because they have assumptions that may or may not be true.

For example assuming that suburban homes retain their value alone implies that we have no major changes in the social, economic, resource framework that requires 30 years of stability to support long term home loans.

This assumption is a bit of a catch 22 since its only true if we successfully mitigate peak oil.

For the most part all rosier projects implicitly require the success of the projection to validate the projection. So most including the current key post are logically invalid.

Assuming that we maintain the resources to build nuclear power plants required to create and support the infrastructure to build nuclear power plants suffer from this logical bootstrap failure.

Bootstrapping from a overshot in the sense of over impoverished situation ensures that resources are in excess because the majority is denied them by force.

This overshoot condition ensures reasonable bootstrap capacity. And it simply requires extensive impoverishment of our excess population with is the natural outcome anyway.

Can we do better dunno our track record is awful.

Attempting to parse that was a chore; you need to punctuate.

The real problem that I think causes the split between doomer and non doomer is the doomer don't make the assumption that the middle class must be sustained at anywhere near its present size or form while most anti-doomers are really pro middle class.
As long as the middle class resulted in growth and the flow of wealth to the top it was tolerated to a certain extent.
Certainly our modern kings are in love with technology...
Doomers if you will like myself recognize this and further we recognize that concentration of power has reached the point that we no longer have control of our futures.

The difference is not that non-doomers are pro middle class; the difference is that they don't see their lives as being controlled by "modern kings" the way you seem to.

Your arguments don't have anything to do with energy or oil; they're all simply based on "the kings won't need us, so they'll cast us aside". With that worldview, the question of energy supplies is basically irrelevant; you've started with your conclusion already picked out, and all you're doing is making up a story to fit it.

So just assuming BAU in the sense that a complete high tech civlization exsists with PHEVS EV VC EV? etc etc really does not require a huge backing population.


You're arguing as if people are only allowed to live if they're "necessary". That's an assumption of epic proportions, and it makes your entire argument essentially meaningless to anyone who doesn't already agree with you.

Most people won't be "necessary" to maintain and advance technology. Most people aren't now. Most people haven't been for generations. Why does that suddenly matter now? Why didn't the "modern kings" force us all into penury already? If they haven't yet, why will they suddenly decide to do so?

You're just latching onto peak oil as a rationalization for a pre-determined conclusion.

Your not a doomer because you feel like we all have high net worth however you never explain why we need to keep the middle class anywhere near its current levels.

Your question doesn't even make sense outside of the argument you're tried to frame.

Sterling's not arguing we "need" to keep the middle class large; he's arguing we want to do so, as it's a lot more pleasant to be middle class than dirt poor.

Your argument, as best I can make out, is that "our modern kings" won't "let" us keep a large middle class. Modern history doesn't agree with you, though; in the last 50 years, the middle class has been growing by leaps and bounds throughout the world. You can see this going on today in India and China, despite the fact that the level of control elites have over the masses is far higher in China than in the West.

We don't "need" a large middle class, and haven't ever needed one. It's steadily grown, though, because that's what people want, and they're willing to work for it.

I don't buy it. If you are going to assume, Sterling, that there are enough resources (no limits as you state) and that people are going to turn on their AC at will, your argument reduces to "do better". Peter Drucker wrote repeatedly how if something failed repeatedly - a position, a policy - then "do better" is not a functional solution. It is delusional, he writes.

Memmel's 30% number seems order-of-magnitude right to me - a disruptive level. John Howe crunched the numbers and figured 1/8 current use. Close enough for rock-n-roll. I don't see how we move at all on this until we do hit a major and serious disruptive junture - a discontinuity. At discontinuity, all those pretty graphs fall apart.

That the US will cut its total energy use to about what the Pentagon uses already strikes me as unlikely.

The other thing about this top post - it posits solving energy issues without much consideration to climate change, environmental degradation and economic inequalities. All of which are issues when population drops to 1 to 2 billion. Nor does it fit with any sort of thermodynamic analysis of the greater economy. So I'm skeptical.

Still, if your aim is to figure out what is necessary to keep civilization going as we need it, then yes, the assumptions - among them "no limits" - are necessary.

cfm in Gray, ME

There are plenty of limits. There are just three sources that are not fuel limited, but two of those are very diffuse and intermittent. However, there is one way to solve the puzzle.

Turning on the A/C at will does not equate to pulling lots of power from the grid at will.  If you want something chilled to somewhat above 0°C, it's relatively easy to do it with ice stored from hours to months previously.  It's been done before, and it's likely to be done again.  You can buy an Ice Bear unit to do it today.  Similar adaptations are quite feasible for other goods.

I'm skeptical of the thermodynamic issues to which you allude.  I've not seen one which holds water.

One can see that a technically advanced population of around 2 billion seems very reasonable assuming 5 TW.

The available wind power world-wide has been recently estimated at around 72 GW.  That is 8 kW per capita for a population of 9 billion.

I think you have dropped three 0's. 72GW/9Billion= 8watts/person. The US has 20GW of wind capacity now, and the world about 80 GW capacity and only scratching surface. Perhaps you mean 72Tw capacity? At 10x3.5 MW turbines per sq mile this would require 72,000,000 MW/35MW=2million sq miles or x3 this to allow for 35%capacity factor.


The US DOE says 10 MW per section, not 10 turbines. If you want to use 3.5 MW turbines, you get three per square mile. The problem is that wind is very diffuse and even if you use very large areas of land you do not get that much.

Then there is the question of what parts of the world have good wind resource. From US-DOE World Wind Map it looks to me that the only parts of the land area of the world that have good large scale wind resources are the North American plains and the western Sahara, where each might have a million square miles. Maybe there are three million square miles of the world that have good resource. So if reliable production is 1/3 of nameplate that is 3,000,000/3 * 10MW = 10TW as the upper bound.


You are correct; that should have been 72 TW.

I'm getting more kneejerk reaction from the comments than the article. Alan my prediction is that nonvolcanic geothermal electricity will disappoint big time. Memmel people could move to the northern territories but they don't want to.

I suspect to keep 'growth' numbers looking good TPTB will have to redefine GDP or material well being. Something like 'your stress levels have improved 3.9% since you became impoverished'. I'm also not sure about power on demand, more like aggressive supply interruptions. The electrolytic zinc smelter near here is going to hire more staff. I think they'll all need iPods to receive messages like 'don't bother coming in this week'.

Yes, "Hedonics" gone mad...

Since people now have to car share they are talking more and thus the commuting experience is a lot more enjoyable, GDP Inflator factor: +10%...

Anyone else think its getting a bit 'Big Brother' ?


Only in the last few years have "other than water" working fluids been proven (to a level that convinces a skeptic). Still lots of sorting out to find which fluid works best where. But by 2050 good engineers should have that well figured out.

The ability to exploit lower grade thermal resources at "acceptable" cost is now a given IMO. Not so just five years ago.

Not all areas have even "low grade" geo-thermal resources, but many do.

Best Hopes for Barely Proven New Technologies,


Good to have a little optimism shining through, forgetting the if's but's and maybe's. Being right isn't necessarily always for the best.

However, what's wrong with zero economic growth? Surely there are countless examples from history, indeed most of history, where no economic growth took place and everyone got along just fine. I'm thinking of Australian Aboriginal society and others.

An intelligent person can only eat, drink and generally consume so much and remain healthy. For those of us who can satisfy our real needs (not greeds) what exactly is the point of growth?

No growth will cause havoc for people, high unemployment and social chaos. It is not a good situation. We need growth, and especially as society ages, unless you want to work 40 hour week until you're 80.

"..unless you want to work 40 hour week until you're 80."

Like they do in China/India/and 'developing' country - if they get past 50 that is... ;-)


However, what's wrong with zero economic growth?

The fact that so many still live in crushing poverty without food security, clean water, access to medical care or information.

Surely there are countless examples from history, indeed most of history, where no economic growth took place and everyone got along just fine.

I'm drawing a blank here.

I'm thinking of Australian Aboriginal society and others.

Unless you are enamored with nasty, short and brutish lives filled with tribal warfare, disease and death I would discourage from using aboriginies or indeed any indigenous tribes as an example.

An intelligent person can only eat, drink and generally consume so much and remain healthy. For those of us who can satisfy our real needs (not greeds) what exactly is the point of growth?

Depends on what you count as economic growth. Monetary terms aren't so interesting to me since money is just a token with which you can entitle yourself to accessing real wealth, but it's not wealth in itself.

If as many harddrives are produced as last year and sold for the same price, but 10% faster and twice as large, is this economic growth? No, the same number of green slips of paper with numbers printed on them change hands(absent inflation); but it is undeniably a growth of human wealth.

I can certainly think of an almost endless list of things; many of which imply technological growth rather than a growth of energy or resource consumption. Longer useful life-span, more leisure time, more people able to work fulfilling jobs involving scientific or creative endevours instead of manual labour or beaurocratic toil, more music and widespread access to it, more varied and interesting food supply, better access to education, cheaper and faster housing built to individual specifications by machine, better access to the technology to create and sell or share creative works, better access to nature, the abillity to customize each individual item produced on an assembly line to individual specifications instead of making each item from the same template...

The fact that so many still live in crushing poverty without food security, clean water, access to medical care or information.

'Growth' has often engendered these problems, rather than alleviate them. The argument is hollow.

I'm drawing a blank here.

It's called Japan. Specifically during the Edo Period

Unless you are enamored with nasty, short and brutish lives filled with tribal warfare, disease and death I would discourage from using aboriginies or indeed any indigenous tribes as an example.

How much do you know about Australian Aboriginals, really do tell? A life full of death? - Let me turn off my non sequiter detection a minute.
But you're right, we must show a complete disregard and distaste for all indigenous peoples who choose to live with nature rather than attempt to subdue and defeat it - This is the only way to ensure we do not undermine the sense of self-worth we derive from our physical affluence.

Your final paragraph is list of the presumed benefits of a bogus ideology and bankrupt culture. All these perceived benefits come at a price however and they are all based on an extractive culture regardless of the purported wonders of technology.

Somebody said this here recently:
"Any suggestion that the system that rewards them is based on a failing assumption implicitly means that they might not be so extraordinary."

I hope this doesn't sound too sentimental. But I think we need to give the Australian Aboriginals a bit of respect here, guys. Sure, they didn't have 'civilization' as we define it, that is, advanced, sophisticated, urban culture, with collosal energy use; but to almost regard or imply that they we brutal, warlike, close to beasts, is wildly inaccurate and unhelpful.

They did the best they could with the resources at their disposal within framework of the environment occupied. Plus their way of life was extraordinarily stable, sustainable and didn't launch a genocidal attack on their flora and fauna like our civilization has. Their lifestyle, technology and culture, was arguably the most 'successful' and long-lasting in all human history, measured in tens of thousands of years, far longer than ancient Eygypt, China, Rome, Greece, not to mention our own, which has only been around for a couple of centuries.

Seen from an aboriginal perspective the coming of the Whiteman to Australia has been something close to an ecological catastrophe for the continent. Let alone the terrible effect on the natives themselves, who have bascally seen their culture destroyed.

In a wider historical and ecological perspective we have a tremendous ammount to learn from the aboriginals, as we do from many 'primative' peoples, about how one lives in an environment over time without destroying it, perhaps beyond repair. The contrast between how we live and how they lived is very informative. It shows how it's possible to live in a relatively hostile environment, with minimal energy consumption, and survive and flourish. Arguably the aboriginal lifestyle is the only realistic and longterm way to survive in the Australian environment, unless one is capable of accessing a 'infinite' ammount of energy from somewhere and an 'infinite' supply of other vital raw materials.

Plus their way of life was extraordinarily stable, sustainable and didn't launch a genocidal attack on their flora and fauna like our civilization has.

I might just point out that one needs a lot of education in aboriginal cultures and histories to draw conclusions such as this. eg. presently Australian aboriginals are in a fight with Friends of the Earth Australia to retain their traditional methods of interacting with nature (widspread use of fire to control undesired vegetation and encourage preferred vegetation, mistreatment of rivers by FoEA standards, etc.) Also there is signiicant evidence that a lot of species may have abruptly gone extinct in Australia about the time humans first arrived there. How does whale-killing by northern Canadian aboriginals fit into your vegan diet definition of "sustainable"?

FoEA acknowledges that the environment movement has been complicit in the dispossession of Indigenous people on a number significant occasions in Australia

Just saying. Oversimplifications are often unhelpful.

It may not be necessary to go as far back as Australian Aborigines. We have Amish and Mennonite societies embedded in many parts of the world. They have done a fairly decent job of being stewards of the land and living in harmony with themselves and the ¨outside¨ world. Lots of necessary post peak skills are found in these communities. Fairly low energy footprint. They seem big on utility rather than style. They use actual horsepower though some have tractors. Though each community has some specialists many are generalists. There sense of community and shared responsibility is strong. It is very much a pacifist society. There is much they could teach us I believe.

Economy, Schmeconomy!

Our economy, the current one, the one everybody complains about in 'Business Publications' is a relatively new invention. Along with the 'new, improved' economy, came 'growth'. Advancing technology has accompanied growth to the degree it is conflated with it, but technology has not been with us consistently for a long time, either.

Anything prior to the 16th century could be considered 'no- growth' or better, 'Pre- growth'.

The Romans didn't have an economy. They (as far as I can tell) didn't have economists. They did have coins and a treasury. Coinage does not mean economy, in the sense of a centralized collective enterprise with the purpose of creating wealth. the Romans had other roads to wealth. In the Republic, the treasury was the national collection of captured weapons from the leaders of defeated states. Rome acquired wealth through military prowess. It became merchantile prior to the Empire (it traded between different parts) but never organized an economy.

The Chinese had money in the 2d century BC. The Mongol conquerers of China had paper money! Marco Polo noted it. Europe had banks from the Renaissance onward; the trading states needed convertible funds and forums for settlements as well as loaned capital. The Crowned Heads needed to pawn gems and whatnot to support explorers and wars.

Trade in the Pre- growth era was not the 'Trade' of today. Exchanges took place between enterprises that were not necessarily collective. Pre- growth trade was merchantile. Today's trade is extending the supply chain.

'Fractional reserve' banking was invented in England. There were 'Country Banks' in England in the 17th century using this system which lends deposits at interest leaving a fraction on hand for day-to-day operations. There had been lending at interest prior, but it was disreputable. Fractional reserve banking had a flaw, a demand for deposits by a certain percentage of depositors would quickly exhaust the amount of money 'in the till'. Reserve and corresponding banks were a way to manage this problem.

In 1914, economic growth became valuable on its own terms because it could be used to justify an increase in the amount of available money. Prior to 1914, money supply was tied to the amount of gold that a banking system held in reserve as collateral for money released into circulation. It could be said the modern economy was born in 1914 ... as a wartime expedient.

Between 1933 to 1975 the western world severed the money supply - gold relationship, insuring that the money supply would be continuously inflated. Like the increase in population ... rising exponentially ... the amount of money keeps growing. All (post- modern) money is debt, loaned and inflated into existance. With no constraints, it grows. There is 'growth' built into the very concept of economy; one truly cannot exist without the other. Problem is ... just speaking economically ... money growth becomes irrelevant to anything at some point. There is huperinflation OR ... the creation and destruction of money in a galaxy long ago and far offstage. (Hint, the latter is taking place in America, right now.)

The debt implicit in money creation itself becomes too large to pay. This is also where we are 'at' in America, right now.)

We are @ peak money. This is me, I might be wrong. I don't mind being wrong. I look at money as a tool, like a tape measure. If the number of standards of the tape become too great or increments too small, how useful can it be? An economy of billions and trillions has abandoned human scale. What purpose can it have except to measure itself, and with the rate of growth expanding exponentially, that measurement cannot be accurate. If it's not accurate ... back to the beginning ... it is not useful.

We are currently in a no growth period right now. (Economists say 'different', but they lie.) It's not so bad, is it? If we go back to a gold- standard, Pre WWI 'no- growth' economy, (hard currencies tend to be deflationary, the def of no growth) it will be different ... but it may very well prove to be quite superior to what we are saddled with currently.

Let's put it this way; we're going off the 'growth' process whether we want to or not, for economic reasons, not necessaily energy related reasons. We need to come up with another process ... another tape measure ... damned quick.

If we go back to a gold- standard, Pre WWI 'no- growth' economy, (hard currencies tend to be deflationary, the def of no growth)

Perhaps could benefit by mixing some economics and history into your reading.

1) The Romans developed a very sophisticated economy, as did the Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, etc. etc. before them. One of the constant worries of a Roman Emperor was where to get enough imported grain to feed the proles in Rome so they wouldn't rebel. He usually resolved this by purchasing grain from across the Med. and hiring merchant fleets to ship it to Rome.

2) Can you give me a single rational explanation for why all economic activity above barter in the world must be limited stictly to that which can be paid for with units of some randomly chosen yellow metal which is also commonly used up and lost as an electrical conductor, mirror reflector, etc. etc.? If someone should then discover some previously unknown easily recoverd huge source of gold which doubled the world's stocks of gold, what would be the effect on the economy?

"We are @ peak money. This is me, I might be wrong. I don't mind being wrong. I look at money as a tool, like a tape measure. "

What are we supposed to do, respond to random arbitrary comments?

"Unless you are enamored with nasty, short and brutish lives filled with tribal warfare, disease and death I would discourage from using aboriginies or indeed any indigenous tribes as an example."

That's a very Hobbesian outlook. While I agree the the myth of the 'noble savage' is just that a myth, I think you would be advised to examine aboriginal life-techniques in more detail - you may be surprised at the abundance and ease of living that they provide. Of course it is in tune with nature, so infant mortality tends to be higher to keep the population from expanding unsustainably, but its no worse that that seen in the early 20thC and certainly nowhere near as bad as most '3rd' world countries. Two good examples are the U'wa and Ann Osborne's thesis on their culture ( and Bruce Parry's excellent BBC series on 'Tribes' especially the Penan ( Just because they have a 'different' lifestyle, does not mean that life style is either unsustainable or for that matter, primitive. Many tribal/indigenous medicines are now the subject of cutting edge 'western' medical research: see

The only 'brutish tribal warfare' has come from 'western tribal exploitation' of their natural resources.


You might want to read the history of the travels of early explorers with the natives along the Coppermine river in northern Canada. Encountered a camp of Inuit along the riverbank, and simple surprise attacked and slaughtered the whole village, despite the protests of the explorers. Or Gengis Khan or Attila's troops

Generally, members of indiginous tribes were / are not significantly more or less controlled by humanistic values of co-operation etc. than present people.

Hi Lengould,

Or the Mahabharata or the Iliad. My main point was that a low energy life style does not lead to 'brutish and short lives'. As you rightly point out, that is the result of human conflict. Of course, the last centuries two world wars and numerous conflicts along with the current 'desert-nam' in various parts of the Middle East go to show how the technological advancements have really made a difference... Zigmund Bauman's 'Modernity and the Holocaust' examines in depth the problems of technology distancing people from the consequences of their actions.

Who knows, with less 'technology', society may end up more peaceful... or not.


what's wrong with zero economic growth?

The problem with "zero growth" is that it's a complaint about the current socioeconomic system, and it's not about energy or resources at all. It's a red herring.

What you actually want is no growth in consumption, particularly of resources. Zero growth in consumption can certainly occur at the same time as non-zero economic growth, as resources are used increasingly efficiently. In fact, it's possible to have economic growth even while resource consumption falls; post-unification Germany is in many ways an example of that.

If you want to lower resource consumption, then just say so, instead of supporting something that sounds catchy but doesn't actually do what you want.

Quite right. No reason at all why economies cannot grow while energy consumption declines. We have technology for this, just not the motivation. People do not voluntarily abandon excess. They need to be forced, this time by price and regulation. After all, there are other areas of life where we cannot be as profligate and greedy as we might be. We are not allowed to do it. We can't afford. It is socially unacceptable. Other people might kill us. This projection of the future by looking backwards is not constructive.

I do not think that 'zero growth' is a catchy phrase. It is an imperfect, but nevertheless useful, expression of a desire to live on the earth with ecological modesty. As far as I am concerned people in the OECD countries should be striving to decrease their resource use not merely to stand still. Kenneth Boulding's concept of the economics of space ship earth is relevant here:

By contrast, in the spaceman economy, throughput is by no means a desideratum, and is indeed to be regarded as something to be minimized rather than maximized. The essential measure of the success of the economy is not production and consumption at all, but the nature, extent, quality, and complexity of the total capital stock, including in this the state of the human bodies and minds included in the system. In the spaceman economy, what we are primarily concerned with is stock maintenance, and any technological change which results in the maintenance of a given total stock with a lessened throughput (that is, less production and consumption) is clearly a gain. This idea that both production and consumption are bad things rather than good things is very strange to economists, who have been obsessed with tile income-flow concepts to the exclusion, almost, of capital-stock concepts.

In order for this idea of stock maintenance with maximum efficiency to be practiced, we have to develop a socially agreed upon concept of what constitutes sufficient capital stocks. If we desire to increase the variety and sophistication of our gadgets and recreational toys without limit then the spaceman economy cannot come into being. Yes, economic output equals resource consumption times efficiency, but if the primary use we make of our increased efficiency is to manufacture and sell as much stuff as we possibly can in the short term, then pressure on natural resources will continue to be high. Private finance capitalism does not give a rat's ass about resource efficiency in and of itself. All it cares about is increasing the total volume of economic transactions as rapidly as possible. Insofar as resource efficiency is gating short term profits attention will be paid to improving it, but long term sustainability is largely ignored. People who deplore this state of affairs should not be ridiculed.

Well said, as usual.

It was the neoclassical economists who gave us the equation growth = progress = good equation. From my little reading of economic history this was done to "remove" economics from the discipline formerly called "political economy" in which discussions of purpose and value were had.

See, the economists wanted to be more scientific and not normative. The tricky part is, economists had to find a way to be doing something, but organisms can't really DO anything unless they have a purpose behind it. Hence, call it "growth" and say it is value neutral, then set up a system for consumption to be equated with happiness and find the policies and incentives and market freedoms that optimize growth!

Forget to ask if the marginal cost of growth can ever exceed the marginal benefit, as in it is non-economic to burn enough fossil fuels to cause the Arctic ice sheet to go bye bye even if it is "cheap energy that fuels growth."

Does not zero growth also imply zero population growth and thus zero immigration as well? My question is, how much of the incentive toward ZG may be based in some very questionable motivations, recognized or not?

Don't get me wrong, I've no interest or desire for continued economic "growth" beyond decent maintenance for the average, and in fact have often criticised such as measurements of "ecnomic growth" because it often simply measures the relative levels of monetization of formerly non-monetary activities.

Talk to a priest or a friend about a problem, there's no economic growth. Pay a psychiatrist to talk to you about them, that's economic growth. Clean your own home, no growth. Pay a maid, that's growth. Often ridiculous.

Does not zero growth also imply zero population growth and thus zero immigration as well? My question is, how much of the incentive toward ZG may be based in some very questionable motivations, recognized or not?

What's questionable about promoting zero population growth? Surely nothing is more obvious that the fact that the human population of the earth cannot increase in size indefinitely.

On the other hand, you are right that immigration is undoubtedly going to be a big issue in resource limited world. However, my perception is that supporters BAU economic growth are more virulently anti-immigration than people who promote living more simply. Admittedly there is a contradiction involved in this sort of anti-immigration sentiment:

Limits to growth do not exist. All we have to is aggressively promote nukes, electric cars, biofuels, energy efficient appliances etc. and the growth machine can roll on. But we also to need keep out the 'furiners' who want to consume resources at the same rate that we do.

If zero growth means that the current global distribution of wealth is frozen just as it is now, then I agree that this is not a desirable goal. But the claim, which I have heard often repeated, that the citizens of OECD countries need to go on getting richer and consuming more resources in order to lift Africans, South Americans, etc. out of poverty is so absurd that it is almost beyond belief. We should be reducing our demand on resources so that the underdeveloped world can rise to meet us on some reasonable common ground. Yes I know that you are laughing hilariously. It is a sad commentary on the functional insanity of our primary cultural belief system that the most obvious common sense truths are regarded as the utterances of raving lunatics.

I think I see a different point to the question, which is why growth -- at all? Is this a sacred concept, never to be questioned? Is questioning it to be mocked as Ned Ludd?

why growth -- at all?

Because economic growth is correlated with improved standard of living.

This correlation isn't the same everywhere. In the West, economic growth in many ways means cooler toys - iPhones instead of rotary landlines, computers instead of adding machines.

In developing countries, though, economic growth means real improvements to people's lives. Growth means clean water. Growth means enough to eat. Growth means money for the doctor. Can you look at a third-world slum dweller or subsistence farmer and say "I don't think they need more money"? Because that's what "no global economic growth" really means.

The problem isn't economic growth; the problem is resource consumption. These are not the same thing.

Economic growth is also correlated with development. Development is the only proven way to stop population growth.

Education is the only proven way limit family sizes.

I think we need to distinguish between the broad sweep term "no growth" and the term "no resource growth".

I think it is possible to grow the "economy" for a long time forwards by becoming progressively more efficient in the use of resources and shifting everything else to services.
As long as the population eventually stops growing this could be workable.

Please give some concrete examples of what you mean by growth in services without growth in resource use.

Even assuming that dematerialized growth is possible (which I personally doubt) why should we desire it? If we can comfortably provide essential services such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education, why do have to dedicate our excess productivity to trying to increase the total volume of economic transactions? There is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in the philosophy of neo-classical economics.

Please give some concrete examples of what you mean by growth in services without growth in resource use.

A meal in New Orleans, using local foodstuffs, versus American chain food, centrally processed and distributed in refrigerated trucks and microwaved to order for TGIF, Olive Garden et al customer.

Best Hopes for Good Food :-)


This is not example of growth in services. This is an example of providing the same services more efficiently, which I am highly in favor of. Our economic goal should be to provide vital products and services within minimal resource consumption. Given the current size of the earth's human population and the ecological stresses on the biosphere, growth (or even maintenance) of the total volume of economic transactions is an insane goal.

It is a DRAMATIC growth in quality and value# between a typical New Orleans meal and a typical TGIF or Olive Garden meal. Quality often counts for more than quantity when one can only eat 3 meals/day and wear one pair of shoes at a time.

I am a richer man for eating New Orleans meals and not American chain swill and for wearing Cole-Haan, Johnston & Murphy and Alden shoes.

Best Hopes for Growth in Quality and Shrinkage in Quantity,


#Another example would be the difference between Alden shoes ($475/pair) and WalMart's cheapest leather "dress" shoe ($45/pair ?), same quantity of leather, less transportation costs for Alden (made in New England).

PS: YTD, Diesel $128, Cobbler $138. I kind of hope I will spend more money this year on repairing my shoes than I will on diesel. Does that make me richer or poorer ?

You keep saying things that I agree with but refuse to respond the central point of my posts. I agree that substantial opportunities exist to improve the quality of our life without growth and even in the face of economic contraction.

However, the point I was making is that the primary goal of private finance capitalism -maximizing the total volume of economic transactions - is a bad goal. You are playing semantic tricks. Obviously no one wants an end to growth in the sense of complete intellectual, cultural, and artistic stagnation. But these forms of psychological advancement are very different things from the narrowly defined composite economic growth of neo-classical economics. If you refuse to distinguish between these different kinds of growth your are helping to discourage realistic responses to the crisis which humanity is facing.

This is only one of the thousands of possible scenarios for the future. What makes you so sure that the world will go according to your precise assumptions?

Long-term prospective exercises are not just a question of picking a few macro-economics hypothesis and running Excel-based algorithms.

You have tried to describe the world for the next 40 years. Do you really think that somebody in 1968 would have succeed in predicting the last 40 years by using such methods?

What makes you so sure that the world will go according to your precise assumptions?

The point is to figure out if there is a possible way for advanced civilization to survive. Let us first come to some consensus on a plausible model (not a prediction). Then we can debate if the way we get there is possible.

What do you mean? Is there some way for the current economic system to survive? Some way for the current power structure to survive? Some way for some of the technology to survive? All of the above? None of the above?

You article is an exercise in futility, imho. You over-simplify, which you acknowledge. But that doesn't make it acceptable. This sort of exercise is only that as long as people insist on working at it piecemeal instead of as a very, very complex problem.

How do you discuss the future with zero regard for climate change? Even worse, how do you do so without even the barest understanding of the current situation with regard to climate change (450?!)?

Blah, blah... blah.....


Yes, I think this vision is very cornucopian. For example:
The first is the already stated expectation that world population growth will go to zero by 2050 which will lower long term economic demand growth to 3%
Expectation is in scientific terms, useless. It is not objective and it 'belongs' to the one that 'expects' therefore it is extremely subjective. But the worst problem with the above scenario is expectation of growth. Growth as we have it today is absolutely unsustainable, especially so in the environment of increasing population. With stable population of some 8 or 9 billion people, how can growth be maintained? Where from? Using what resources? Growth is a concept so dear to the economists because they are not aware of its physical and thermodynamical background. With present population or the one from 2050, any growth represents the idea of a limitless growth. Until when?
In order to support such an idea, the author states:
My model assumes that 80% of the energy that the world will require in 2050 will have to come from nuclear, wind and solar, or 25.4 TW of electricity.
"Will require" as an arguments belongs to the same class of arguments as the one visible on the oil production prognosis of IEA or Cambridge Energy Associates that speaks about 115 million bbls/day somewhere in the future. It is enough to check the estimates of the available uranium reserves to become quite less optimistic about the role of nuclear energy in the overall energy mix in the future. So, why would be energy mix be as stated, in 2050? Just because we need energy and cannot think of any other way of getting it does not mean that this is a viable way ahead. It is enough to go through the prognosis of electricity requirements in UK until 2030 and plan to build 20 or 25 nuclear power plants to supply this energy. No actual construction can start during the next 8 years due to long preparation stage. That means between 2016 i 2020 at least 20 nuclear power plants have to be completed. At the price (as per German estimates) of 3000-3500 Euros per KW? There is only one manufacturer that makes high pressure vessels forgings for nuclear p. plants in the world and they can deliver two such forgings per year...
So yes, the vision is cornucopian... The model essentially proposes that we can go ahead in the same way as we were going until now, with some modifications but without the overall consequences for present paradigms valid in economy. Maintaining, at any cost, that the only way for this civilization is 'up', no matter what, is against all historical experience of this same human kind during the last 6000 years.

AKarlovic wrote:

The model essentially proposes that we can go ahead in the same way as we were going until now, with some modifications but without the overall consequences for present paradigms valid in economy. Maintaining, at any cost, that the only way for this civilization is 'up', no matter what, is against all historical experience of this same human kind during the last 6000 years.

There are no doubt a great many historians that would disagree with this view. Certainly with the resources are available, a comfortable life can be provided for every human being who lives on this planet for as long as we live here. If this is "cornucopian," so be it. There is enough recoverable Uranium and Thorium to provide us with all the energy we want and need for hundreds of millions of years. You might not like the civilization that we have, but the consequences of not having it are far worse than the consequences of living with its problems.

Certainly? That's a very bold word. I'm sure that many disagree with you, Charles, and would think it is by no means certain that there are enough resources to give 10 billion (or 12 or 20 billion) people a comfortable life (presumably measured in terms you're familiar with today). Nor is it certain that nuclear power could (in practical terms) provide whatever energy humans would want and need for hundreds of millions of years.

sofistek wrote

Nor is it certain that nuclear power could (in practical terms) provide whatever energy humans would want and need for hundreds of millions of years.

Before you make such claims, you ought to look at what the earth is made of, how much extractable Thorium and Uranium is available, and what can be done with them. For example there is enough thorium present in high grade ore (25% to 63%) at Lemhi Pass to provide the United States with all its energy needs for 400 years. Enormous recoverable thorium resources are available within the United States. Reactors that use the thorium fuel cycle like the LFTR can be built in factories for a fraction of the cost and in a fraction of the time of conventional reactors. You ought also to look at world mineral and metal resources.

An analogy to your argument that we have enough (whatever) to last (X,000) years:

All we need to build and run a car is gasoline.

For goodness' sake...


Charles, I have trouble swallowing the hundreds of millions of years of supply. IIRC, fissionable material was more like 10,000 (still more than enough time for any concievable bridge to truly renewable power), and even fusion of all the dueterium in the ocean is only good for a few million years. There is no need to exaggerate, the resource is big enough that we will have time to develop the science and engineering needed for a totally renewable based economy.

I keep trying to push Thorium. There must presumably be reasons why we have done Uranium based reactors instead?

We did Uranium first because it was easier to make bombs from it.

I think Charles is right about the hundreds of millions of years of fission fuel supply but I state it as at least in the millions of years.

And millions of years of steel and rubber and copper and lead and....

One word, er, name: Liebig.


enemy of state wrote,

I have trouble swallowing the hundreds of millions of years of supply. IIRC, fissionable material was more like 10,000 (still more than enough time for any concievable bridge to truly renewable power), and even fusion of all the dueterium in the ocean is only good for a few million years.

Enemy, rather than try to argue with you, I invite you to spend an hour researching how much recoverable Uranium and Thorium are in the earth's crust. Sterling somewhere in this comment section provides a link to a summery of Uranium resources.

I keep trying to push Thorium. There must presumably be reasons why we have done Uranium based reactors instead?

This was historical circumstance. The Navy designed a reactor capable of producing steam to power its ships. They convinced power plant manufacturers to adopt the design. Reactor scientists from Eugene Wigner onward understood that fluid core reactors offered significant technological advantages in processing the thorium fuel cycle. By the end of the 1950's it was clear that the MSR was the ideal candidate as a thorium fuel cycle reactor, but politics killed MSR research as designs for a 1 GW MSR/LFTR were being prepared. Currently design research for LFTR projects is being conducted in France and Japan.


If you have been reading my other posts in this thread, you will have seen that I am trying to line up people to write a joint post that would be part two this vision. I need someone with your obvious knowledge of nuclear technology. I have laid out my plan with Pitt and Levin here and DaveMart is probably in. You interested?


Sterling Sure, i would be glad to contribute, what ever I can.


Sterling Just let me know what you want. I can, if you are interested about lowering nuclear costs.


I need to get your email. If you come back, please email me at sterlingpesmith at yahoo dot com.


"Yes, I think this vision is very cornucopian. For example:
The first is the already stated expectation that world population growth will go to zero by 2050 which will lower long term economic demand growth to 3%
Expectation is in scientific terms, useless. It is not objective and it 'belongs' to the one that 'expects' therefore it is extremely subjective. But the worst problem with the above scenario is expectation of growth. Growth as we have it today is absolutely unsustainable, especially so in the environment of increasing population. With stable population of some 8 or 9 billion people, how can growth be maintained? Where from? Using what resources? Growth is a concept so dear to the economists because they are not aware of its physical and thermodynamical background. With present population or the one from 2050, any growth represents the idea of a limitless growth.

I agree. Not only that but recent estimates don't even support the notion of a declining population growth rate. Although the rate had been declining up until 2003, since then the growth estimates have been:

  • 2003 1.14%
  • 2004 1.14%
  • 2005 1.14%
  • 2006 1.14%
  • 2007 1.167%
  • 2008 1.188%

Figures from the current and past editions of the CIA World Fact Book.

CIA factbook is useless. They even claim that Spain has had no immigration over the past decade, even though many million people have moved to spain.

I just checked the CIA world factbook on Spain and it
says (0.99 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2008 est.)
So by rounding up too 1% and multiplying that by 40 million people and going around 10 years...thats....
well you get my point. The CIA fact book didnt say what
you said it didnt say.

Figures from the current and past editions of the CIA World Fact Book.

How do you know those numbers are even from the same original source? They may be computed completely differently in different years.

If you take all the numbers from a single source, such as the US Census or the UN, you get a steady decline in growth rates since 2003.

Hey, I'm just reporting what looks like a reversing trend. Can you post the corresponding UN estimates, for the same years? I can't get that UN link to work.

Of course, we can just continue believing that population growth is slowing and will reach zero mid century and keep our fingers crossed. Or we could ask: what if that trend has stalled (as it seems to have done) and we have 11 billion in 2050 with no sign of a leveling out?

The UN data is not detailed enough, only giving data for 5 year periods. The US census data does show a steady but very small decline since 2003, a decline of about 0.01% per year. The US census projections are significantly different from the UN projections up to 2050 (the UN has growth at 0.36% for the 2045-2050 period, whereas the US census has growth at above 0.5%), so the US census is projecting 300 million more people than the UN is. Which of these projections does one take? Furthermore, the US census still has population growing at 48 million per year, by 2050, whereas many people seem to assume population will have leveled off by then.

I wouldn't expect the CIA projections to ignore US census estimates but one thing seems certain: we can't assume that population will level off at 9 billion by 2050 (unless resource depletion kicks in) and we should assume that population will increase much more substantially by the end of the century, maybe to at least 11 billion. Should we be looking to provide the means for population to rise by that much? Would that be an intelligent thing to do? What if we get it wrong and population is at 11 billion by 2050, and trending to 15 billion by 2100?

I am not here trying to make the case that this vision can be accomplished. I think we first need to arrive at some consensus of what civilization continuing would require. I will try to show how we would accomplish this vision in a future article.

It is enough to check the estimates of the available uranium reserves

“Reserves” are completely useless in determining the resource base for a resource that is not in short supply. “Reserves” result from mining companies spending money to qualify know resources as ones they can exploit in the current market. The mining companies would never be expected to qualify more that about fifty years of reserves, especially for a resource that is so price inelastic. Not only would this be a waste of money but success in doing so would negatively affect their stock prices.

Sterling, actually Japanese researchers have "qualified" the 4.5 billion tons of Uranium dissolved in sea water, by demonstrating the viability of their extraction technology. Uranium extraction from sea water is not expensive, and it is in effect a renewable resource, since newly dissolved uranium is enter the sea all of the time. So even with the absence of "qualified" mining resources, we do not need to worry about the shortages of reactor fuel, and hence shortages of energy.

As I understand it, seawater would have to be processed at a rate greater than the rate at which the Rhine flows out to the sea (that is, we would have to process seawater at a greater flow rate than the Rhine) for just one reactor. And you say it's not expensive?

Renewable? At what rate? If it was leaching into the sea at a rate that was useful for extraction and use, then why is the concentration not much, much higher than it is now?

sofistek wrote

As I understand it, seawater would have to be processed at a rate greater than the rate at which the Rhine flows out to the sea (that is, we would have to process seawater at a greater flow rate than the Rhine) for just one reactor. And you say it's not expensive?

The Japanese plan to use the Japanese current. The Rhine is a trickle compared to the Japanese current. The materials used, a form of plastic, I believe, are inexpensive, and the whole technology is low tec, and does not consume much energy.

Renewable? At what rate? If it was leaching into the sea at a rate that was useful for extraction and use, then why is the concentration not much, much higher than it is now?

I am not as chemist, but as I understand it, the dissolved Uranium in the sea water is at a saturation point. As new uranium enters the sea in river water,and from from sea bottom sources, uranium precipitates out, keeping an equilibrium. As uranium is withdrawn from the sea, the uranium content of sea water is no longer saturated. Thus dissolved uranium can be added from rivers and underwater sources. I am not sure at what rate, and I suspect no one has studied the process in detail. But clearly the process makes uranium in seawater a renewable resource, although how big a resource is not yet know.

So, a) you assume that, because one experiment has been done on a small scale (though it took about 10 months), the whole concept of uranium from seawater is proven, and the fact that it would take a flow rate greater than the Rhine to supply one power plant, hundreds (maybe thousands, if some advocates had their way) of nuclear plants could easily and economically be fed by seawater uranium extraction, and, b) you think "renewable" means "at any rate".

Seems like a lot of wishful thinking here and a lot of poor assumptions.

On the nuclear issue, people can be so naive economically. Sure right now there is only one pressure vessel manufacturer at current plant sizes, but when demand picks up someone else will jump in and make more. Oil price goes up, more people drill so why would nuclear be any different?

If you compare nuclear to wind, you automatically lose all credibility in an energy discussion. At current and near-term technology they don't compete with each other.

The key here is carbon caps, if coal gets banned (it won't) we will see 50% nuclear by 2050. Even so, there is more than plenty Uranium and Thorium to tie humans over until the next big source of energy arrives whether it is battery system renewables, fusion power, solar panels in space, mining other planets, etc.

When we get to the point in advanced materials technology where nuclear can go Brayton cycle, we will have neighborhood nuclear plants.

Sure right now there is only one pressure vessel manufacturer at current plant sizes

The "one manufacturer" meme is highly misleading. Plenty of reactor designs which are in wide use already don't use that type of pressure vessel, or pressure vessels at all (for example, CANDU reactors and derived designs).

The capacity or lack thereof for this Japanese steel company is basically irrelevant to the world nuclear power industry.

If you compare nuclear to wind, you automatically lose all credibility in an energy discussion.


The main argument against wind is intermittency; however, wind, solar, and pumped storage can be efficiently combined to provide baseload power.

I agree with you that they're not in competition, but that's only because they're most efficiently used in complementary manners. Directly comparing them, though, is quite reasonable to do.

When Oil comes off the current plateau our industrial economy will be dragged kicking and screaming off that teat.

The price of oil will wreak havoc regardless of alternative energy which is mainly electricity.

High quality energy will only be available to those able to pay for it, having a paid job may not be sufficient given the cost of food and massive debt now being punted into taxes.


The reason some like the zero growth model...

To get the doubling period for any stated percentage growth, divide 70 (100*ln(2)) by the percentage. 3% for example is 23 years. You are doubling the energy consumption, the resource consumption, the population every 23 years. I believe a Professor Albert Bartlett has already been discussed here.

I dont think thats quite true as there is ample room for energy efficiency and conservation, especially in the Middle East for example.

Especially in the United States.

A -75% or -80% reduction in USA energy consumption can be combined with a higher quality of life (but less conspicuous consumption). And in as little as twenty (not fifty) years.


You are doubling the energy consumption, the resource consumption, the population every 23 years.

If you're concerned about resource consumption, say "zero consumption growth". That is not the same thing as zero economic growth.

Roughly speaking, economic growth = (1 + consumption growth)*(1 + efficiency growth)

If you want to make the rate of change of consumption zero, you'll still get economic growth as efficiency improves. If you are more interested in controlling society rather than resource consumption and you want to make the rate of economic growth zero, then you can still get growth in resource consumption if efficiency/productivity falls.

If you're interested in resource consumption, you're looking at the wrong side of the equation.

Efficiencies have limits and will yield increasingly fewer benefits for resource consumption. Ultimately, economic growth = increased resource use.

Efficiencies have limits and will yield increasingly fewer benefits for resource consumption. Ultimately, economic growth = increased resource use.

Not true, at least in theory and also in medium-horizon practice.

Suppose 1%/year economic growth, and 2%/year efficiency improvement. The first year we use 1 unit of resources. The second year we use (1.01)/(1.02) = 0.99 units of resources. And so on.

After 10 years, we will have used 9.6 units of resources.
After 50 years, we will have used 40 units of resources.
After 250 years, we will have used 93 units of resources.
Until the end of time, we will use 102 units of resources.

Obviously, this doesn't work "until the end of time", as there are minimum sizes of physical objects. That doesn't mean similar levels of improvement can't hold over the scale of centuries, though, especially if recycling is taken as contributing to efficiency.

Nice mathematics. What does that mean in practice? Well you've already acknowledged that it breaks down over long periods. You have also not included any figures for efficiencies. How can you say efficiency can improve 2% per year, for ever? In each application, there will be some practical efficiency level and it will get harder and harder to improve on that, the close we get to it. Your whole calculation makes little practical sense.

Economic growth is positive change in the market value of all goods and services. Some goods and services gain their value from their physical inputs. Some gain it primarily from their intellectual input. If the total of the movies they make in LA in any year sells much better than the prior year, that is economic growth. This could be because they have much better car chases or it could be because someone thinks up a more compelling love story. Writing a great song takes just as many physical resource as writing a terrible one, but the good on does more to raise the total market value of all goods and services.

If the total of the movies they make in LA in any year sells much better than the prior year, that is economic growth.

Let's ignore the fact a lot more energy is used making movies now than in the past. Hollywood used to fake scenes of driving a car to the train station even in movies with big name stars, and now a schlocky action flick that you will forget about ten minutes after you leave the theater shoots on exotic location, destroys dozens of cars, and has high tech special effects coming out the wazoo. But let's forget about that.

And let's ignore the fact that a big part of the movie industry is the home sales and rental market, where, the last I checked, the size and luxury of home theater systems was still increasing (Got your HDTV yet?).

Let's ignore the fact that people drive to large air conditioned buildings to watch movies and eat lots of highly packaged food products transported over long distances.

Let's forget about these facts and just concentrate on the fact that if theaters can lure more viewers into the same physcial set of buildings they can grow their revenue with mininmal increases in resource consumption. In order for this increased revenue to represent composite growth some other part of the economy needs to grow as well. If people are switching spending to movies from some other form of entertainment then growth in the movie industry is being matched by the shrinkage of some other industry. Therefore some other sector of the economy must also be growing. In order for the total growth to be dematerialized then the other part of the economy which is growing must also not be consuming more resources. So computer game makers, video game makers etc can trade more games for more movies. In reality, of course video and computer game profits are closely tied with hardware sales. If you can come up with a better example than this feel free to present it.

Furthermore, in order for the psychological satisfaction industry to be an engine of long term growth, it must concentrate on quality and not on quantity. Time is finite. We cannot exponentially (or linearly for that matter) increase the time that we spend entertaining ourselves. We have to pursuade people to spend more on our dematerialized product because the experience is better than our competitor's dematerialized product. In return we get high quality entertainment from somebody else. Calling such an enterainment competition economic growth is a rather bizarre use of language. Strangely enough, in the real world sucessful entertainers do not seem to spend their money soley to purchase dematerialized psychological satisfaction. They buy beach houses, ski condos, $100,000 sports cars etc.

The idea of providing for our material needs as efficiently as possible, and spending the rest of our time ministering to our psychological and spiritual needs is not a bad one. But why it is neccessary to do within the context of an unending competition to sell to sell more stuff to each other is a mystery understood only by the faithful members of the Church of Everlasting Growth.

Great post, agree that many of your assumption are reasonable 40 years out.I do take issue on your assumptions about wind and solar being limited to 30% by needs of a grid supplying energy on demand. Assuming that NG is providing 9% of energy and hydro 2%(allowing for a small increase especially in Africa), both of these resources can be used very strategically for peak demand. Where several hydro storage sites are available at different levels, pumped storage can be expanded to provide very large capacity, 10-100 times net hydro capacity, ideal to back-up wind. NG is often used only as peak power, so 9%NG energy could back up 30% wind alone( ie NG used for about a third of the time).
Solar power is produced at peak demand so even if 25% power was from solar it would need only to backup the difference between cloudy versus sunny production and no back-up during night-time when demand is much lower.
Geothermal also appears to have great promise in some regions but its hard to know if it could grow to provide 25% power, but it would only be less than that if the capital and operating costs turn out to be much higher than expected( for example more like nuclear).
Your other assumption is that there will not be more demand regulation such as smart metering, off-peak EV charging etc, that would allow more than 20% of electricity to be generated by wind power.
If a much higher proportion of 2050 energy comes from solar, wind and geothermal, this would mean less from nuclear. I don't see that's a problem, as nuclear is good at replacing base load coal power generation. If no new coal fired plants are build and retired plants replaced by nuclear, we would require 12% from nuclear plus 3% replacing the existing nuclear would give at least 15% nuclear. Thus nuclear may be as low as 15%, but I think 54% is way too high, mainly because of the high capital costs and long build times relative to wind.

Neil1947 wrote:

Where several hydro storage sites are available at different levels, pumped storage can be expanded to provide very large capacity, 10-100 times net hydro capacity, ideal to back-up wind. NG is often used only as peak power, so 9%NG energy could back up 30% wind alone( ie NG used for about a third of the time).

Pump storage is not going to cost less than conventional nuclear power, and will certainly be more expensive than Pebble Bed Reactors, and either thorium cycle or Uranium cycle Molten Salt Reactors, all of which are in expensive enough to to be profitable as peak electrical sources. Unlike pump storage these Generation IV reactors do not require water for their operation. Wind is a none starter as a peak electricity source, and wind back-up can as easily be provided by Generation IV nuclear as by NG.

Solar power is produced at peak demand so even if 25% power was from solar it would need only to backup the difference between cloudy versus sunny production and no back-up during night-time when demand is much lower.

Neil1947 assumes that solar conditions found in the American Southwest will prevail everywhere, and they will not. In Northern areas of the United Syayes and Canada, peak demand rises on winter nights. In at least 2/3 of the United States, cloud cover is going to be impacting solar at least 25% of the time, and we have a summer-winter solar differentiation.

Geothermal also appears to have great promise in some regions but its hard to know if it could grow to provide 25% power, but it would only be less than that if the capital and operating costs turn out to be much higher than expected( for example more like nuclear).

Geothermal works in Iceland and California, elsewhere it cannot be counted on yet.

If we examine the liabilities of solar, wind and geothermal, the estimated 2050 penetration of nuclear may be low. Of course, if nuclear is to assume greater than 50% penetration of the electrical market, it will have to change the way it does business. More advanced reactor technologies must be adopted. The Pebble Bed Reactor and the Molten Salt reactor are two promising technologies that have already been tested, and the Pebble Bed Reactor will be in production in China and South Africa by 2020. Both the Chinese and the South Africans expect to build their BPRs in factories, and factory production is the way to go if nuclear power production is going to be the main show.

Factory produced Generation IV reactors can be built and set up in months rather than years. They can be built in very large numbers, and they can be built cheaply. Generation IV reactors use nuclear fuel more efficiently than conventional reactors and thus produce less nuclear waste. In particular the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor can burn up to 98% of its thorium feed stock, leaving very little long term nuclear waste. Another generation IV Molten Salt Reactor, the Liquid Chlorine Fast Reactor can burn existing nuclear waste as fuel, while producing new nuclear fuel.

Generation IV reactors possess many inherent safety features. Thus a a rapid switch to Generation IV nuclear technology would answer traditional objections to nuclear power.

I can see that you are very enthusiastic about nuclear, I also think it will play an important role, and building new nuclear plants to generate 15-20% energy is a big ask, but there is one reason why energy plans should not rely on more than 20% of power from nuclear- one additional total melt down accident, anywhere, would probably doom future nuclear power in all democracies. We are still recovering from the last one 25 years ago.
As for solar, 25% of N America's power could come form solar in a corner of Arizona. You wouln't build it in Maine. Peak demand in US is in summer, in Canada its in winter, thus the HVDC connectors between US and Canada.
The thing about pumped storage is that it doesn't use up any water except for storage evaporation, you can re-use it daily.
Hot rock geothermal hasn't yet proved itself, and there are technical risks, but there are massive resources.


There is one reason why energy plans should not rely on more than 20% of power from nuclear- one additional total melt down accident, anywhere, would probably doom future nuclear power in all democracies. We are still recovering from the last one 25 years ago.
As for solar, 25% of N America's power could come form solar in a corner of Arizona. You wouln't build it in Maine. Peak demand in US is in summer, in Canada its in winter, thus the HVDC connectors between US and Canada.
The thing about pumped storage is that it doesn't use up any water except for storage evaporation, you can re-use it daily.

The passive safety features of Generation III+ conventional reactors make core meltdown virtually impossible, The Yellowstone super volcano is 100 times more likely to erupt, that a ESBWR will have a core meltdown. Secondly core meltdown is no problem with a MSR because the core is already molten! If nuclear meltdown is the boogie man of the anti-nuclear set, the MSR is the Chuck Norris of reactors!

Schemes to produce all North American power in the desert Southwest are utopian, extremely expensive and dangerous. Ultra expensive HVDC lines make excellent and largely indefensible terrorist targets.

HVDC lines make excellent and largely indefensible terrorist targets.

They make awful terrorist targets - they're easy and fast to fix, and damaging a line may do little or nothing to interrupt power transmission (remember that electricity responds almost immediately to changes in graph connectivity, so any grid with spare transmission capacity will be highly resilient). Not only that, but taking out a power line has little or no lasting effect - consider how often it happens in the winter.

Now compare this to a coal or even nuclear plant. These installations are incomprehensibly more complex than HVDC lines, meaning repairs will be much more expensive and time-consuming. Attacking them has a direct effect on energy supply, not just availability. Worst of all, there's the potential for significant long-term effects, especially in the case of damage to a nuclear plant (radiation leak).

If you're concerned about terrorists attacking the electrical grid, and I think there are much more pressing things to worry about, then that is not an argument in favour of nuclear power. Given their constant need for fuel, it's not even an argument in favour of coal or gas - we know from recent history that both pipelines and convoys are vulnerable to interdiction.

Indeed, probably your best bet would be wind and solar, as their diffuse nature and simple operation makes them hard to target. A coal plant has multiple critical systems that can cause a shutdown, and doing so removes 1GW from supply. To remove that same GW from wind or solar, you would need to either cut enough power lines - possibly dozens - or to disable hundreds of windmills or solar installations. It's like trying to target food supply by blowing up cornfields; it can be done, but it's going to take a lot of work.

The one thing is for certain: all these sophisticated and new reactor designs are just designs for some reason... Can we ask ourselves-why? Can we rely on civilization being supplied AC power from such new design power plants (simple to build but albeit nonexistent!) if in 30 years we HAVE TO replace all gas fired power plants in the world with something else? What else? I will try to find the article describing the problem of extracting tritium from sea water required for the startup of the first nuclear fusion reactor. It is a gargantuan task and it makes the idea of getting tritium for fusion reactors from sea water ludicrous. The tritium has to come (be provided) by the operation of the fusion reactor itself - assuming that the thing will work. The first reactor provides tritium for the second and so on and on.
The problem with nuclear energy is that it was pushed into corner for 30 years. Secondly, the dogma of private capital solving our energy problems is nonsense because private capital always finances the projects with lowest initial investment and fastest return. Nuclear obviously does not belong to that category.
The term 'cornucopian' means that no matter what, technology will always pull us out of trouble. For many decades the fusion was considered the end of civilization's trouble with energy or electricity to be exact. Now, the fusion power is still 30 years ahead because we will be so busy building fission reactors that making a functional fusion reactor will drop into background.
The idea that there is enough of everything for all of us no matter what that 'us' means (5 or 6 or 9 billion people)is a complete nonsense. It sounds 'socialistics' but besides that political judgement, we know that it is impossible even today, not to mention tomorrow. If there is enough of everything for everybody, how comes people are dying from hunger all over the planet?


one additional total melt down accident, anywhere, would probably doom future nuclear power in all democracies. We are still recovering from the last one 25 years ago.

I think the difference this time is that if we had such an accident, we would not be able to use cheap coal instead. Why it is that of the two, nuclear is considered more dangerous, beats me when coal generation kills 30,000 every year compared to 0 for nuclear. But the relative costs of the waste issue is now more understood. Coal caused global warming is now understood as a very serious problem.

Even if the world wanted to use an alternative (coal) that is 10-100 times more dangerous and dirty, it just will not be there.


I appriciate your efforts. I'm not fanatically anti-nuclear. I think it could provide an important and necessary 'bridge' so we can move from one era to another. I don't believe it's a panacea though. I wish it was. I'd like to think it was cheap, safe and potentially abundant.

What I do question is your assertion that nuclear power generation, or the nuclear power cycle, is as extraordinarily benign compared to other forms of energy production. Zero is a fantastically low figure. Are you being serious? Or is it merely rhetoric in the heat of the argument? I'm sure it must be, otherwise it would reflect very negatively on the quality of the rest of your arguments. Statements like that don't enhance your credibility and I think should be avoided. Hope that doesn't sound too harsh!

When you say that nuclear is responsible for zero deaths, I believe you are way, way, off the mark. However, this is an intensely complex and controversial subject, how many excess deaths are attributable to the nuclear power cycle on a global basis? What are the longterm effects of releasing radiation into the environment? Do we really know yet? What do we know? We do know that people who've worked in the nuclear industry are dying today of various forms of cancer, but exactly how many is difficult to say, though it's certainly more than zero. What about the cancer clusters in the populations that live close to nuclear plants, don't they count? Then there's the problem of radioactive waste contaminating our rivers and groundwater, I think it's unfair and 'dishonest' to blithely ignore the problems associated with nuclear.

But don't get me wrong. I am not against nuclear power. I think we are going to be forced to use it, but that may be another story.

The dangers of nuclear power have been wildly exagerated by its opponents. I am not aware of any deaths that have been shown to have been caused by the Western nuclear power industry in its history. That is not rhetoric. We expect a much higher standard of safety and environmental impact of nuclear than any of its competitors but even when they achieve it this in no way placates their opponents.

Neil, the issue with solar as well as storage is the need to overbuild as soon as you are any distance at all from the equator.

In a very good location such as the Mohave winter incidence is only around 25% of summer.
For peak load in hot areas where the main need is cooling, just enough storage to stretch the energy from peak by a few hours does the job, so it is very reasonable to think that this is on course to be a major source of power in those areas.

When it gets silly, and the engineering starts getting fantastic, is when people start talking about using it to power areas like the North-East of the States in winter.

You have huge transmission issues, and solar is at it's weakest just when it is most needed for heating.

Wind is better, but you would still need one heck of a transmission system and have to deal with cold, still snaps one way or another.

Maybe costs will drop enough to make more energy from these sources practical, we just don't know, but we do know a great deal about how to provide a huge amount of power close to where it is needed using nuclear energy.

If something better comes long that is fine, but right now we know that with a substantial input from nuclear there is no need to have an energy poor future, and that is our best hope of getting everyone to a reasonable standard of living.

solar is at it's weakest just when it is most needed for heating.

Conveniently, that's when wind tends to be at its strongest.

Based on hourly real-world wind generation data (from Ontario Hydro's website), even modestly-distributed wind power will tend to be reliable and produce strongly in the winter. It's only in the summer when it tends to have significant droughts, but summer is exactly when solar is at its best.

Like I've shown before, solar and wind are very complementary in their availability patterns, and it takes only a modest amount of pumped storage capacity to turn them into baseload power.

Maybe costs will drop enough to make more energy from these sources practical

They're practical now.

Wind/solar/hydro baseload power would cost about twice the current US average, or about the same as average prices in many EU countries. Since people and businesses in those countries are paying those rates and thriving, it is clear that producing electricity for that price is economically practical.


I don't know why many pro-nuclear people are anti-wind/solar, or why many pro-wind/solar people are anti-nuclear. This is not an either/or question!

It's like a starving man saying steak is inedible because he'd rather have salmon; the reality is that either one will do him just fine, and both would be even better. So quit insisting your way is the only way.

I suppose I should be used to the way future WORLD energy production tends to be conflated by American commentators into whatever the US is up to.
It actually uses a relatively small part of world power, and that is going to get smaller.

The US has far better wind, solar and geothermal resources per capita than almost anywhere else, with obvious exceptions such as Australia.

As for practical, I am happy for renewables to provide as much of our power as they can economically do, but I wouldn't base present planning on technologies and systems which are unproven at a large scale at this time - I am all in favour of progressing those other technologies as fast as is possible, but I would also press on with nuclear technology too.
I have repeatedly linked to this experiment in Germany, which linked biogas, wind and solar:
Comment is free: Renewed energy

So I am hardly against renewables - in fact, certainly in much of small town America, this would seem to be the way forward.
For many other areas, such as northern Europe, many of the resources do not exist at any reasonable cost.

In any case, the present discussion and argument is about whether it is possible to provide the power for a fairly energy rich society, and the suggestion is that nuclear technology guarantees that.

If we don't need so much power due to better conservation, that is fine, and it reduces the required investment in plants.
If we can make greater use of renewables than it seems safe to count on at the present instant, that is fine too.
There is no need to suffer energy shortages though as soon as a nuclear build gets going properly if neither of those come off, is all.

The US has far better wind, solar and geothermal resources per capita than almost anywhere else, with obvious exceptions such as Australia.

"The most comprehensive study to date[70] found the potential of wind power on land and near-shore to be 72 TW, equivalent to 54,000 MToE (million tons of oil equivalent) per year, or over five times the world's current energy use in all forms."

So there's plenty of wind.

As for solar, I humbly suggest that you don't know what you're talking about. The US isn't even close to the equator, so there's an enormous range of countries which have much better geographical locations for solar than the US does. Hence the proposals floated around to power Europe with solar in the Sahara, for example.

Perhaps Britain doesn't have much in the way of wind or solar potential, but - no offense - that's largely irrelevant to the world energy picture.

I have no issue with the use of renewables where practical, it is the exaggeration of their present utility and use in unsuitable locations that is the problem.

For wind power, what the resource base is depends on your criteria, often economic , and many of the best locations are a very long way away from where it is needed.

To take one example, the fact that the American plains can provide huge amounts of power does not help Europe very much, so the overall world wind potential may mislead rather than enlighten.

On shore wind in the States is an excellent resource, but off-shore costs are so horrendous that it is currently multiples of the cost of other resources, probably even the mythic clean coal.

As for solar, of course there are regions nearer the equator than the states, where it may be a better resource, although it should be noted that many of those regions where it could be really useful such as India have far less space to deploy it than the US.
It should be noted that for many forms of solar power cloud cover is also a huge difficulty, so that only some forms which likely would not include solar thermal are suitable there.

The point of the illustration using the Mohave is that that is about as good as it gets for solar resource in the States, which is an area which could certainly use vast amounts of power, but even there unless you make heroic assumptions about future cost reductions the difference in winter incidence makes it very difficult to use as base-load, with peak power use being more suitable.
No doubt molten salt storage or similar can provide enough storage to make diurnal variation acceptable.

The problems worsen if some of the more far-fetched schemes for transporting this power to the north east of the US were attempted, as you want most power when least is generated.

None of this is to argue the absolute impossibility of using solar and wind for a very substantial part of power in some areas, but it does serve to indicate that some of the difficulties of getting there would be substantial.
Your own estimate of around 2.5 times the cost premium against nuclear sounds reasonable.

Of course, if you just use the different technologies where they are happiest, with nuclear providing much of the baseload, but in remote areas where it is expensive to connect an area system using a variety of resources being used, and with wind being used to top up power for the north-east in the winter, and solar to cope with air conditioning in hot climates, then the cost premium disappears.


I think there's room for nuclear, wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and solar thermal.

I don't think it is helpful to blast any particular one technology which will add to stabilizing our current energy supply.

If we focus on just a single technology to power our entire needs in every single case we can provide a technical solution to any of the problems.

Nuclear has a waste issue. We can solve that. Expensively.
Wind has an intermittency issue. We can solve that by batteries or pumped storage. Expensively.
Solar has a similar intermittency issue to wind but more seasonal. We can solve that by e.g. neighborhood thermal storage.

Every single technical issue has a solution. The question is which is most cost and resource effective.

But that's the main question of how to mitigate peak oil isn't it... what's the most cost and resource effective way to get from here to there.

Dan, I don't know where you get the idea I am against renewables.
I am not, and fully support their development, and use in appropriate environments.

The thing is though, that we don't have time to do the engineering to develop then more fully, which does take time.
For instance, hot rock geothermal power in Australia and the American West is a very promising technology, but anyone who imagines that we are in a position to do a massive roll out right now just has not been following the issues.

Pilot plants are being built, and issues such as how successful fractioning the rock in between the well putting the water in and the ones drawing it out are being investigated, but we need years of experience and a gradual move to bigger systems, we can't just plan on running a country on it right now.

Again, storage of solar power using salts is a very promising technology, but issues such as it solidifying when too cold at a couple of hundred degrees need to be worked through.

The problem really is the exaggerated expectations encouraged by those for whom the use of renewables is primarily an ideological matter, rather than a matter of practical engineering.
This can also be seen very severely in the insistence of building turbines where it is not windy, and solar power where it is not sunny.

Renewables are welcome, and indeed essential, and will play a very major part in providing for energy needs in future - but that should not stop us getting on and building the low-fossil fuel resource that we know how to do at a major scale - nuclear power.

Pump storage is not going to cost less than conventional nuclear power

Do you have the data to show that, or are you simply speaking out of blind faith?

The Tianhuangping pumped storage facility in China came online in 2001 for a cost of about US$1.1B and with a 1.8GW generating capacity.

Stored water has a potential energy of 0.272kWh per m^3 per 100m of height, and that can be converted to electricity at about 90% efficiency. Accordingly, this facility's elevation difference of 590m and 8Mm^3 of storage capacity allows it to generate 42GWh running from full to empty.

Splitting the cost of the plant evenly between storage and generation, it was about $12/kWh of storage and $300/kW of generation capacity. Even assuming storage was free, generation capacity was at most $600/kW.

The data is clear: pumped storage is cheap.

Pitt the Elder wrote

The Tianhuangping pumped storage facility in China came online in 2001 for a cost of about US$1.1B and with a 1.8GW generating capacity.

The Chinese could not duplicate that price today, and it certainly is not indicative of what pump storage would cost in the United States. The Chines bought 4 Westinhouse AP-1000 for $5.3 Billion. or about $1.1 Billion Per GW. Given that the cost of cement, steel and oil have at least doubled since 2001, the cost of pump storage would seem comparable to the cost of nuclear in China.

The Chinese could not duplicate that price today, and it certainly is not indicative of what pump storage would cost in the United States.

Perhaps not, but it does give us relatively recent quantitative data to work from.

Even something as subjective as "let's double the price to account for inflation, commodity price increases, and more expensive labour" is a lot more grounded in evidence than just taking a wild guess at the prices involved.

You're right that it doesn't give us the price of such a system being built in the USA in 2010; it does give us a solid data point, though, and using it will make our estimates better, which was the whole point.

Charles, you write well on the merits of nuclear - but writing authoritatively on economic phenomena with so much self feedback is not possible. We know that solar and wind production prices have fallen off a cliff with newer technology and production standards & are currently driving rapid growth, while nuclear has gotten more expensive because of construction cost inflation even while safety has ceased to be a serious concern in all but the most abstract manner.

Do you have any idea, in terms of cost per watt and cost per KWH, how printed CIGS thin-film PV compares with polysilicon waste cells, the newest solar thermal designs, floating offshore turbines, helium kite turbines, Wasatch Wind carbon fiber turbines, onshore ridgeline turbines, AP1000 reactors on US union labor, conventional reactors that the US government has decided not to insure anymore, PBMR reactors shipped up from South Africa, Molten Lead Fast Reactors put out by some startup from Pittsburg, etc etc etc...

And do you have info on how those cost numbers will change in relation to competition for materials and labor, as well as supply saturation and government incentives, over the next half century?

Didn't think so.

Committing to a single variety of silver bullet isn't adequate to our needs: any technology is unlikely to rise to the challenge reliably. Committing to developing a wide array of choices that look promising in ten years just might be. If that means our grid becomes an overbuilt patchwork of systems - that's a good problem to have in a nation that needs exports, fertilizer, cement, desalinated water, charged PHEVs, "a hydrogen economy"(coming soon to a science fair near you!).

Squalish asked

Do you have any idea, in terms of cost per watt and cost per KWH, how printed CIGS thin-film PV compares with polysilicon waste cells, the newest solar thermal designs, floating offshore turbines, helium kite turbines, Wasatch Wind carbon fiber turbines, onshore ridgeline turbines, AP1000 reactors on US union labor, conventional reactors that the US government has decided not to insure anymore, PBMR reactors shipped up from South Africa, Molten Lead Fast Reactors put out by some startup from Pittsburg, etc etc etc...

Squalish the cost of PV modules has held steady over the last few years, and runs about $0.21 Per KWh. Even if that price drops to 0, the prices of building massive PV arrays will be the killer. The cost of those arrays will not be significantly less that a nuclear power plant of comparable name plate output. The nuclear plant will produce far more electricity over a 24 hour period, and thus be a better deal. Concentrated Solar also appears from my admittedly incomplete assessment to have similar costs to nuclear. Much of the Data on concentrated solar has not been published, so final judgement is not possible.

And do you have info on how those cost numbers will change in relation to competition for materials and labor, as well as supply saturation and government incentives, over the next half century?

I havecalculated on the basis of published data that BrightSource CSP facilities will cost about as much as nuclear plants with equivalent name plate capacity, but in fact the nuclear plant will generate 3 times as much electricity every day.

Navada Solar 1, is rated at 64 MWs and cost $260,000,000.

Finally my calculationof the current cost of CSP suggests with interest that the price tag runs about $7 per watt, a price which is certainly not significantly less that the price of nuclear.

I have attempted to assemble such data on solar materials and labor input, but have run into a road block. The builders of solar generating facilities have not released information about materials labor input for their technology. However, data published during the 1990's suggest that solar facilities require several times the amount of steel that nuclear facilities do. Thus solar facilities may be subject to greater materials inflation than nuclear plants will be.

Didn't think so.

Sir you underestimate me!

the prices of building massive PV arrays will be the killer. The cost of those arrays will not be significantly less that a nuclear power plant of comparable name plate output.

That's not even true now.

Installation costs a little less than the solar module currently (link), meaning it would be about $4/Wp, or about $4B for a 1GW nameplate installation, vs. $6-7B for a 1GW nuclear plant.

That's using retail prices, though. Using prices for a larger installation (500kW) gives $5B/GW including installation and the PV modules. So, realistically, installation costs for solar are about 1/3 what they are for nuclear.

(Of course, nuclear often has a capacity factor 4-5x that of solar PV, meaning its installation costs will still be cheaper per kWh.)

Pitt, $4.85 per watt is closer to 5 than 4. Installation charges do not include interest. If you install a 15 kWs array on a factory roof, interest does not matter much, if you build a 1 GW array in the California, interest is a killer. Of course if you don't count the interest on the nuclear plant the cost goes down to $4 billion or so. And the nuclear plant pumps out power 24 hours a day, verses 5 to 8 hours a day for the PV facility.

$4.85 per watt is closer to 5 than 4.

And installation costs are less than module costs. What's your point?

Installation charges do not include interest.

They include it in exactly the same way nuclear installation costs include it. It's a direct cost comparison.

And the nuclear plant pumps out power 24 hours a day, verses 5 to 8 hours a day for the PV facility.

Yes, that's why the cost per kWh is lower for nuclear.

That wasn't what you claimed, though. You claimed the installation costs for solar were higher for the same nameplate rating, even if module costs were zero. You were wrong; same-nameplate costs are lower for solar, even including module costs.


I would love to have you contribute to a next article but I need your email address. Please email sterlingpesmith at yahoo dot com.


Pitt the Elder,
The solar industry is keeping the lid on information on solar installation costs. Published information and I have looked at it, seems to refer to overnight costs. I have yet to find a discussion on interest costs for solar installations.

But the information that does filter out suggests that solar installations overnight costs are running to at least $4.0 Billion per name plate GW. Solar Buzz reports that the cost of Solar modules has not dropped during the last 5 years. The cost of wind installations doubled between 2004 and 2008, and continue to inflate. Similar inflation factors have effected the cost of nuclear power, and - this is one of the things the solar industry keeps hidden - the cost of solar installations. Unfortunately no on in the solar industry acknowledges that the inflation exist. The self censorship on cost and inflation information consigns solar advocates to the same class as snake oil salesmen. Information about solar costs is highly selective, and simply cannot be trusted without information about installation costs and inflation trends.

In evaluating the cost estimates for"The Grand Solar Plan", which appeared in the January Scientific American, Dan M. wrote in the Scientific American Blog:

“if we look at the history of estimations of the cost and timeframe for large, government sponsored dedicated programs, we find a less than thrilling record.

The space shuttle was supposed to drop lift price by a factor of 100; it didn’t even cut them in half. The space station was supposed to cost 10% of what it cost, and do more. Supersonic travel was to be the wave of the future, and the US was going to fall far behind by not funding it. The Japanese were going to leave us in the dust, partially because their government funded the fifth generation computer development and ours stayed, for the most part, out of the market. Commercial fusion was just 30 years away, (and still is. :).”

Despite your claim that solar costs are decreasing, this is not reflected in the very limited information that is available about the costs of solar installations. My finding, based on very incomplete published information is that

depending on various factors, building one MW of solar energy can involve an investment of up to $7 million. That is before interest, and does not include overnight energy storage. Solar theorist claim that solar investment costs are going to drop to a $3.5-5 million soon. It is not clear if that figure includes inflation, because the word inflation never appears in discussions of solar power. According to solar experts in the next few years the cost of solar facilities may drop as low as $2.5 million per MW. That is expected to happen shortly after the Starship Enterprise gets its warp drive coil.
I am not entirely pleased with this assessment because a year ago, I was writing confidently about the usefulness of solar power to provide peak demand electricity in the Southwest. I have been forced to reevaluate.


The cost of solar projects is tracked very closely by states. To pretend otherwise seems silly indeed especially since so much detailed information from NJ has been posted here.


the information that does filter out suggests that solar installations overnight costs are running to at least $4.0 Billion per name plate GW.

Depends on the information you're looking at. This story, though, suggests that the recently-signed OptiSolar 550MW installation will cost about $1B, and deliver first power in 2011. That would suggest, at least for cutting-edge thin-film, a cost more in the range of $2B/GW.

However, I haven't been able to find much cost information on currently-operating facilities, such as the two 20MW Spanish installations. Based on the solarbuzz estimate, $4/GW nameplate would seem to be a likely figure for large installations.

Despite your claim that solar costs are decreasing

I haven't said that, actually. I'm well aware that the module costs being tracked by solarbuzz haven't moved much either way in quite a while.

I do expect solar costs to fall in the future, for several reasons (new factories easing the shortage of silicon; increased competition from thin-film; greater economies of scale), and what little information I have (the OptiSolar deal, above) suggests that will indeed happen.

The last few years, though, haven't been good to the prices of solar (or wind, or nuclear, or coal, or just about any infrastructure project), and you're quite right that there is not a clear trend of declining prices right now.

According to solar experts in the next few years the cost of solar facilities may drop as low as $2.5 million per MW.

If the above news article is to be believed, the PG&E plant to be built by OptiSolar will come in below that. It should be interesting to see.

a year ago, I was writing confidently about the usefulness of solar power....I have been forced to reevaluate.

That's the problem with being confident about uncertain things. Kudos to you for being willing to reevaluate, though - a lot of people try really hard not to, and that's always sad to see.

Actually, you want to take the cost of solar at the time a nuclear power plant can come on line. In 15 years, the cost of panels will be below $1/Wp. They may also be more efficient and thus require less effort to install.

It is worth remembering that every increase in demand for solar leads to a lower cost for the future while increased demand for nuclear power leads to cost escalations since the supply chain is so bottle-necked. More demand for solar means more manufacturing with China likely to take the lead this year. More demand for nuclear reactors means a longer queue for the one foundry in Japan that can still supply cores, a longer queue for the few remaining institutions that can train up people to work in nuclear construction, a longer queue for other nuclear qualified materials and a longer queue in the regulatory process. I would say that $12/W would be an optimistic final cost for nuclear power give the escalation trend over the last couple of years, $20/W with just a few unanticipated delays.


My point is that we've done the really hard work - using innovative technologies and manufacturing processes, we've gotten costs down on both wind and solar to the point that they can compete with nuclear - they're all in roughly the same area costwise. We've reached a point where Al Gore can demand 100% renewables in a decade and not be laughed out of the room. There are enough new ways of applying wind, solar, and nuclear that dozens of good ideas still lie untested in favor of standardized designs, while dirty coal and natural gas plants go up every year and we debate whether to construct a pipeline to exploit Athabasca.

Now the task ahead is to rapidly scale up *all of the above* renewables in search of advances, not whichever one happens to be the least expensive in year V based on W particular technology tested in X construction experiences in Y political conditions for location Z.

Bring it all on. Develop all the renewable techs that are remotely credible. We'll sort out the winning technologies after we've actually tried to implement them as bridge technologies.
You can't malign a CIGS thin-film factory that claims a theoretical fifty cents a watt based on estimates of something as obtuse as steel usage at a single 1990's monosilicon PV factory. Judging all potential future solar thermal based on a single project older than I am doesn't make sense. Panicking about bird kills based on windpower tower designs that havn't been economic since the last oil crisis does no one any good. Neither does removing all thought of nuclear based on a sixty year old reactor designed under Stalin, with all his love of safety and regard for human life.


This Generation IV nuclear technology sounds great, especially the Thorium stuff, which I gather is not weapons grade and produces waste with a hugely shorter half life. My questions are, why aren't we hearing more about it and what is preventing it's commercial introduction?

I have voiced support for algae based biofuels here on a number of occasions, only to be told that it will take a lot more work (time) to make it commercially viable and that it will not scale up to be very helpful (?). Is this the case with Generation IV nuclear technology?

It seems to me that both of these are solutions that seem to be theoretically sound but, not ready for implementation.

Here's hoping for rapid advances on both fronts!

Alan from the islands

It's not really surprising that in the States at least new designs (actually there was a prototype molten salt reactor operating in the States in the 1960's) face incredible regulatory hurdles.
Any technology which the regulators are unfamiliar with has to pay the staff $200 and hour to learn about it, before deciding on authorisation.
Unless it is an American company and the bill is being waived by the politicians, that means that not even very large corporations can afford to get a new design authorised.

This is an excellent way of destroying innovation.

Fortunately not every country has such absurd regulations.

Building a plant in China costs a fraction of the US costs, amongst other reasons having more than one authority to authorise what happens each with their own idea of how to do things causes huge expense.

If anything was regulated the way nuclear build is it would be very expensive.

The coal industry and the so-called greens have been very effective in the States in handicapping the nuclear industry - every capped mountain in WV attests to that.

That is just downright depressing. Another case like "Who Killed The Electric Car". Assuming that it is a tiny fraction of the human race that are employed in FF extraction and an even smaller fraction that "own" the industries involved, it is almost inconceivable that people could be so greedy and short sighted. Rape the planet, pump tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and prevent any other energy solutions from gaining a foothold while you're at it. Then when it's all done watch the suckers try to adapt to a world without FF. Of course you won't have anything to worry about because you're rich, you can afford anything you need or want.

Renewable energy resources like wind and sunshine are much more widely distributed than FF deposits so, I guess using renewable energy would allow a lot of smaller players to get involved in energy production, on a smaller scale. I can see how a lot of rich and powerful people would not be comfortable with that idea, no matter what the benefits are. They want to continue being the gatekeepers. "You can't pass through here unless you pay me." It seems peak human greed is something we will never see.

Alan from the islands

why aren't we hearing more about it and what is preventing it's commercial introduction?

Cheap Uranium, anti-nuclear activists and people who are misinformed and unwilling to take on the anti-nukes.

I don't think that such a high percentage of nuclear is realistic, because if all costs are taken into account (including deconstruction and risks) and without (indirect) subsidies nuclear is extremely expensive, and more expensive than nowadays fossil power plants. Even the nuclear-friendly IEA admits this. Those who are aware of this do avoid nuclear. For example the British Thatcher government wanted to sell their nuke plants (including all risk liabilities) to private investors - but none did even want them for free.
Instead I suspect that renewables will get a big boost after the peak of the respective fossil fuel + the costs of carbon capturing : In Germany, even supposing a slow rise of fossil fuel prices wind and photovoltaics are expected to become competitive within the next decade.

BTW: I don't think that peak gas will be very relevant, as the price of gas is coupled with the price of oil. Even with more LNG market activities this won't change much in future due to the quasi-cartel of very few gas exporters: They will sell what they have to who pays best.

if all costs are taken into account (including deconstruction and risks) and without (indirect) subsidies nuclear is extremely expensive

It is only because most of the externalities of nuclear are included in the cost while they are not for such sources as coal that nuclear appears to be expensive. On a more level playing field, nuclear would be the lowest cost alternative.

I don't think that peak gas will be very relevant, as the price of gas is coupled with the price of oil

not in the US, and long term differentials are wide enough that we could easily see LNG offtake capacity built to transfer a huge North American oversupply to world markets.

The cost of new nuclear power is prohibitive. This is from the beginning of Lovins and Sheikh quantitiative new work "The Nuclear Illusion"

A widely heralded view holds that nuclear power is experiencing a dramatic worldwide
revival and vibrant growth, because it’s competitive, necessary, reliable, secure, and vital for fuel
security and climate protection.
That’s all false. In fact, nuclear power is continuing its decades-long collapse in the
global marketplace because it’s grossly uncompetitive, unneeded, and obsolete—so hopelessly
uneconomic that one needn’t debate whether it’s clean and safe; it weakens electric reliability
and national security; and it worsens climate change compared with devoting the same money
and time to more effective options.

This work is well documented and persuasive. Nuclear proponents need to get a grip and stop attempting to divert us from the real task.


midsolar is off on his usual anti-nuclear rant. The methods and cost of building nuclear generation capacity can be altered to dramatically lower costs. (see my "Keys" posts
midsolar also is unaware of the devastating critiques of the Lovins and Sheikh essay by David Bradish and many others. (Bradish provides links to all of his earlier essays and the critiques of several other bloggers in his concluding post. See

Bradish argued that Lovins uses terms inconsistently, and that the working definition of Lovins language mean one thing in his essays, and another thing in his data set , Thus the "RMI’s “micropower” data don’t fit their own definition of “micropower”. Bradish charges that a well researched principle of classic economics, Jevons Paradox" contradicts Lovins claims about energy efficiency. Bradish "explained that energy efficiency and “negawatts” will not necessarily reduce demand and in fact strong evidence suggests it will most likely increase demand". Bradish further charged, "RMI cherry-picks cost components in their paper and, as the anonymous commenter stated, “[RMI] is leaving the territory of cherry-picking to bravely enter the la-la-land of making things up.” Finally Bradish pointed to evidence "that nuclear plants are a reliable source of electricity, contrary to RMI’s claims".

Lovins attempted to debate Bradish in two posts on Gristmill, but did not answer Bradish's criticisms and failed to respond to Bradish comments on his posts. Although Lovins promised a comprehensive answer to Bradish, he only offered two very incomplete posts, no response to Bradish;s comments and has offered no further defense of his arguments against Bradish's criticisms. No doubt Lovins knows that anti-nuclear fanatics will continue to mention his work despite his own unwillingness or inability to defend it.


You need to read Lovins and Sheikh's article. It says many of the things you have been saying about the problems with current nuclear power.

From your quotes of Bradish, it does not sound as though he actually participates in debate, just ad hominem.


Chris, I read the Lovins and Sheikh article and did my own critique. My conclusions were similar to Bradish's. I have not attempted to describe Bradish's arguments, only his conclusions. That is why I referred back to his original argument. Rest assured that Bradish had impressive grounds for his conclusions, He was not arguing ad hominem against Lovins, he demonstrated that Lovins had committed the errors he talked about.

Bradish's main argument seems to be that CHP is expensive. This does not seem to agree with reality so there is not much more to consider in that bit of whatever-it-is.

As to your link, you are still saying that we need to junk current technology so I don't quite see where you disagree with Lovins and Sheikh. They make many of the points you do.


"...the problems with current nuclear power."

That is the problem - most people do not understand the theoretical and experimental advances that have been made in the field of nuclear engineering. Also, they do not understand the socio-psychological conditioning of atomic powers first (and hence seen as primary) use in atomic weapons. Chernobyl, the 'current' myth maker was actually a crude bomb making factory - (see: - is it any wonder it blew up?) used to produce fissile material for the arms race - as were most cold war nuclear plants. The hope is that as a race of intelligent (?) beings we have gone beyond that paradigm, though reading the article on The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy (by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press) posted the other day, I do wonder...


Talking of Lovins, look what's in the Economist this week:

"Brain scan
The frugal cornucopian

Sep 4th 2008
From The Economist print edition
Amory Lovins began making the case for resource efficiency decades ago, long before it became fashionable. Now things are going his way

IF ANYBODY should be on top of the world today, it is Amory Lovins. That is not just because the energy visionary makes his home on a mountain in Old Snowmass, Colorado. Rather, it is because today’s interrelated energy and climate difficulties have at last made the world see the importance of resource efficiency, energy innovation and holistic design—principles that he has been advocating for nearly four decades."




Lots of people have theories.
The fact is that France has been producing most of their electricity for years with nuclear, and has some of the lowest rates in Europe.
There is no sign that the French economy is staggering from the high costs of hidden subsidies, and for many years now they have had some of the lowest CO2 emissions per person in Europe.
They have also had an excellent safety record, although how anyone who is peak oil aware can regard nuclear energy as risky compared to the huge numbers of people who will die is energy is short or there is climate change escapes me.


You'll notice that I said quantitative in my description. It is an open and shut case now. Nuclear power leads to more warming and energy shortages than the superior alternatives. This is not a theory.

At this point, anyone who still supports nuclear power is delusional and is probably cruel to kittens and puppies as well ;-)


Nuclear power leads to more warming and energy shortages than the superior alternatives. This is not a theory.


Gonna make that puppy glow! :-)

And I probably torture puppies, too. Well, at least that is a new one.

Thank you Sterling for the thoughtful and intriguing post. It's a good start to this conversation. But, I too think it is a bit cornucopian.

"My faith in the ingenuity, persistence and will to survive of mankind ..."

Your "faith" - or your last-ditch prayer? Either way your faith is useless when you "cannot defend it at this time."

"Is this vision hopelessly naïve and cornucopian? Only if you assume that there no way to go but down for mankind."

It is cornucopian. With your last sentence you leave an open ended accusation directed at the reader -"have the same faith as I do in my plan or else admit you are assuming humans are goners."

That of course is complete nonsense - there are many other alternatives to the simple dichotomy you propose.

The global village will collapse. The symptoms of collapse will be vary over time and place. But history says there will be some regions what will survive and likely prosper in the aftermath of this collapse.

Humanity is too combative to allow collapse in some areas whilst others mange to transition to some sort of low-energy, green future in a relatively pleasant manner.

History shows that endemic warfare will result unless we do a reasonable job of providing enough energy, and that will destroy the infrastructure too much to allow that kind of half-way house.

By the time that we are done throwing nukes around living at the stone-age level for the survivors would be a distant dream.

I tend to agree with you davemart that we will be far too combative as things get more desperate.

But if we avoid wide-scale nuclear war/nuclear winter I think it's likely that a number of regions in the world will survive with sufficient resources to carry on a relatively "modern" way of life. Possibly even a fossil fuel/petroleum-based economy, depending on the location and the ability of surviving regions to regain their senses and possibly begin cobbling together a new world economy.

One likely aftermath of such a World War III will be massive demand destruction.

If so, the there may be enough "easier to get" oil remaining to be sufficient to allow at least some of the surviving regions to return to a petro economy (assuming we do not waste too much on the wars themselves).

Energy Mix in 2050 (Tera Watts) ?????
Oil 1.0 3%
Coal 1.5 5%
Natural Gas 3.0 9%
Wind & Solar 8.1 25%
Nuclear 17.0 54%
Other 1.1 3%
Total 31.7

Seriously? 54%?
You and what cement factory?

step back wrote

Seriously? 54%?
You and what cement factory?

Step Back, the steel and cement requirements of nuclear are relatively modest compared to wind, and the requirements of Generation IV reactors will be even smaller.

For example, many people still think that nuclear has a low energy return and that supply of fuels are nearly running out, views that I think are strongly at odds with the evidence.

The clear evidence is that nuclear power does have a low energy return. Even proponents say there is a need to move to centrifuge enrichment because the energy return is so low. But, even then, nuclear power does not compare well with solar, wind and hydro.

Standard estimates for nuclear fuel availability stand at about 70 years at the present rate of use, much less at the rate you would use it. Again, nuclear proponents require a breeding cycle to avoid this issue, a technology that has led consistently to meltdowns. The evidence certainly does not support your position.


On expense of enrichment -what about Laser Enrichment:

"The Silex laser uranium enrichment process has been indicated to be an order of magnitude more efficient than existing production techniques but again, the exact figure is classified..."

On Energy output -what about annular fuel power uprates:

"MIT and Westinghouse have been working on increasing the power of existing pressure water nuclear reactors by 50%."

On Cement causing GW -what about Calera Cement:

"Calera Corporation is dedicated to reversing global warming and ocean acidification by trapping the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, in the built environment, proactively reducing the level of free carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere"

On how long Uranium supplies will last:

The current generation of reactors are really quite inefficient at burning fuel -I think they only use about 3%- And then there's Thorium...


Chris, the energy return on thorium mined from the Lemhi Pass strike would be tremendous. especially if it were used in thorium fuel cycle liquid fluoride reactors.The fuel cycle of light water reactors is not very efficient.

Even proponents say there is a need to move to centrifuge enrichment because the energy return is so low.

Gas diffusion enrichment uses fifty times as much energy as centrifuge enrichment. The only reason the gas diffusion is used at all is that it is a legacy of World War II and the Cold War when those plants were built. No one will ever build another gas diffusion plant. That is why energy return estimate for future reactors should only use centrifuge enrichment. The current gas diffusion plant will supply some current reactors but all future reactors will use centrifuges. That is why it is so dishonest for the anti-nuke to still talk about gas diffusion enrichment. What is so surprising to have a new, better technology after fifty years?

Standard estimates for nuclear fuel availability stand at about 70 years at the present rate of use

Those mistaken claims that fission fuels are in short supply result for misunderstanding what “reserves” mean and thinking that because the reserves for an resource like oil which is in short supply, closely approximate the resource base, this must also be true for Uranium. The only way to estimate the Uranium resource base is to look at what is known about its distribution in the crust. This, Thorium and the possibilities of other fuel cycles show that there are at least millions of years of supply.

It hardly makes sense to argue for increased use of nuclear power and then assume that diffusion plants will be closed. They can't be.

If you want to use thorium to overcome supply problems, which are in trouble in 2013, then you need to act very fast. Let see, how soon could a breeder program get going? It is illegal now, so not too fast I think.


I am not proposing to close gas diffusion plants. I am calling for something like a 19 fold increase in nuclear. The gas diffusion plants will still supply the old base. All the new construction will use centrifuges.

However, what you are calling for is too expensive, as pointed out by Lovins and Sheikh, so it is not going to happen. It is possible that diffusion plants will shut down as nuclear power continues to decline as a fraction of generation.

PS, looks like Ike is headed for the South Texas Project. It will be instructive to add the storm surge to anticipated sea level rise to get a guess about the advisability of building more there.


You remind me of the black knight in Monty Python.

Best line I've heard yet. I think that's checkmate:)

He will bite your ankle.

You've got granite in your brain if you can't read the writing on the wall. Nuclear power is a dying industry. It is really only oil producers who can afford it now:


You've got granite in your brain

I went to Dartmouth College where the college Alma Mater has these lines:

They have the still North in their hearts,
The hill-winds in their veins,
And the granite of New Hampshire
In their muscles and their brains;

Wah-Hoo-Wah! I had John Walsh for particle physics. Don't know if he was there when you were.




I graduated in '85. You probably also have some hands on experience with nuclear materials from Christy's lab class.


That is why energy return estimate for future reactors should only use centrifuge enrichment. The current gas diffusion plant will supply some current reactors but all future reactors will use centrifuges.

It is also possible that like CANDU plants now-a-days, and Magnox plants long ago, they will run on unenriched fuel, and require no membranes and no centrifuges. At I include an outline of how no-enrichment nuclear power might provide motor fuel. Also, a way for solar power stations to get through winter.

Thank you for writing this. I've been meaning to get around to writing something like it.

--- G.R.L. Cowan, H2 energy fan 'til ~1996

If the US government had the political will of France, UK, and Japan we would recycle our spent fuel rods.

"Reprocessing used fuel* to recover uranium (U, as RepU) and plutonium (Pu) avoids the wastage of a valuable resource. Most of it - about 96% - is uranium at less than 1% U-235 (often 0.4 - 0.8%), and up to 1% is plutonium. Both can be recycled as fresh fuel, saving up to 30% of the natural uranium otherwise required. The materials potentially available for recycling (but locked up in stored used fuel) could conceivably run the US reactor fleet of about 100 GWe for almost 30 years with no new uranium input."
If your 70 year figure is accurate, and there are many who don't buy into to it, then with recycling that would give us a 100 year supply.

A few notes:

The Hirsh Report predicts that it will take twenty years to fully mitigate the effects of oil peaking.

No it doesn't. People keep saying this, but that it not what it says, and never has been.

What it does say is that the programs he identifies (hybrid engines, CTL, GTL, heavy oil/oil sands, EOR), if started 20 years before a peak, would create enough additional liquid fuels to prevent the peak from occurring. What he labels as "mitigation" is really "making enough fuel that peak doesn't happen".

Perhaps more importantly, though, his estimates of equipment replacement rates - and hence societal adaptability - have serious methodological problems. In particular, he makes much of the notion that 50% of cars will be on the road 17 years later (top of p.23), but he appears not to have noted that they account for only a tiny fraction of miles driven. Based on the 2001 BTS travel survey, vehicles which are 17 or more years old account for only four percent of miles driven.

50% of miles driven come from cars that are 5 years old or less. That is a much more reasonable measure of how long it will take for new technology to filter into the installed stock.

It is widely believed that there is a direct relationship between a level of economic activity and the amount of energy that must be consumed to produce it (see works by Robert Ayres and Charles Hall).

It would be worth looking at Ayres's work regarding exergy services, as he finds that explains economic growth much more effectively than raw energy consumption. There are some links to his papers in GliderGuider's articles on this topic about a year ago, and in my responses, but the key idea is just that what matters is how much useful work we can derive from the energy, not the raw quantity of energy available.

One particular result of that - which Ayres notes explicitly - is that electricity is enormously more useful than an equivalent number of btus of any other energy type. Accordingly, there needs to be an appropriate conversion rate when comparing different types of energy, to take into account their different exergy potentials.

A typical approach is to use a 3:1 ratio for electricity to everything else, although that will tend to be too low if most ground transport is electrified, as that's 10:1 more efficient (see Ugo Bardi's recent article, or simply do the calculations yourself). Ayres's papers will offer some guidance on more sophisticated conversions, as well.

* Oil will peak by 2012 , coal by 2024 and natural gas by 2029.

I'm not challenging these dates, but I do want to point out that they're partly based on the reports of the Energy Watch Group, and those reports have serious methodological errors.

One very obvious one that you can see for yourself is to look at what they say about oil sands; they say that in situ production is not expected to make a significant contribution in the near future, when in fact it's already about 40% of production, and has been for several years. The amount of in situ production in the year they published the report was something like forty times the future target they set for it.

With huge and basic errors like that, it's not clear that their conclusions should be given much weight.

Wind and Solar will play vital roles in the future. However, they will have to operate within a power on demand grid.

Yes, and that's not that hard to do.

I've modelled a solar/wind/hydro system, based on real-world hourly sun and wind data for an entire year, and the result is that providing power as reliably as current plants would only take about 2 days of pumped storage. For the US as a whole, that's about the amount of water behind the Hoover Dam, so the sheer quantity of water isn't really a problem.

Fundamentally, there is very little reason why we can't use pumped storage to backstop an extremely high penetration rate of wind and solar power.

Moreover, even using today's prices, the cost would be modest - about 16c/kWh for baseload power. Adding in transmission and overhead, it's about 20c/kWh, or about twice the current US average price. It's both technically and economically feasible to have a large amount of energy generation coming from sources such as these. (That being said, it's worth noting that nuclear would fit very nicely into this setup, probably improving reliability and lowering costs.)

One particular result of that - which Ayres notes explicitly - is that electricity is enormously more useful than an equivalent number of btus of any other energy type.

I agree with that. I think we need to build some kind of consensus around a comprehensive model. What efficiency factor do you think we could add to a model that we could sell?

I've modeled a solar/wind/hydro system, based on real-world hourly sun and wind data for an entire year, and the result is that providing power as reliably as current plants would only take about 2 days of pumped storage.

In the linked passage, I noticed you wrote "Total cost [for a wind/solar/pumped storage system] is $6.3B (wind) + $7B (solar) + $2.7B (storage) = $16B, vs. $6B for 1GW nuclear", which seems plausible to me. How much pumped storage capacity could we build to cover my 158 fold increase in wind and solar (or taking into account both your greater efficiency and higher penetration)? It takes a special site with two reservoirs, one above another, does it not? I did not see where you showed that two days would be adequate backup.

What efficiency factor do you think we could add to a model that we could sell?

BP uses a conversion factor in their Statistical Review of World Energy. Based on the footnotes to tables like that on p.38 of the 2008 edition, they're converting from electricity to tons-of-oil-equivalent on the assumption of 38% generating efficiency.

So that number - 38% - is an obvious one to use, simply because it's already used in a major publication. Another reasonable number (in my opinion, at least) would be 1/3, because (a) it's simple; this is highly approximate anyway, (b) it's similar to actual conversion efficiencies for a number of major applications (thermal production of electricity, heat pumps, etc.), and (c) it's an underestimate of most major applications it's not close to (e.g., electric vs. petrol cars are ~10:1).

It would be interesting to take the major uses of energy in the world, figure out a reasonable conversion factor for each based on near-future technology (e.g., current-best heat pumps for low-grade heating, current-best EVs for transportation, etc.), weight those factors by the likely contribution of each application, and derive a bottom-up conversion factor from the best data available.

It would also probably be time-consuming, and not give an answer all that different from the two above. Considering the massive uncertainties involved in any kind of projection like this, I think 38% and 1/3 are both fine, if potentially a touch high (in my opinion).

How much pumped storage capacity could we build to cover my 158 fold increase in wind and solar (or taking into account both your greater efficiency and higher penetration)? It takes a special site with two reservoirs, one above another, does it not?

The second link I gave in the linked modelling post was to an article which tried to guestimate the cost of tunnelling out reservoirs in flat land based on the costs actually incurred by recent tunnelling projects (e.g., a major sewer system). His estimate came out to around $100/kWh (the cost I used), so capacity shouldn't be a major issue.

It's worth noting that I lumped generation capacity and storage into a single per-kWh cost, which isn't very accurate. Based on the first link I gave (the Chinese pumped storage system), generators are around $500/kW and storage around $10/kWh, meaning a storage bank capable of supplying 1GW for 50 hours would cost around $0.5B (generation) + $0.5B (storage) = $1B, or actually quite a bit less than I'd estimated there. Even doubling costs (to take into account increased commodity prices) still leaves it cheaper than I'd estimated based on the combined cost; it's a small change to the overall cost, though.

Roughly speaking, 2 days of pumped storage for the world's energy use (quality-adjusted at 3:1) is about the amount of water stored by 5 Hoover or Three Gorges dams. So it's really more an issue of generation capacity into/out of that storage than the amount of water volume required.

I did not see where you showed that two days would be adequate backup.

That's because that was the result of a simulation, not an argument.

What I did is download hourly wind power data for all of 2007 from Ontario Hydro, and hourly sun data for all of 2007 from some US research lab, plug in efficiency data, and use that to compute the capacity factor each hour, and hence the power generated by the total installed wind and solar facilities. A constant draw of 1GWh/h was subtracted, and the remainder was stored at 80% efficiency (or thrown away if storage was full). If the amount generated that hour was less than 1GW, that amount was withdrawn from storage. If storage went below some minimum (2 or 4 hours; don't remember), the system went into recharge mode: at the end of those 2/4 "buffer" hours, it was assumed that another generation source had been started to take over (e.g., gas peaking plant), and the system put all generated power into storage until it was half full (14 hours), at which point it took over from the backup plant.

If a given combination of wind/solar/hydro facilities completed the entire year within reliability criteria, it was considered valid. If it had to go into recharge mode too often or for too long, it was rejected. Then I simply had a computer brute-force search for the most cost-effective combination of wind/solar/storage which gave the required generation reliability. The mix I talked about was the result of that search.

So I can't show you in prose that 27 hours is enough storage to give you better reliability than a coal plant, as that's entirely dependent on the hourly wind and solar data and on the quantity of generators installed to take advantage of each. Given the actual data from 2007, though, and the wind/solar installations I talked about, that was the result.

In general, the system wasn't that sensitive to changes in the input; there was an enormous surplus of power (~40%, IIRC) over the year, and it was only during the summer (July/Aug mainly) that generation ran low. The main reason for that was simply that a solar kWh is much more expensive than a wind kWh right now (~2x), so the optimization process ended up using only the bare minimum of solar.

In a "near-future" run, with costs and efficiencies based on what companies like Nanosolar are saying they can do "once they ramp up", solar was much less penalized, and the same level of reliability was much cheaper (or, alternatively, the same price bought much more reliability and over-production). Generally speaking, wind was cheaper per kWh and solar was more reliable, and the "near-future" settings gave a cost much closer to that of nuclear (although still, IIRC, ~30% higher).

I suppose conceptually nuclear would fit nicely. If you view nuclear energy looking up at the cooling towers it's pretty nice. No GHG's, fluffy little steam clouds. It's lovely. What seems to be missing from the discussion is 1. The waste disposal issue and 2. The unpleasant consequences of bad stuff getting outside of the closed system by accident and 3. The unpleasant consequences of stuff getting outside of the closed system on purpose.

1. The last I heard Yucca Mtn isn't open for business yet. I found a page at, I think that had good documentation about how waste is managed around the world (forgot to bookmark it) with items labeled "How others do it." In any case, would I be wrong to conclude that the US does an average job of handling waste when compared with other nuclear energy users?

What about those users that do a less than average job managing waste? I'll refrain from pointing fingers.

In the US there are currently many many dry casks and spent fuel pools kind of just sitting around sort of...forever.

In addition to these, there are still over 100 active sites just in the US, research and testing facilities, that have high and low level radioactive waste inside, outside, in the ground and in the water. Essentially out of service zones.

I'm not a Luddite but I would like to have some assurance that the users of nuclear energy would figure out how to deal with waste that in many cases is, as far as Homo sapiens is concerned, eternally radioactive. It seems to me that the current paradigm is get the power now, work out the details ad hoc.

2. Accidents - Shit happens. In the case of nuclear accidents, they can be really nasty.

3. By Design - There are people that want to get nuclear material to kill people with.

In all seriousness, I believe there is a moral issue here. Do we as a transient species on this little planet have the right to more or less permanently remove large parcels of land (and water) from the biosphere for 10's 100's, 1000's and 1,000,000's of years so that we can grow GDP? In a post PO world, what level of risk is morally acceptable?

Love your handle.

I hope to get to all this in some detail in part II. The idea of burying partially spent fuel is so eighties. Like they do in France, the current thinking is to reprocess the partially spent fuels to get at more of the 97% or so of energy that is not consumed in once through LWRs. This reduces true waste to about 5% of what comes out of the reactor with that remainder having half lives in the few hundred years. Since the partially spent fuel from a reactor is only about 3 cubic meters per year, there really is no problem keeping the dry casks on site of 100 years or more or until we have a reprocessing system up.

Shit happens. In the case of nuclear accidents, they can be really nasty.

In the Western nuclear power industry, there has only been one significant accident (where no one was injured). Compare that to 30,000 coal deaths every year.

If people want to kill people they need to get weapons grade material. That means they either need to steal it from the military or do the enrichment themselves. Diverting material from a power reactor is virtually impossible and the mainly Pu-240 that comes out has little value for weapons. Look at the 1 kiloton bomb the North Koreans tested.

Thanks...I try to look for the silver lining :-).

You have been a very busy TODer today! Thanks for the work. I'm looking forward to the next installment. A final thought for you:

It is clear that nuclear energy is in the energy mix and I don't pretend to understand all aspects. I do know that it's not cheap or easy or rapidly deployable. Of great concern here in the US are the quaintly named "legacy" sites like Maxey Flats and others. Maxey Flats is a bunny compared with some. Recent news from France is disconcerting. Mitigation takes decades and in many cases there is really no way to quantify damage to people and the surrounding ecosystems.

Bottom line...fission, even in the next generation plants, is very dirty and costly. I suppose the tens of thousands of jobs required to support the industry is a net plus in a post PO economy. It would be best, in my mind, for nuclear to be the last option (...OK, we could make this work in this location for this population if we had a 1 MW nuke in the mix...) in infrastructure decisions as opposed to the anchor.

My contention is that in the 2030-2050 timeframe the only energy sources that will be in good supply are nuclear, wind and solar. Pitt the Elder shows down thread that a configuration of wind, solar and pumped storage that is as reliable as nuclear and is required for a grid with today's power on demand characteristic costs 2.7 times what a comparable nuclear configuration costs. So nuclear is the low cost option. But I also think we need to build as much wind and solar as we can, even though it is more expensive, so that we do not become too dependant on one source.

How is nuclear dirty? It does not produce any greenhouse gases in operation. Its wastes are extremely small, can mainly be recycled as fuel and can be safely disposed of without long term hazard. Compare that to coal, nuclear's current main competitor.

Can nuclear be rapidly deployed? Nuclear power plants are can be built in a small fraction of the time it takes now if we streamline the permitting. Just level the playing field somewhat so that nuclear is only 10 times as safe and clean as its competitors, for example. If we build a lot of them, they can use standard designs and be massed produced. Scaling nuclear is proven and, starting from a much larger base, can almost certainly grow much faster and larger than wind and solar.

France, the UK, and Japan all recycle their nuclear fuel. The true waste left over from recycling is just a tiny part of the material we label "waste" now. France, notes author William Tucker, stores all this material "in a single room at Le Havre." (From an IBD editorial.) I seem to remember it is an area of about 10'x 10'.

We also have Yucca Mountain to store this waste; we merely lack the political will to use it. I think you need to get a bit more information on recycling fuel rods.

Frankly, not using a safe, clean, available type of energy is immoral in my opinion.


"to more or less permanently remove large parcels of land (and water) from the biosphere for 10's 100's, 1000's and 1,000,000's of years"

This unfortunately is another myth. While radioactivity is a problem at very close range - especially when ingested - for low level gamma and x-radiation, alpha (protons) and beta (electrons) found in most waste, their intensities rapidly drop of. Most smoke detectors use an 'alpha' source to detect smoke particles - which gives you some idea of how weak they are - they are stopped by a few smoke molecules.

The main toxicity is from standard chemistry - these are heavy metals and so are toxic as are most other heavy metals. Also, nature as a whole is unaffected by radiation - it was early life forms that concentrated the current high level uranium ore, according to James Lovelock, and many simple lifeforms actually like uranium such a Citrobacter. To quote Lovelock:
"A television interviewer once asked me, 'But what about nuclear waste? Will it not poison the whole biosphere and persist for millions of years?' I knew this to be a nightmare fantasy wholly without substance in the real world. I also knew that the natural world would welcome nuclear waste as the perfect guardian against greedy developers, and whatever slight harm it might represent was a small price to pay. One of the striking things about places heavily contaminated by radioactive nuclides is the richness of their wildlife." (Revenge of Gaia, 2006, p.91)

Chernobyl is literally the living example, and is now something of a nature reserve:


Perhaps my use of the word biosphere was a bit of hyperbole. My fault. Maybe you could build a summer place at Chernobyl.

"...and many simple lifeforms actually like uranium such as Citrobacter"

I'm very pleased that the proto organisms are pleased.

"I also knew that the natural world would welcome nuclear waste as the perfect guardian against greedy developers, and whatever slight harm it might represent was a small price to pay."

What a bizarre statement. We could install nest-cams and den-cams and prairie-cams to watch the inedible creatures on YouTube as they give us the finger from inside their refuges.

"We could install nest-cams and den-cams and prairie-cams to watch the inedible creatures on YouTube as they give us the finger from inside their refuges."

That is the whole point - it keeps humans out of the picture and lets nature get on with it without interference, from being eaten or watched on web cam or otherwise. As for the mutagenic appearance of fingers, this is another myth - as I tried to point out, nature has lived and evolved with low level (and in some cases high level) radiation since the beginning of life on this planet.


Hi Luis,

Very interesting approach. Initial comment is that it is a good attempt to show the fundamentals of what is doable with current technology, given the caveats of human nature - which you mention as one of your assumptions. And that is the real difficulty; the 50 year dream that the west is waking up from has been dreamed solely by the privileged west and even in the west often by only the wealthy. The 'dream' of living the 'Disney family' lifestyle in a Macmansion is not the reality of the bulk of humanity - even though they might think they want to live that way - and even think they might like it. American Beauty anyone?

I recently met with Roberto Perez who is featured in the film 'Power of Community' (made by the same people who made end of suburbia: see and he had some very interesting things to say on peoples response to a 'peak oil' crisis. One thing he made clear, was that one of the most important changes was in peoples mindsets, and their value systems.

But of course it is difficult enough trying to model the material/energetic side of things, let alone that ephemeral thing called human nature.

The good thing about your model is that is does prove that the energy sources are there and could provisionally be made to work. This is an important factor, as other resources especially minerals, will be more and more reliant on usable/flexible energy for their mining/recycling or even recycling by mining old rubbish dumps!

As your CIA man said: "...none of us really know what is going to happen."


Sterling wrote: "Hansen, NASA's top climate expert, thinks that this threshold needs to be 385 ppm" Everyone should head over to Hansen's page (yes, I need to learn all this HTML tag functionality) and read April 2008 "Target CO2...". The paper clearly explains the dangers of non linear feedback in the global climate system, and states 350 ppm should be the initial goal.

As regards PHEV batteries, the lithium iron phosphate chemistry is ready now. 15 year life, thousands of cycles, certified DOT safe, coulumbic efficiency 93%, and please don't start talking peak lithium. These batteries have been ready for two years. Watch what happens with A123's IPO.

Regarding new nuclear. Regardless of the ROE, the ridiculous cost of 7 billion dollars for each new plant (see Progress Energy's PR) simply cannot compete with efficiency technologies. We have a limited amount of funds and resources to create energy for a growing economy in the face of declining fossil fuels--why throw it away on the most expensive option?

Regarding energy storage, please recognize that cavern air storage, CAS, technology has a good track record here in the US and Germany and that more facilities are being built, and that many other technologies are in pilot plant stage.

Finally, with millions of PHEV providing distributed storage, the grid can accept large percentages of intermittent RE, and move it efficiently at night.

I agree with you, Flex-fuel diesel PHEV is the real deal, especially if one can combine it with CNG for the heavier vehicles. Massive tax breaks can be put in place which make them a killer buy for most people, especially with 150-200 dollar oil coming up.

Brachio, why burn CNG in an IC at less than 30% efficiency, when you can burn it in a combined cycle facility getting 60%, and feed that into the grid, and hence to the car in the driveway? Pickens is way off base here.

Massive tax breaks have already been made to the fission power people, hundreds of billions since the fifties. No nukes will get built without MASSIVE federal loan guarantees. More tax breaks support the current liquid fuel paradigm in this county; some report as much as ten dollars per gallon.

Simply removing the massive government subsidies given to the entrenched interests (although it is hard to see how we will get the trillions committed to the Iraq adventure back, unless you happen to own oil stocks), returning those tax dollars to the consumer, and let the consumer choose between outdated IC technology and new tech.

I'll take the econobox version of the Tesla any day.

Also, the Atkinson cycle engine in the Prius rivals diesel engine efficiency--no need to go diesel unless it is a fuel supply issue.

Regardless of the ROE, the ridiculous cost of 7 billion dollars for each new plant

I would simply refer you to a quote from a link just up thread by Pitt the Elder, "Total cost [for a wind/solar/pumped storage system] is $6.3B (wind) + $7B (solar) + $2.7B (storage) = $16B, vs. $6B for 1GW nuclear". Notice that the configuration that provides reliable alternatives cost 2.7 time the cost of comparable nuclear.

Don't forget that the design life of a nuclear plant is 60 years where as a bad thunderstorm can wipe out a solar array in a few hours. My school lost $100,000 in solar panels from a thunderstorm a couple months ago. Just imagine if there was wind turbines instead of oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Total destruction would be expected every year. Those things are guaranteed for something like 100 mph for 1 minute.

Insurance can replace the solar panels in a month or so, perhaps even less than a nuke down time. But, insurance does not work for a meltdown. You seem to be worried about the wrong things.


Hi Chris,

..."does not work for a meltdown. You seem to be worried about the wrong things."

As I understand it modern reactors cannot melt down, they are intrinsically self limiting. I am guessing here so forgive me if I am wrong, but your knowledge base on nuclear technology seems to be based analogously on a Newcomen engine, when in fact modern technology is more equivalent to a combined cycle power plant. Modern reactors can be built to a totally different technological paradigm. Of course this does not stop dumb decision making utilising 'proven' aka old technology - is this your concern?

I've sourced some interesting articles that back up the 'sensible' nuclear power route:

Uranium: Infinite supply vs. 50 years:

The Thorium potential + drawbacks:

And all about the CANDU energy system:

And this one:


See Sargent & Lundy consulting engineer's report to NREL -- Conservative analysis by consultants indicate if rate of construction can be brought up to provide a total installed base of 2.2 GW by 2020, then the cost-per-kwh would drop to 5.5 cents / kwh. The developing company, more optimistic, believes if installed base 8.5 GW then 3.5 cents / kwh. All estimates include storage (using cheap sand and gravel thermal medium, making cost nearly zero) That sets the figure at about $4.5B / GW + transmission, total, all in, equal reliability to nuclear.


I should first like to say that I too find your analytical approach has great merit.

But the outcomes will diverge radically on what you choose as inputs. I will read Pitt the Elder.

But if your saying that it will cost $16B to supply the same amount of energy as a $7B 1GW fission plant, at the same reliability level, then I'll be happy to supply some alternate figures.

In the meanwhile, I hope we can all agree that at this point, installing $200M worth of CFLs will have exactly the same impact on the grid as bringing a new 1GW plant on line, at one thirtieth the cost.

I hope we can all agree that at this point, installing $200M worth of CFLs will have exactly the same impact on the grid as bringing a new 1GW plant on line

I do not know what that is but on its face it seems like magic.

Those are Pitt's costs but they seem right to me.

Those are Pitt's costs but they seem right to me.

If they don't, though - or even if they do! - I heartily urge everyone to check for themselves.

Frequently, I'll read something and think "that doesn't sound right". I know how unreliable intuition can be, though (quantum mechanics, anyone?), so my next step is to go look for data to disprove what I've read. Not just opinions that agree with me, but hard, numerical data.

Usually, I find it. Often, though, and much more interestingly, not only do I not find that data, I find hard data proving me wrong. And that's great - it means I've just been handed an enormous learning opportunity, and part of my understanding of the world has just shifted from wrong to right. Wonderful!

I cannot encourage people enough to check for themselves when they read something that sounds funny to them. It's an absolutely superlative way to keep your beliefs about the world firmly rooted in the available evidence.

Replacing a single 75 watt bulb that is used 6 hours a day by an 8 watt CFL costs about three dollars and liberates 0.4 kwh/day. This is equivalent to 17 watts continuous at a cost of $3. Do that 67 million times, one bulb in one building, at a cost of $200M and one has liberated 1.1GW of continuous power. Keep in mind, your 1GW plant is only going to be available 90% of the time. Given a wealth of similar opportunities, and including such notables as micro cogeneration in the 66M households burning NG to just make heat (what a sin), where do you spend your money first?

Agreed, it is magic, if by magic your are referring to how most people have been convinced the only way to grow our economy is by growing energy supplies.

Sterling, please take these comments as constructive, and continue with your analysis. It is valuable.

Compact florescent lights. Duh.

Yes, they are very valuable. But we cannot conserve our way to a solution because legacy energy sources (oil, coal and gas) go to about 17% of demand by 2050. Reminds me of the book/movie “Into the Wild”. We would just keep tightening our belt until we starved to death.

The only way out is to build a new energy infrastructure.

But we cannot conserve our way to a solution because legacy energy sources (oil, coal and gas) go to about 17% of demand by 2050. Reminds me of the book/movie “Into the Wild”. We would just keep tightening our belt until we starved to death.

The only way out is to build a new energy infrastructure.

While I have not suggested we conserve our way to a solution, I am strongly saying that wasting less energy on things like lighting (20% of electrical consumption) etc can supply much more energy much faster and much cheaper. Again, I ask, where do you spend you money first? If a 15 year program to overhaul lighting (LEDs at 200 lumens/watt by 2020) frees up half of the estimated 20% of US electrical generation for other uses, at a twentieth the cost, where do you spend first? How many hyper expensive nuclear plants (don't forget, there is a global shortage of that kind of manufacturing ability) does that permanently obviate the need for? 40? At this point, having looked at energy use for decades, I can say that the practical economic limit for efficiency improvements is still somewhere over the horizon. We can dramatically reduce the energy inputs per unit of economic output, and isn't that the best way to get this economy on a growth track?

I haven't seen the movie, but if it involves a hummer with a leak in its gas tank headed into the desert, and the main character is telling everyone "don't worry, the government is giving loan guarantees to anyone who will build gas stations that will be ready twenty years from now", then I get the point.

The game is: the best outcome as quickly as possible. This means you must use your resources wisely. I ask again, do you commit limited resources to the most expensive way to provide new energy to the grid? Or do you procceed with profitable efficiency measures, exploit existing cogeneration renewables etc that are ready now?

New nuclear will provide electricity (eventually, and with massive up front borrowing based on federal loan guarantees--Fannie Mae style bailout in thirty years anyone?) at $0.07 to $0.10 at the busbar. Delivered cost, before profit, in the $0.15 to $0.20 range. There are at least a dozen ways to get the power delivered more cheaply, or generate on site, or just get around the need for it.

Suggested inputs for your modelling: spend a week or so comprehending what RMI has been saying for thirty years, and then come up to speed on what happens to an upgraded grid with: tens of millions of PHEVs, solar thermal, wind, and cogeneration. That solution is way cheaper than rolling out a fleet of new nuclear, funded by the taxpayer, and owned by yet another crew of energy barons. Oh, BTW, you fix the carbon thing also.

I have blasted your approach, and with good reason believe, but let me ask you a serious and straightforward question:

What would the ratio of energy use be for a home that is 1. Strawbale with 2. Solar power, 3. solar water heater, 4. rain catchment, 5. 12v DC lighting, 1kw windmill versus a typical home now?

That is, are you sure after 40 years of energy emergency demand will be what it is today? And is there now way (natural building, passive house, super insulation, localizing, etc.) to reduce demand significantly?


That is, are you sure after 40 years of energy emergency demand will be what it is today?

I chose this scenario as the sort of worst case where the world would survive, build a new energy infrastructure and then continue with advanced civilization. It is meant to address the doomer claim that collapse is inevitable. If we can show in Part II how we can get to such an outcome, then we hope to get many on board with the idea that survival is possible.

I personally think right now that what will really happen is better than what we are trying to describe. That the downturn will not be a severe as in this scenario. But if I presented that I would likely get fewer to believe that survival of advanced civilization is possible. I am not predicting the scenario that I am trying to describe in this vision.

The wind, solar, storage solution would be much better, because it can adjust to demand. Nukes are on or off (with days to return to power, New Orleans nuke is still down, taken off-line in anticipation of Gustav) and cannot adjust to time of day changes in demand. And they are very delicate.


"...and cannot adjust to time of day changes in demand."
Oh yes they can!
"And they are very delicate."
Oh no they're not!
For example, check out:

I understand where you're coming from having worked on existing 'bomb' factory nuclear plants, but there are many different possibilities with new technologies and designs. Of course, given the problems of paradigm shifts tending to take generations of twenty to thirty years then maybe we will be stuck with the old ways for some time yet...


Somehow people still assume nuclear power plants are on/off baseload generators. I don't know exactly how it is in the US power market, but the French nukes are the load balancing plants for the grid, highly flexible.

My information is that French attempts at load following failed miserably. They sell power to Germany et al at give away prices late at night to avoid reducing output.

Please note that EDF says that the French grid cannot accept more nukes (at 70% nuke, 10% hydro, 20% FF from memory, another 10% nuke is sold abroad) and the new 1.6 GW EPR just south of England is being built for export.



Sorry Sterling, Luis, I misread who posted vs who wrote the article, I do apologise,


I tend to agree with noutram that the prospects for "Western Civilization" surviving the article's described (very gentle, relative terms) energy crisis intact are very low. Not due to lack of technology or capability, see below, but due to the foolishness of the participants. Unreality strikes.


1) Not once in any of the articles is solar thermal --> electricity mentioned. See Sargent & Lundy consulting engineer's report to NREL -- Conservative analysis by consultants indicate if rate of construction can be brought up to provide a total installed base of 2.2 GW by 2020, then the cost-per-kwh would drop to 5.5 cents / kwh. The developing company, more optimistic, believes if installed base 8.5 GW then 3.5 cents / kwh. All estimates include storage (using cheap sand and gravel thermal medium, making cost nearly zero)

2) Not once is mentioned the logic of using modern computing and communications technology to implement a genuine real-time market for electricity with the intention of incenting and rewarding customers to match their loads to the availability, esp. renewables, thus eliminating present huge wastes and inefficiencies of daily load peaks such as 100% variation, nearly all serviced by grossly inefficient simple-cycle gas turbines. See my papers at

Independent Market for Every Utility Customer - Preliminary Business Case

Independent Market for Every Utility Customer - Part 2 - Market Operation

Independent Market for Every Utility Customer - Part 3 - Alternative Market Operation

Energy Central Blogs - IMEUC - Independent Market for Every Utility Customer

3) Two above in particular will enable use of PHEV's esp. with eg. EESTOR capacitor energy storage for autos. Regardless whether you believe they actually have the required insulator technology already developed and mass producible, if they don't then very soon someone else will, after all it's only a 1 micron thick insulator capable of withstanding 350 volts. Will happen. 52 kwh storage packs weighing 200 kg. Reduces auto fuel costs to 10% of present. 200 mile range at freeway speeds, recharge as fast as grid can supply, basically unlimited life. At that point, the switchover from petroleum will be as massive as the grid will allow, so grid BETTER start getting ready, SOON.

4) Any use of Natural Gas for home heating should immediately/very soon be mandated to happen in a CHP unit (laws should already be prepared) so that any heat provided a home from burning N Gas (hot water, space heating etc.) comes from the waste heat of either a SOFC fuel cell (call GE or others) or a silent Stirling engine (WhisperGen, Pillar). Essentially gets electricity from N Gas at near 100% efficiency, eliminates transmission loss, available as quick-start peaking resource, beats a 50% CCGT hands down. Only problem is it also bypasses utility profits and tax revenues.

5) Distributed solat-thermal micro-CHP. With 600 kwh / day on average falling on each home, it's ridiculous to suppose that heating and electricity prices can just keep going up.

6) Photovoltaic Technologies Beyond the Horizon: Optical Rectenna Solar Cell Total resources SB a few grams of carbon nanotubes and a few micro-grams of semiconductor, and the plastic sheet it's printed on. When this hits, 92% efficient solar cells WILL simply be included on all roofing and siding materials at no cost. Building owners will simply decide how much of it to connect to inverters. Utility executives will go nuts.

7) Several others

There are good hopes for a lot of things, and if they pan out no reason not to adopt them.

None of that means that a sensible plan can be put forward with adequate costings for the use of all-renewables at the moment.
It is very early days yet, and in the real world you have to make conservative assumptions.

Hydro-electric aside, which is great where you have that resource although even that has it's problems, they only technology we have that is up and running on a large scale at the moment that is not fossil fuel is nuclear, which in practice and not just in theory provides most of the electricity for a major country, France, safely and cheaply.

We don't have the luxury of hanging on, burning loads more of the incredibly polluting, dangerous and CO2 emitting coal and waiting for the technology of renewables to mature.

Major nuclear build programs can be started right now,a nd are in most of the world, even though the US and parts of Europe lag.

Let me explain what I am trying to do. I first thought I could write an article with this kind of organization:

- Electricity based transportation
- Reactor technology and operations
- Grid development
- Wind and solar
- Buildout industrial challenges
- Fuel cycle and resources
- Spent fuel processing
- Sites
- Conservation
- Financing
- Economic grow and the health of civilization
- A World War Two level effort

But I wanted to enlist several expert poster, like Charles Barton, to write sections for which I do not have the expertise. So I thought I would first write the model section and then email it out and see who I could line up. Once I wrote the model section (this key post) it turned out to be a very lengthly post be itself. So I decided that before we try to take on the description of the solution, I should first try to get some consensus on what the target it. What would it take for civilization to survive? If this vision is possible, I think it will happen because that is the way the dynamics of our civilization work and the alternatives are too dire.

You took the words out of my mouth!

Hopelessly naive and cornucopian!

Wishful thinking.

Grounded in opinion not facts.

Nuke number is absolutely crazy. World currently has ~.4 TW of nuclear and it will grow to 17 TW or 100% average growth per year for the next 42 years! To avoid exhausting uranium resources you'd also have
build a huge number of breeder reactors in addition to existing conventional nuke power plants just to put fuel(plutonium) into existing plants--so-called plutonium economy. But the technology doesn't even exist.

The fossil fuel numbers don't reflect projected depleting but a desire to stop using them.

Overall you would increase energy(almost all turned into electricity) usage by 66%, which is even faster than projected world population growth of less than 1.25% per year. Why?

The whole thing is just flat out silly.

Hi folks - I am new to this whole theme and still building my knowledge base. I have been reading Oil Drum for a while and really appreciate the insights/informationdiscussion provided here.

I have a question which may have been dealt with previously - please bear with me if that is the case. I think the extent to which we were able to affect the weather systems of our planet by the use of fossil fuels was surprising to most people. I wonder whether the same type of unforeseen effect could occur with some of our renewable resources. Can anyone direct me to a site/discussion which examines theoretical limits of wind/tidal/geothermal energy? I am curious if our draw-down of energy from any of these systems would be enough to destabilize them, and interested in what others may think about this.

Thank you - Al

Hi, here is a link to a study for the UK:
Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air (

In my view, this is definitive, and indicates that it cold, northerly, densely populated countries with very optimistic projections of current technology and basically ignoring costs renewables are inadequate to supply enough power.

Please note that this conclusion does not apply to other areas, notably the US, where on the same basis resources would be adequate, and other issues such as cost are to the fore.

Powering most of the planet by renewables would be dependent on the really big resources, which are solar, geothermal, ocean tides and currents and wind.

For solar and geothermal at least resources are so huge compared to human needs that any impact on overall climate seems likely to be limited, but localised effects are quite likely, for instance by decreasing the temperature of desert areas where solar thermal plants are based.

You don't get something for nothing, even if it uses renewable resources, and this is one of the reasons why using the whole range of available options is a good idea.

In my view, this is definitive, and indicates that it cold, northerly, densely populated countries with very optimistic projections of current technology and basically ignoring costs renewables are inadequate to supply enough power.

He's not using the right data for some of his calculations, though.

For example, he repeatedly notes that the average wind speed in Britain is under 7m/s (Ch 4, p.33 and Ch B, p.273), but he comes to that conclusion based on measurements made at a height of 10m (caption to Fig. B.7). It's well-known that wind gets substantially stronger as height increases - and he even gives formulas for this on p.278 - but for some inexplicable reason he appears to ignore this entirely for the rest of his analysis.

Based on these formulas, the amount of energy available from wind at 80m is 2.5x larger than at 10m; it seems...odd...not to take this into account. Odder still is the last sentence of Ch B, which says simply that 33% of the UK has annual mean wind speeds of 7.0m/s; contrast that to p.34, where he uses a figure of 6m/s for "the windiest 10% of the country".

The numbers he talks about aren't internally consistent, but he seems to consistently use the smaller ones in the main body of the discussion. That does not make for a definitive presentation.

Good points as usual. He presented this as very much an incomplete first draft, and invites corrections.
It would be a real service if you pointed this out to him.

I don't feel that the errors are great enough to alter the overall picture of eh inadequacy of renewable resources here to keep 60 million of us alive.

As well as the absolute shortage of resources, whole new areas of difficulty come into play as soon as you start putting in cost figures.

Off-shore wind is the big resource, and the cost of that is vast compared to virtually anything except building solar PV at this latitude and with the degree of cloud cover we get.
It is certainly huge compared to the on-shore wind costs in the US.

Each nuclear plant permits huge numbers of wind turbines not to be built. The only reason that they can sound good at all is because of widespread confusion between installed capacity and average hourly output, although in the UK the wind pattern is very favourable, being around two and a half times higher in the mid-winter than in mid-summer.
Here is a report on this:
It will make a useful contribution, but on another level Scotland is unlikely to fully develop much of the best resources for on-shore wind to power the English at cost to their Highlands and wilderness.

Thanks for this work Sterling. Just want to offer a correction.

"James Hansen, NASA's top climate expert, thinks that this threshold needs to be 385 ppm, below the current level, and we are already seeing serious negative effects."

Actually, 385 ppm is about the current level.

In a paper by Hansen and colleagues their models actually place the threshold anywhere from 300-350. See:

This work was presented at the 2007 American Geophysical Union meetings and subsequently inspired the formation of this group:

A highly readable review of this information can be found in the book Climate Code Red, which has a web site:

May I also add Sterling has, either out of ignorance (non-pejorative sense), capriciousness, or maliciousness ignored the new findings on methane hydrates and permafrost melting in the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Tundra, respectively.

This makes virtually anything and anything he has to say little more than a "What if..?" with no application to reality. I do not understand the persistence of such wasteful ventures.


Your "recommended scenarios" will not happen. Just forget-about-it.

As for wind and solar - I think you are trying to be politically correct here, as we both know that any scenario in which they are anything but a niche energy sources is a pie in the sky.

IMO fossil fuels will last much more than these projections, simply because of economics - with higher prices there will be incentives to look for new supplies and find innovative ways to use the current ones. Underground coal gasification for example offers a great potential to expand the coal base. The reason this one is not employed now is that until recently coal was considered too abundant to be worth it. Oil shale and tar sands are also soon to be scaled up. All it takes is oil at above $100 for several years. Now nobody knows for certain how much will we be able to extend the FF resource base, but one thing I can bet - we will extend it as far as possible.

I will submit that your scenario is what I would like to happen, for environmental reasons, but I don't think this is what will happen in practice. What will happen will be determined by economics, nothing else.

Now this is my guesstimate for 2050, and I hope we are all alive by then to check who was closer:
1. Oil - 10%
2. Coal - 25%
3. Natural Gas - 20% (I expect development of gas hydrates in the not-too-distant future)
4. Tar sands, oil shale - 5%
5. Nuclear, possibly fusion - 25%. I also see fast tracking of nuclear starting next decade, but one has to assume unprecedented level of international cooperation to make it the predominant source worldwide. I don't.
6. Wind & solar - 10%, the very best case.
7. Hydro staying at 3%, maybe less because of climate change, degrading resource base, water diverted for other purposes
8. Biofuels, biomass - 2%. The pending global food crisis will take care of those.

To me Luis' number seems solid for oil and coal. The coal number is the same as that put out by Dave Rutledge who has done the world HL for coal. I am not sure about gas and I think you might be right about hydrates. I think low grade hydrocarbons (tar sands and shale) might be important fuel sources but not energy sources because their energy returns are too low.

You might be right about the scalability of wind and solar. I do not know whether intermittency or scalability limits them first. I do think they can get to 20%.

I think nuclear scales up to what is required to take up whatever slack it there. I do not think fusion comes in in a meaningful way before 2050. I am pretty sure there is plenty of fission fuel and that the disadvantages of fission generation are all manageable.

I greatly respect your posts and invite you to contribute to the next section, which I will try to get together by the end of the year or so. You would not have to completely buy my model and I am trying to come to a consensus about it.

Thank you, but I consider myself an amateur in this. And thank you for the efforts you put in this piece.

Now, to a great extent it's a crap shooting game to project things further than 20 years out. But if I had to make a projection like yours I would have started with different assumptions:
1) Demand growth
I don't think 30% improvement in efficiency in the next 20 years is realistic. Outside USA the world is pretty much as efficient as it can be, given existing infrastructure. The biggest inefficiencies that could be addressed in the long run are in the transportation sector, which can and I think will be electrified; but this will take much more than 20 years.

In addition in the medium term all efficiency improvements in developed countries are going to be quickly overcome by economic growth in the developing ones.

Given all of this, if I am to make a projection I would have assumed a conservative constant 1.5-2% growth in energy demand for the next 40 years; which is close to the historical average (3%) but reflects possible economic and population slowdowns plus conservation and efficiency efforts in the meantime.

More specifically I would look at the following scenarios and figure out what it takes to achieve them:
A) BAU growth: 3% - not even remotely possible IMO
B) "Efficient" growth: 2%
C) Efficiency plus economic slowdown: 1%
D) Depression/global economic breakdown; 0% or -1%

2) Fossil fuel production - any scenario where FFs are politically constrained needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Long term any political constrain on FFs can not be sustained, unless some other, cheaper alternatives are deployed.

3) Wind & solar.
Withing the grid, wind & solar are not fossil fuel alternatives, they just supplement them and save some fuel. 30% of electricity is an impossible target IMO, and I wouldn't bet on any super innovative schemes to achieve it (no large-scale storage or smart grids in sight). In addition favorable resources are strictly local and in the absence of a global grid some places would be able to achieve high penetration, other won't but the average will be much less than the theoretical maximum.

4) Other alternatives - nuclear will grow as much as it can in its current environment. Basically this is the only available mature technology not constrained by physical, but only by human factors. Therefore it is virtually impossible to predict how fast it will grow. In my view this makes it the wildcard, which will determine whether we will fall in demand growth scenarios B), C) or D), but I wouldn't bet on ten or twenty-fold increases - things simply don't move at such speeds.

Luis de Sousa thought the 30% in 20 years was not realistic as well. I pointed out that for the sake of my model it really only matters what the number is at the end of the period and by that time I model that the efficiency improvements during the crunch have mainly been given back except for the changes in work mix to more information activities.

However, Pitt the Elder pointed out today that electricity can do the same work for 1/3 to 1/10 (for transportation) the energy of other sources. That seems a bit much but I think the basic idea is right. I think I need to change the model to lower the demand for electricity by as much as half to take this into account. Do you have a thought about this?

30% of electricity is an impossible target IMO, and I wouldn't bet on any super innovative schemes to achieve it (no large-scale storage or smart grids in sight).

I think the smart grid has some potential. I want to try to get the wind and solar guys on board to try to see what they think they could configure. I think they have more of a scaling issue than the intermittency question but if Pitt is right about electrical efficiency then maybe it is possible.

My idea about collaboration is that all we do together is try to refine the demand model to know what we are trying to configure. Then everyone who contributes just takes one or more topic and writes what amounts to a long comment post that runs under your name without my editing (except maybe some gentle suggestions). You have knocked off a couple of those today already.

The point of the scenario is not really "will it happen", but "could it happen". Is there a way for advanced civilization to continue to exist? Once we establish that it is possible, then we can work on trying to figure out better what actally will happen.

I do not know whether I can pull off organizing this so it might not happen. But I think with all the smart people who post here, we could articulate a pretty compelling vision without bruising people's egos too much. I hope you will consider it when I get around to it.

I'd go along with a likely lower figure.
The main reason for that is simply that energy will be more expensive.
Fortunately though energy is basically thrown away at the moment.

In addition to the efficiency gains of going electric,which Pitt mentions, something like 40% goes on space heating.
With effective insulation and design, this could be almost eliminated, or at lest much reduced if air-source heat pumps were installed as electricity takes over from gas as the main heating source - that gives around a 2.5-4 times gain in efficiency, depending on whether it is a new build.

As a against that though, if we are assuming a reasonably successful adjustment, the latent energy demand in the 3rd world will rapidly kick in.

Thanks for all your work in this fine article.

Thanks, Dave.

Thought about your section(s) yet for part II? ;-)

In Britain it is a full time intellectual job to figure out how not to freeze in the next cold winter, perhaps this one.
Although the anti-nuclear crowd don't realise it yet, the debate here is effectively finished, and that will rapidly become apparent when power shortages bite, as people will want heat, not theoretical objections.
No doubt they will be insisting to the end that renewables will do the job on their own, which whatever may be the case for America is entirely fantastical for Britain:
Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air (
High fuel prices will lay bare the huge expense of renewables in charges on top of normal bills - the numbers dyeing form not being able to afford fuel will expose just what those vast costs mean, and the true cost of regulatory delay in the nuclear build.

Of course, much damage has already been done, with the British nuclear industry and expertise run down, and vest quantities of CO2 emitted, and power shortages and many deaths of the weak and elderly are now guaranteed, but if they imagine that they are likely to retain any power as a political force they are entirely mistaken.
The power was in any case a product of cheap fossil fuel prices making nuclear a strategic decision rather than an economic one for many years, and the backing of a then vigorous coal industry to keep on polluting, so the coalition of forces is destroyed.

A political response to an energy crisis is more likely to undertake measures that can have an effect within the 4-5 year term of office. Additional wind power can be built now and be seen to have an effect. The crisis will sweep away the last objections to visual pollution.
Starting new nuclear plants won't even have a hole in the ground to point to, but may help the present opposition in 9years, which will be in office by the time the facility comes on line. However, delaying shutting down existing nuclear plants will give immediate benefits.
Shortages of electricity in other times or countries, is usually managed by rationing with rolling black-outs, and ensures no one has to freeze in the dark, and often enough people conserve to keep disruptions to a minimum. The UK produces and consumes way more electricity than is needed or is used by most other countries( except US, some EU, Canada , Australia). Many 3rd world countries have blackouts every day or sometimes several per day, its not desirable, but life goes on.

I think our civilization is safe. I'm growing more confident by the day as I watch people adjust, plus the amount of waste in the current system is so huge that is beyond belief. We can argue in which direction we will transition to the alternatives, but we will eventually transition that's for sure. In the meantime though, poor people and developing countries will be the ones having a real hard time. We are also in danger of leaning towards coal bringing even further environmental degradation.

I am dismissing complex solutions for 30% renewable, based strictly on economics; if we could do it more simply and cheaply (e.g. coal or nuclear) we will do it this way. This is especially true in a resource constrained future. Nuclear also offers a great potential for economies of scale, and once the Chinese master the HTGR for example we might witness a virtual construction boom.

Re: your project - I will be glad to contribute with what I can...

I agree regarding the economics but think we should give the renewables people a chance to make their case as well as for energy security reasons. Maybe renewables will not get to 30%.

Email me at sterlingpesmith at yahoo dot com and I will get back to you when I get going on part two. I have about five other people I am trying to line up.

I don't think 30% improvement in efficiency in the next 20 years is realistic.

World GDP (in constant dollars) grew by 118% between 1980 and 2000, whereas world energy consumption grew by 40%. In other words, efficiency improved by 35% in 20 years, despite energy prices being remarkably cheap for most of that time.

Based on that, 30% efficiency improvement in 20 years of high prices isn't what's unrealistic; what's unrealistic is assuming efficiency will get 30% worse in the next 20 years; that's simply not how industrialization and modernization has historically worked.

Outside USA the world is pretty much as efficient as it can be, given existing infrastructure.

Don't be silly. Have you ever been outside the USA? There's plenty of waste; for example, China's coal plants are much less efficient than the USA's, not to mention Europe's. On the other end of the technological scale, an enormous amount of wood and cooking fuel could be replaced by solar cookers.

Your statement isn't much more than the old "but America's different!" fallacy. It isn't all that different. Really.

I would have assumed a conservative constant 1.5-2% growth in energy demand for the next 40 years; which is close to the historical average (3%) but reflects possible economic and population slowdowns plus conservation and efficiency efforts in the meantime.

The historical average is 2.0%, based on EIA consumption data, calculated either from 1980-2005 or from 1985-2005.

Given that that's during a period with low energy prices, no serious supply problems, and much faster population growth than is expected for the next 40 years, 1.5-2% is very likely to be a substantial overestimate.

More specifically I would look at the following scenarios and figure out what it takes to achieve them:
B) "Efficient" growth: 2%
D) Depression/global economic breakdown; 0% or -1%

B) Germany has seen 1.3% total growth in energy consumption in the 14 years after reunification, or less than 0.1% per year. "Efficient" growth can be done with a lot less than 2% growth in energy consumption.

D) World annual energy consumption has only fallen once in recent history: from 1979 to 1983 it fell about 1%. Yet during that time, the world economy still grew, albeit at about half its normal rate. Economic growth can be done without energy consumption growth.

30% of electricity is an impossible target IMO, and I wouldn't bet on any super innovative schemes to achieve it (no large-scale storage

You don't need "super-innovative" schemes; you need bulldozers and concrete. Pumped storage is about 80% efficient at storing electricity, can be built cheaply (~$10/kWh and ~$500/kW for the Chinese facility I reference above), and can be built sufficiently large.

World energy consumption is around 15TW; adjusting for energy quality (e.g., half of that is burned at 30% efficiency to make electricity), that's about 5TW of electricity. Baseload power requires about 2 days of storage (actually an overestimate; see above), meaning 5TW of consumption would require about 250TWh of storage, or about 180Bm^3 - 180km^3 - of water stored as in the Chinese facility.

That's about 5 times the water stored by the Hoover Dam, so it's certainly doable.

If your intuition says it's impossible, your intuition is wrong. Crunch the numbers for yourself if you want.


I hope you will consider helping me out with part II. Like how would you configure about 4TW of wind and solar?


how would you configure about 4TW of wind and solar?

It totally depends on their relative prices. Also on the energy available from each on an hour-to-hour basis through the year, as you'll need more of each to get the same reliability if their low points coincide than if they don't.

It also heavily depends on what you're using it for. If it's unbacked baseload you'll get a different answer than if it's baseload backed up by emergency peaking plants than if it's "as it comes" power. For any but the latter, the shape of the demand curve is going to matter, too.

In an analysis as broad and high-level as this, though, I don't think those details really matter that much. What's important is largely that it's possible for energy sources such as wind and solar to provide reliable power, meaning that their share of the market is likely to be determined by economics rather than concerns about how much of them the grid can handle.

I hope you will consider helping me out with part II.

Sure, but there's people who know a lot more about this than I do. For example, there's a German group that's already using something much like the wind/solar/hydro baseload mix I mentioned, plus they've added biogas generators. This is a PDF on their combined power plant approach (or from a similar group). They doubtless have a ton more data on integrating these power sources than I do.

By the way, the wind data is from here and the solar irradiance from here. I picked 2007 for the wind because generating capacity was stable during that year, and solar was chosen to match. (FWIW, I originally used April/07 to April/08 until I realized that capacity had been added at the start of 2008. Results were the same with data from either period, but that's likely because Ontario wind has a high and stable capacity factor in the winter.)

Sure, but there's people who know a lot more about this than I do.

What I am asking is that you write one or two sections (~600 words each) of a joint post done by 5-6 of us who regularly post on TOD. This would be written to appear in the first part of next year. You can find my proposed set of topics up thread but you can propose something else instead. Once we get it refined a bit, I would like the posts to roughly address the model, but you can note where you take exception to it. Your post(s) would appear under your name and the only editing by me would be suggestions (TOD also assigns an editor). It is not going to happen unless I can line up the right people but if you are in I only need Dezakin or Charles Barton. I think you would be credible on any number of topics but if you are not interested I need someone to describe the renewables.

Well, 1980-2000 was the collapse of the Soviet, the empire of waste on a grand scale, and that includes the rest of the eastern bloc as well including Eastern Germany, giving Germany easy efficiency gains in the 90s. The same is true of China's incredible wasteful ways in the planned system which only very gradually have been lifted since Deng's reforms. But China continues to grow 10% annually and it is largely a market economy now, although there's still room for efficiency gains, the gains of the 80s and 90s as the planned economy was phased out is no longer possible.

What we also see is a stronger growth in the global economy in the last five years than at any point since the 60s. The weight of China and India in the global economy is rapidly increasing, and big weights growing 8-10% a year pull the overall growth of the world sharply up. For example, China's economy was 20% of the US economy in 2006 at market prices, while in 2010 it could become 40% of the US economy. From 20% to 40% in 4 years. South East Asia adds to the juice of India and China and make it a 3 billion people region in ferocious development. Dont underestimate the power of 3 billion Asians wanting the same living standards as the 200 million asians already living in developed economies.

My hypothesis is that after a big hit of 10-20 years we will get back on trend.

But your own model shows that during those years we will have enough energy at our disposal, based on the FF logistic curves.

Are you assuming a financial collapse, or maybe these will be just structural problems (say not enough oil, a lot of coal?).

Yeh, that was Luis' complaint as well (he was my editor). My explanation is that substitutions will not work in that time frame and there will be a big downturn in economic demand due to unemployment. I am just trying to take proper note that there will likely be a profound shock, at least in this scenario. It might not work that way but this scenario is meant to be sort of a likely worst case that we still pull out of.

World GDP (in constant dollars) grew by 118% between 1980 and 2000, whereas world energy consumption grew by 40%. In other words, efficiency improved by 35% in 20 years, despite energy prices being remarkably cheap for most of that time.

I should have been more precise in my statements. The efficiency improvement you are talking about reflects the growth of non-energy intensive sectors of the economy (software, finacial, etc) compared to energy-intensive ones. This creates the effect that the economy looks more "efficient", while actually it has simply grown in a different direction. But my point was that such "efficiency gains" have never created a drop in overall energy demand as Sterling's model suggests. Energy use has grown relentlessly driven by population growth and improved standard of living. Therefore a drop of energy use due to efficiency gains is not very likely, we might see just a slowdown of growth.

Have you ever been outside the USA? There's plenty of waste; for example, China's coal plants are much less efficient than the USA's, not to mention Europe's.

I am coming from outside of USA and I think I know what I am talking about. USA seems to be the only developed country without an energy efficiency policy in place, and which at least until recently has actually encouraged energy use. Artificially cheap energy, low taxes, building codes, etc - all without a thought for energy efficiency. Developing countries like China fall into a different category, as energy inefficiencies there are mostly due to underinvestment; but there is a catch 22 here - so that the Chinese become affluent enough to afford the extra investment, they have to go through the stage of using the cheapest available technologies first. This is the same path the West went through in its own industrialization. So - not much hope for energy savings in China too (at least in the medium term).

The bottom line - by emphasizing on efficiency we can slow energy use growth, but not reverse it - this is the same as German experience has shown. (actually most of the success in Germany is due to closing down factories in former Easter Germany, or the same type of efficiency gains we had during your reference period)

The historical average is 2.0%, based on EIA consumption data, calculated either from 1980-2005 or from 1985-2005.

You are correct. I need to revise my numbers.

World annual energy consumption has only fallen once in recent history: from 1979 to 1983 it fell about 1%

This is not very likely to happen now that we have rapidly industrializing countries. During that period the population that enjoyed Western standard of living remained relatively constant; we simply needed to become more efficient and cut some inessential energy use, due to the oil shocks. In the next decades billions of people will try to join the middle class, it is not realistic to expect them to "conserve".

You also lost my point - my depression scenario is for 0 to negative energy growth from now until 2050. In the situation of still rising population and growing global middle class this would mean there won't be enough for everyone.

You don't need "super-innovative" schemes; you need bulldozers and concrete. Pumped storage is about 80% efficient at storing electricity, can be built cheaply (~$10/kWh and ~$500/kW for the Chinese facility I reference above), and can be built sufficiently large.

The potential sites for pumped storage are not that much, and it won't be as cheap as in China, but I submit it can help for higher share of wind/solar. It will require detailed estimates though, I'm not qualified to do it.

(BTW by your calculation a cubic meter would contain 250*10^12 / 180*10^9 = 1388 Wh of energy = 5 mln.joules. This works to lifting a cubic meter of water to 500 meters, which is kind of too much, ~100-200m is more realistic)

such "efficiency gains" have never created a drop in overall energy demand as Sterling's model suggests

Neither has there ever been a 20-year recession caused by high energy prices.

Energy consumption responds to energy prices - the drop in world energy consumption from 1979-1983 proved that - and growth in energy consumption is not necessary for improvements in standard of living - Germany post-reunification proved that - so it is not at all unreasonable to assume that a long period of high energy prices could see energy consumption drop even as standard of living did not.

the Chinese become affluent enough to afford the extra investment, they have to go through the stage of using the cheapest available technologies first.

"Cheapest" does not necessarily mean "most energy-intensive". Solar hot water heaters are huge in China - they have more than the rest of the world combined, or the equivalent of about 50GW.

The available technology is a lot more efficient now than it was when the West was industrializing.

we can slow energy use growth, but not reverse it - this is the same as German experience has shown

Not true. What it's shown is that the growth rate of energy consumption can be significantly lower than the economic growth rate (roughly speaking, 0% vs. 2%).

The question is what conclusions we draw from that.

You appear to be drawing the conclusion that consumption growth can be slowed but not stopped. I'm drawing the conclusion that consumption growth can be lower than economic growth, and hence 1% economic growth could be achieved with -1% consumption growth (i.e., a decrease).

Recent German history doesn't tell us whether those explanations are right or wrong. One telling point, though, is that your explanation includes an arbitrary assumption - that 0% consumption growth is the minimum - and mine does not. Occam's Razor, then, suggests my explanation is more likely.

Well, Occam's Razor and the history of the world economy from 1979 to 1983. The economy grew while energy consumption shrank; known fact. So it seems very arbitrary to assume that can't happen again.

my depression scenario is for 0 to negative energy growth from now until 2050. In the situation of still rising population and growing global middle class this would mean there won't be enough for everyone.

Sure, but it makes a huge difference whether you assume economic growth closely tracks consumption growth or not.

If it does, the world economy shrinks by 1%/year between now and 2050, and it'll be about half the size per capita by then. If it doesn't, the world economy grows by perhaps 1%/year between now and 2050, so it'll be about 20% larger per capita.

That's an enormous difference in outcome in terms of people's standards of living.

The potential sites for pumped storage are not that much

Sure they are. More water than that is stored behind dams already.

Not to mention that you can simply dig big holes to use for pumped storage. The costs for that are maybe 10x what you'd get if you used suitable geography (according to the estimates I've linked, above), but even that increase still makes storage a minority of the power generation price.

by your calculation a cubic meter would contain 250*10^12 / 180*10^9 = 1388 Wh of energy = 5 mln.joules. This works to lifting a cubic meter of water to 500 meters

590m, as that's the head height of the Chinese pumped storage facility I was using as an example. This is an actual, physical, functioning plant, so 590m is by no means too much.

That being said, the precise height really doesn't matter that much. Whether we need 5x the water behind the Hoover Dam or 20x that water, the important point is that the amount of water needed to store that energy is not at all beyond the scope of what's realistic, as - essentially - it's already been done.

I don't think we have any major differences, but I am still to be convinced that there is a good chance to have sustained reduction in energy use and growing economy at the same time. There is no such precedent in history, and in the period you point we had an oil shock, stagflation and other unpleasant things - not exactly the best reference scenario. Plus it was in a different environment (sans booming developing economies).

"Cheapest" does not necessarily mean "most energy-intensive"

Yes, but in most cases it is. Exceptions don't disprove the rule.

I understand you think the biggest efficiency gains will be achieved by electrifying transportation. I agree, but I don't think this will happen by 2020, I would extend it further - maybe by mid-century. Even then the world will still be full of ICEs in less developed countries for example. Aircraft and ocean vessels also are not likely to be electrified either. Of course if tomorrow someone comes out with a 1kwh/kg battery I would be proven wrong, but I don't see such indications on the horizon, and we are all just doing educated guesses here. Also the efficiency gain of going electric is not so dramatic - well to wheel for coal-to electric motor for example is ~25%; while oil to ICE is ~15%, or some 40% less. Transportation takes ~1/3 of world energy, so improvement by 40% of ALL transportation will bring down energy use by 12% over many decades. Real world it would be less than 10% I would bet. If we assume a modest 1.5% "natural" growth of energy use, these savings will be swamped for just 6 years.

Of course, electricity from renewables doesn't suffer the fuel conversion losses, but as of now even with 0 fuel costs, electricity from wind is 2-3 times more expensive than coal, while solar is close to 10 times. More renewables will just cause different statistics - the primary energy will be dropping, while end use energy may still be rising.

As for pumped storage - the problem is with finding sites with both an upper and a lower reservoir nearby. China is not a good reference, as their hydro resources are not fully developed yet, so they may have still some good places for those. Currently pumped storage in the world is some 100GW, so extending this to say half of those 5TW will require a 25fold increase. Whether it is possible - probably it is, at least theoretically if we are out of sites, we could dig holes in the ground no matter how expensive it is. But I'm sure that if all of this comes on top of 2-3 times more expensive electricity (wind), plus conversion losses etc. we will end up with some very very expensive energy out there.

I am still to be convinced that there is a good chance to have sustained reduction in energy use and growing economy at the same time. There is no such precedent in history

There is one precedent in recent history - 1979-1983 - so it's at least possible. I won't argue how likely it is, though, because I don't think there's enough data to support any real conclusions on that.

I will point out, though, that it's not a counter-argument that there were oil shocks and the like during that period; of course there were disruptions, otherwise energy demand wouldn't have fallen in the first place.

"Cheapest" does not necessarily mean "most energy-intensive"

Yes, but in most cases it is.

I disagree; care to provide some evidence for that assertion?

In fact, I would go so far as to say that in a situation where energy is very expensive, "most energy-intensive" will rarely mean "cheapest". Consider how eagerly the Chinese are embracing electric bikes - there's a lot of things they're doing that are vastly more efficient than what the West did when it was developing.

Even then the world will still be full of ICEs in less developed countries

Not if oil's expensive.

In many ways, developing countries are ahead of developed countries in adopting non-ICE transport. Check out Tata's aircar, or the various Indian electric cars, or the tens of millions of electric bikes in China (for the first year ever, more electric bikes will be sold in China than cars in the USA).

If oil's expensive and alternatives are available, I think a lot of developing nations will skip a lot of oil infrastructure entirely.

Aircraft and ocean vessels also are not likely to be electrified either.

There are ways to make each more efficient, though. The new Airbus uses something like 20% less fuel per passenger than the previous generation. Kite-sails have been shown to reduce ship fuel consumption by about 20%. Either one of these can use synthetic fuels - Virgin recently tested a commercial aircraft running one engine on biofuel.

I am curious about whether ships can be electrified, though.

A ship that carries 5,000 cars gets about 8.5mpt (miles-per-ton). Assuming the fuel is converted at 30% efficiency to drive an electric motor, that's about 1500kWh/mile of fuel for 450kWh/mile of propulsion. At around 0.2kWh/kg for a battery, that's around 2300kg/mile of batteries, or about 20x the weight in batteries vs. fuel oil. For a 12,000mile run, that's 28,000 tons of batteries vs. 1,500 tons of fuel, and vs. 5-10,000 tons of cars carried.

So long-distance cargo ships aren't going to be running on battery power any time soon. What would it take to recharge via solar enough to remove 1,000 tons of batteries?

A run takes about 30 days, so 1,000 tons = 1,000,000kg = ~200,000kWh / 30 days = ~7,000kWh/day / 5 hrs/day = ~1,500kWp solar array. Solar irradiance is about 1.4kW/m^2, so an 11% efficient solar panel would need about 10,000m^2 to generate this power. Assuming the cars are stacked about 5 deep on the ship, that's about the amount of surface area.

So still not possible.

well to wheel for coal-to electric motor

Sure, but the assumption is generally that fossil fuel generation of electricity will be phased out, either due to pollution concerns, climate change concerns, fuel availability concerns, or other things becoming cheaper. EVs can benefit from direct electricity generation - raising their efficiency to about 80% - whereas ICEs can't.

Currently pumped storage in the world is some 100GW

Sure, but notice that that's a flow rate, not a storage amount. Flow rates can be increased by adding more channels and more turbines.

(By the way, that link doesn't seem to say anything about world pumped storage amount. I saw 20GW for the US and 32GW for Europe, but no world measure.)

But I'm sure that if all of this comes on top of 2-3 times more expensive electricity (wind), plus conversion losses etc. we will end up with some very very expensive energy out there.

About twice the current US price, which is about the current EU price, at least based on my modelling efforts. That was using current wind/solar prices and the "custom dug" $100/kWh storage cost, and was also assuming that "extra" electricity above the 1GW requirement wasn't useful (there was a surplus of about 40% over the year, mostly in the winter).

It's more expensive than coal, sure, or even nuclear, so it might not be the right thing to do. It's cheap enough, though, that society could pay that price just fine. Accordingly, it puts sort of an upper bound on electricity prices - if any non-renewable method's price goes above ~20c/kWh, a renewable mix could replace it.

If your ships are delivering EVs, there should not be any trouble running them on the charge of the EVs' batteries. How a ship gets back is another matter. But, there is no particular reason not to place adequate solar power charging facilities along shipping routes so that much less battery capacity would be required. Perhaps a flow battery setup would be best so that transfer could be done just like with oilers today, on the move.

Your information on the cost of nuclear power seems to be behind the times. I'd urge you to look at this paper for better information:


On the other end of the technological scale, an enormous amount of wood and cooking fuel could be replaced by solar cookers.

When you get closer to the equator, that could apply industrial heating fuel as well. Having become aware of PO less than a year ago one thing that has become patently obvious to me is, how structurally dependent on FF modern civilization has become. As a result of the energy bonanza we found first in coal and then in oil, we have not been bothered about efficiency or sustainability.

When one considers the potential of concentrated solar thermal (CST) for producing heat, clever solutions to combat the problem of intermittency would allow it to be used instead of coal fired furnaces or oil fired boilers. Cheap and abundant FF have made it totally unnecessary to look to the sun for heat but I suspect that when the price or availability changes, lots of people close to the tropics will look to the sun.

One problem seems to be that most industrial development seems to have occurred in the temperate zones where solar power has always been handicapped by winter. Is there anybody here with knowledge of how viable CST with storage would be for industrial heat in areas with good sun?

Alan from the islands

Look here

Sometimes called Glauber's salt will retain heat better than most anything else for the price. Heat it in the daytime and extract the heat all night.


World GDP (in constant dollars) grew by 118% between 1980 and 2000, whereas world energy consumption grew by 40%.

That is another very good point which I need to take into account.

Nice doomsday piece. But please get hold of the idea that energy resources are in fact almost limitless, even for liquid fuels. But they are not repeat not accessible at $25 dollars a barrel equivalent or any prevailing price number you choose to assign for the last 100 years or so. They are available at a high price, circa $150 a barrel at current prices but at year 2000 costs. They are not available without properly integrated government policies, regulation and control. They are not available in an ordered manner from the free market which may play a large role but not a controlling role. They are not available tomorrow or before 2020. But they ARE available in sufficient volume to meet a level of consumption properly reduced by the price effect now for the first time since the early 1980s exercising its power. There is no reason not to use nuclear power, all hydrocarbons and renewables that can be safe and clean and abundant at the right price. We have been brought to this sorry pass by laissez faire state policies, slash and burn private producers with their short term return goals. The doors to large scale alternatives have been closed both by price, by oligopolies in the oil and gas market, by cartels and by a total absence of vision, understanding and policies by governments (with some small exceptions). A little knowledge and faith in the abiity of the human animal to adapt would be good here.

"There is no reason not to use nuclear power, all hydrocarbons and renewables that can be safe and clean and abundant at the right price."

rksheperd, there is not a single legitimate publishing climate scientist who disputes that burning fossil fuels is warming the planet. And most of the 5,000 or so of them are very very worried.

energy resources are in fact almost limitless, ... They are available at a high price ... There is no reason not to use nuclear power, all hydrocarbons and renewables that can be safe and clean and abundant at the right price.

Education corrupts.

Education in economics corrupts absolutely.

Well, here we ago again. After all the round and around discussions at TOD we have to convince another new comer that the Earth has a finite surface area, finite resources, and can only support a finite population of us Supremo Sapiens.

Rkshepherd has fallen into the trap of believing that the dollar will deliver us from all that ails us. Just offer up enough shekels and the powers of the market will surge again to provide us with whatever manna we desire.

Yes, keep dreaming rkshepherd. Ah, if only half of it were true.

p.s. Next time you acquire an incurable disease, go back to your economics professor and offer him an amount he can't refuse so that he delivers onto you the cure. Maybe then he will break down and confess to you that it was all a pack of lies.

We as a civilization are the answer, not just a select few. The civilization needs to become more energy effective. The more of the population creating their own energy (via solar, wind, water or whatever green means), the stronger the civilization will be.
If a select few provide 100% to a population, that puts a big strain on any energy company. If the people of the land would supply their own energy, if not 100% maybe 50 or 75% of their needs, not only would we help the enviroment by switching our energy sources, we would be strengthening the civilization.
The clean energy is there everyday, so why not use it? Nuclear power, bio-fuels and another depletion of natural resources is not the answer.

“can we preserve modern civilization”

You would need to define what you mean by "modern civilization" first. What are the attributes of modern civilization and how do you measure them? Do you include a high degree of individual mobility in this (i.e., single occupant auto travel) or are there other measures, such as the Gross National Happiness Index?

The objective of this and a future piece is to derive and present a vision of a world that preserves modern civilization after it can no longer rely on fossil fuels as its primary sources of energy, with the assumption, supported in the second piece, that energy sources exist to support this outcome.

You must also assume that a transition to the energy sources can be accomplished without serious reduction in the requisite knowledge workers. Depressions and collapses don't normally abound with full college campuses. And the vast majority of oil workers are about to retire, leaving a large gap in an area that a lot of graduates don't necessarily want to work in.

And you seem to assume that there will be enough food and water for continued population expansion through 2050. On what basis do you make these assumptions?

Good questions.

First we establish what it would take, i.e. what is our goal. Then we see if we can do it.

So what is the goal? How do you define civilization? Do zero-net-energy homes fit into it? Or greatly increased mass transit? Permaculture victory gardens? Or are we talking business as usual?

So what is the goal? How do you define civilization? Do zero-net-energy homes fit into it? Or greatly increased mass transit? Permaculture victory gardens? Or are we talking business as usual?

I don't see why those things can't fit into business as usual.

As gasoline prices rose in the US this year, mass transit ridership jumped.
That's business as usual.

Something like 40M Chinese homes have solar thermal hot water heating, simply because it's the cheapest option.
That's business as usual.

US car purchases in 2008 are about 20% more fuel efficient than in 2007.
That's business as usual.

As energy gets more expensive, it gets used more carefully. That's what business as usual does.

In many ways, "business as usual" is a meaningless strawman. The question is not "will things change", as things always change. The question is twofold:

  1. What types of change will be needed?
  2. How will that change occur?

Or, relatedly, (a) do the necessary changes allow for the survival of modern society, and (b) are the necessary changes likely to come about without government intervention on the scale of a command economy?

If the answer to both (a) and (b) is "yes", then I would argue that "business as usual" will do just fine in responding to peak oil (although perhaps not optimally). Accordingly, "business as usual" - in the sense of a modern, market economy - only needs to be ditched if the answers to (a) or (b) are "no". Demonstrating that that "no" answer is necessary, though, is a significant undertaking, and it is absolutely not something that can just be assumed.

The concept of Business As Usual is already well defined. Your blind faith in a pure market system is a belief system of which an adherent I am not.

This article assumes that the world has sources of energy in nuclear, wind and solar that are not supply limited

Wow. So much commotion over something that is based on an absolutely, completely, and totally absurd premise. If it wasn't so tragic it would be comical.


Nothing wrong with the premise I actually think given the starting conditions etc the article is broadly correct however human or social issues simply cannot be ignored in a constrained resource environment and every time I at least attempt to mix them in things get a bit dicey to say the least.

The good news is that regardless of how I mix in various assumptions about how people will respond outside of widespread nuclear war what I see is a resilient enclave formation around hydro power and potentially additional ones around nuclear or wind/solar installations.

The only question is how big these will be and how we will deal with the rest of the worlds population etc etc etc.

I'm still at a loss as to why people refuse to create a reasonable baseline model that is robust agianst most external events then try and figure out how things could be better. Right out a reasonable minimal baseline scenario its really tough to gauge how we can avoid the minimum and do better.

The minimums I come up with seem to result naturally from taking no effective action you would have think that we can do better.

Completely on the side but and obvious result is that the poor areas of the world need to ELP yesterday they must achieve self sufficiency the wealthy nations will soon be to focused on trying to maintain the current status quo or build new post peak infrastructure to help the poorest countries.

In general this means that local farming needs to becomes self sufficient and able to support the populations in these countries. This means REAL land reform and payment to the large land holders for breaking up larger farms where that makes sense and ensuring markets for the small farmers etc etc.

This has to happen yesterday.

Exactly. Although I disagree that the premise is wrong in that it is a waste of time to continually re-hash,"Solar! No, Nuclear! No Wind! No, Everything!"

Just as it is now, the answer is all of the above, each determined by local conditions primarily and external issues secondarily. Why the hell bother with anything else when there simply is not time for it? This is like Exxon/Bush on Climate change just without the intent to screw the world. That is, time is being wasted. These metal exercises on things that are impossible are absolutely pointless except as brainstorming solutions in the most esoteric sense.

For chrissake, this little thought experiment is based on BS GHG numbers... And we have millions of years of fuel, but Liebig plays no part in this...


Think I'm burning out on this stuff. It's all just so much going round in circles.


Almost not sure why I'm bothering, but methinks that as with any forecast of energy availability in the future, one needs to cast a large net, as in net energy, as in EROEI. As the net energy of oil declines into the single digits, and we thus turn to alternatives that are also in the single digits (at best) 't'will be difficult indeed to build out the infrastructure as laid out in this or any other scenario. Industrial civilization was built on a ROI of 10,000% (99 units returned on 1 invested, or EROEI of 100:1), is currently being maintained (such as it is) on a ROI of 1,000% (10:1 EROEI) and we are beginning to engage mechanisms with a ROI on the order of 100% ROI (approaching EROEI of unity). That's a loss of two orders of magnitude. T'ain't gonna work as well as we might 'hope' to keep BAU, GNP, growth, greed, consumption and all the rest of it going...

Those EROI figures you are quoting for nuclear are based on flawed analysis, largely Smith and Storm, who achieved the not inconsiderable feat of suggesting an amount of energy needed to mine low grade ores which was greater than not only the amount actually used, but greater than the total energy use of the Australian State involved!

They also utterly disregard the fact that we know how to burn nuclear fuel with an efficiency many times that common at present, basically because uranium has been so cheap it has not been worth the bother.

If you don't fancy nuclear power, thin-film solar has massive EROI, and that is not just the rare-earth cells, but ones which use thin-film silicon.

The number of objections people come up with based on the flimsiest theories, in this case unconnected to any numeric reality, amazes me.
If we are short of energy, the obvious, right thing to do is to conserve as much as possible and to push on and develop all available resources, and some of them are very low on CO2 emissions.

Hi Dave,

I agree, and if I might add it is the contextual use of these technologies that adds to the EROEI: why use a nuke plant where there is plenty of sun and the energy is used mostly during the day, and why even think about solar where the winter sun is only 10% that of summer and its cloudy most of the time. Its not rocket science (well not quite) but there does seem to be a monoculture of the mind/panaceadom out there. Diversity is the key.


Dunno what figures you are refuting, as I mentioned nothing about the EROEI of nuclear...

Nuclear power plants have published actual measurements of all inputs that show EROEIs of 60-100.

Hi Again Sterling,
Living in Australia, I was sleeping when most of the discussion occurred.
With reference to your objective of developing a more realistic model of energy use in 2050, a number of suggestions by others seem worth considering;
1) Electricity being about x2-3 more useful than coal,oil or NG.
2)Greater improvements in energy efficiency than 30%
3)Wind and CSP are capable of supplying more than 20% of energy. This is where there are many different views. Many electricity utilities are studying this issue, and it appears that the cost of wind back-up is very low. Solar built in desert locations should be even less. I don't have the links at hand but I am sure I could find them or perhaps others have those references. If you are assuming NG is providing 9% of energy then that alone should allow 50% of energy from wind and CSP combined to be back up. Pumped hydro is another option where available
4) Nuclear is likely to be able to replace all coal fired base load power, in your model that would be 12%, with another 3% replacing existing nuclear. From a planning point of view, its not the cost of nuclear relative to wind and solar its the risks. It doesn't matter how safe a new reactor design is or how accident free the US or France have been in last 20 years, its the consequence of one more major disaster ANYWHERE. Planners can live with the risks of a CSP plant failing, or a wind turbine catching fire, or even failing to get planning approval at a site, but the risks of a nuclear plant are both financial( cost overruns,delays) and changes to the political landscape WORLDWIDE. As is evident in Iran's case many countries may be prevented or hindered in developing nuclear power because of nuclear weapons concerns. I am not saying new nuclear plants will not be built, but that most countries will not plan to have 50% of their energy from nuclear power. For your model, 15-20% nuclear is probably a more realistic figure, even if no new disasters occur, another Chernobyl, and we could be stuck at 6% nuclear.

Hi Neil,

just to deconstruct the Chernobyl myth further, check out the actual casualties involved in the accident:

The UN:

The WHO:

The UN report is interesting:
"A total of up to 4,000 people could eventually die of radiation exposure from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) accident nearly 20 years ago, an international team of more than 100 scientists has concluded.

As of mid-2005, however, fewer than 50 deaths had been directly attributed to radiation from the disaster, almost all being highly exposed rescue workers, many who died within months of the accident but others who died as late as 2004."

Read that again: from 4000 predicted to 50 actual.

While I do not want to diminish the scale of that disaster or the suffering of those involved, it must again be put into context: as I alluded to in a previous post, the plant itself was a hastily constructed 'bomb' factory producing fissile material for the cold war arms race. Its design and maintenance were a joke by modern standards. Even when it did go up, the actual contamination and mortality from radiation has been minimal. In terms of scale, your average coal plant releases more radioactive elements:
"Releases in 1982 from worldwide combustion of 2800 million tons of coal totaled 3640 tons of uranium (containing 51,700 pounds of uranium-235) and 8960 tons of thorium." From:
And fly ash generally is 100 times more radioactive than nuclear waste (I think they mean low level waste):

I am not saying nuclear is the only answer - it does have its unique set of problems, but on balance its nowhere near as bad as the myths and the hype make out.


Thank you for the links, I was aware of the exaggeration of deaths and that coal mines kill thousands per year.
It's an emotional issue, not rational, plus most people are happy to live 5km from a coal mine but not from a Nuclear reactor.
If the world has 54% power from nuclear that means N Korea, Iran, Iraq Syria, Burma, Somalia, Georgia, Serbia etc are all going to want to have nuclear facilities operating. It will only take one accident even if very few people die, the publicity of cities being abandoned is very compelling. No ones going to bomb their wind turbines!
After another 20 years of a flawless safety record, that may change, but not in time to build x20 more reactors, x2-4 times present reactor numbers is just more realistic. Why take the risk, as a utility or a politician, when you can have nice wind turbines up and running in a few years. States like SA, in Australia are looking at generating very significant amounts of their electricity by wind, and getting great bragging points for being green!

Neil as a former South Australian I think we should recall the 13 straight days in March when the shade temperature exceeded 100F or 37.8C in Adelaide. Most of the wind farms were becalmed just when ACs were turned up to max. On the other hand a large seaside nuke would have soldiered through it, especially seeing as how the State has large uranium resources like Olympic Dam. SA claims to soon have 14% wind in the capacity mix but remember that is nameplate not average output.


I have to make dinner but here are a few thoughts.

1. I am with you on the greater efficiency of electricity. I think I can sell about 50%.

2. I am not getting much agreement of even 30% greater efficiency, even in a severe crisis. And I think once the power is back on people will start buying bigger cars again and doing less insulation. I think #1 covers the adjustment I need.

3. I do not agree that renewable can handle more than 30% or that they can even scale to that level. If you look up above, I am on record that a wind/solar/storage configuration that is equivalent to nuclear costs 2.7 times as much.

4. You are forgetting that I am saying that we need to move to electricity based transportation. That will probably require a lot more than we use today. I am still looking at about a ten fold increase in nuclear from today.

I think people will get over their irrational fears of nuclear (0 deaths is consider unsafe while 30,000 deaths for coal is OK) once people realize that it is their only option. It was the availability of cheap coal and our willingness to use it in spite of its safety and environmental costs that cause the effective moratorium in nuclear.


You are doing a great job of replying to responses over 24 time zones!
One thing about efficiency is that while coal and NG can be converted to electricity up to 50% efficiency, the average is a lot less in 2008.
You are projecting oil to go from 37% to 3% which means a lot of electric vehicles, using very little or no oil. Not only are electric vehicles much more efficient in using energy, they will probably be lighter and have lower drag ratio, so actually use a lot less than an electric conversion of a petrol SUV. Thus replacing the 5Tw of oil used now with 5Tw electricity in EV's could move 10 times the number of vehicles assuming that people will drive as much. Larger denser cities of 2050 will have a higher proportion of mass transit, meaning that even less electricity will be needed to replace oil.
For coal, 40% efficiency would be a better number.
As far as scaling wind, capacity is increasing by >20% per year, if we consider that 20% growth rate is doubling every 3.5 years, will give x1000 present value in 35 years. There are no limitations on materials, locations, and the payback is fast enough to generate if not 20% growth at least enough to reach the capacity of what the grid can handle by 2050( 40-50% of electricity production). Because CSP complements wind, we will probably see similar proportions of electricity form wind and solar.
Even the high return on energy investment with nuclear is misleading because a wind turbine can generate x10 the energy used in its manufacture(over 10years) while the nuclear plant is still under construction, and once completed, the energy produced if employed to build further nuclear plants will take another 10 years to start producing net power. (This last point may not be very relevant)
As far as costs of producing power by wind or nuclear there seems to be a very wide range for nuclear, but very consistent figures for wind

As far as scaling wind, capacity is increasing by >20% per year, if we consider that 20% growth rate is doubling every 3.5 years, will give x1000 present value in 35 years.

Not likely. You can have that kind of growth from a small base but it naturally slows as the base gets larger.

There are no limitations on materials, locations

There is already a lot of push back for locations. If you scale it 80 fold or so that certainly will be the case.

while the nuclear plant is still under construction, and once completed, the energy produced if employed to build further nuclear plants will take another 10 years to start producing net power.

There is a lag but it does not need to be more than three to four years. The rest of the time is spent fighting the anti-nukes.

There is a lag but it does not need to be more than three to four years

Simply wrong. Limitations in industrial capacity & support and skilled labor make for about a decade delay even without financial restraints.

DoE study shows a maximum of eight new nukes in USA (primary limiting factor is labor, but various materials are secondary). I think DoE was being optimistic and putting some Murphy into the analysis, I would say 6 new nukes and Watts Bar II by 2018.


Those are business as usual estimates, not what we would expect in an existential crisis. Limitations in industrial capacity & support and skilled labor are startup problems.

See the wasted tens of billions (close to $100 billion in 1980 $) the last time the nuke building industry "rushed" to build new nukes (the death of new nukes in the USA was caused by the nuke building industry, NOT the pilloried anti-nukes). TVA abandoned 11 new nukes on one day. WHOOPS 1,3,4,5, are the two biggest.

And for safety reasons, I want a safe economical build of new US (and elsewhere nukes). Six plus Watts Bar II by 2018 is about right.
And a MASSIVE Rush to Wind with HV DC and pumped storage.


I hope you still have the energy to continue replying to your post. You have undertaken a great project, and I hope you take comments as constructive.
I think you are moving the goal posts if you say that we will not be able to continue to scale wind energy at a 20% growth rate( its been 35% for a while) and then with respect to nuclear:
"Those are business as usual estimates, not what we would expect in an existential crisis. Limitations in industrial capacity & support and skilled labor are startup problems."
Surely if we have wind growing at 33% now we can continue to have it growing at half that rate in an emergency! What are the limitations to scale wind build-up? About 85% of the materials are steel, some concrete and smaller amounts of copper, aluminium. For construction of turbines the engineering workforce that builds coal and gas fired power plants, oil wells, ships large coal mining trucks, could be diverted to wind turbines.
As for sites be are talking about the world, only a few countries have tried to build wind as 1-20% of electricity capacity. I would agree that some countries, such as UK, may run out of(good)sites, but it's a very small densely populated island. Obviously, nuclear is suitable for this situation.
The other consideration in your model are the advances in power transmission via HVDC, that now allows power to be moved thousands of kms, with much reduced transmission losses. This greatly increases the reliability of wind and solar because these distances exceed the size weather systems, and extends solar coverage over 3-4 time zones.
Not many large land masses have both poor wind and poor solar sites.

For your modeling of 2050 energy production, it would be better to assume a non-war economy, BAU( as Pit_the_Elder describes it), with adaptation to changing conditions, because if you use a "war/emergency" assumption its pointless to consider costs, as economics are meaningless; its just what resources can be grabbed in an environment of rationing, compulsory acquisition, 12h/6day/work
weeks, all 15-75 year olds conscripted into the work force.
In the environment of 500Million conscripted workers, prepared to melt down cars, aircraft, strip out copper water-pipes from houses, stop manufacturing all white goods, houses; what would be easier to build 10Milion 2MW wind turbines(20,000GWcapacity) or 7500(1GW) nuclear plants?.

what would be easier to build 10Milion 2MW wind turbines(20,000GWcapacity) or 7500(1GW) nuclear plants?.

I am looking at 3,000 1.5-2.0 GW reactors. Some plants would have 10-20 reactors (one in Japan now has 7) so you would be looking at 500-1000 sites which would likely include the 200-300 that we have now.

Now for your 20,000 GW, according to the US DOE you can site 10 MW per section (square mile), so that would require 2,000,000 square miles, which is about the size of Western and Central Europe. See the problem?

I am trying to give feedback so that you can prepare a more robust model for 2050.
In Australia, one third of continent (1,000,000 sq miles) has no roads, no towns, and virtually no inhabitants, so I don't see a problem with 2,000,000 sq miles for wind turbines, as this is a small part of the land area of the planet( 70,000,000 sq miles). Considering that only a very small part of this 2,000,000 sq miles is actually used for the towers, the impact on land use is minimal and a lot less than hydro dams, open pit coal and uranium mines.

The issue of scale is valid for wind because it only accounts of about 1% of today's electricity production. If you are projecting an electricity demand of 10Tw by 2020(replacing the 34% oil, 2O% coal and allowing 100% growth in useful energy consumption), and a third of this is to replaced by wind you would need 10Tw of wind capacity (33% load factor). The first question should be can this be scaled ?, and if the answer is yes, then is this level of wind (10Tw) a reasonable assumption. The more you rely on one energy source the higher risk that it will fail to deliver.

I don't see a problem with 2,000,000 sq miles for wind turbines ... the impact on land use is minimal and a lot less than hydro dams, open pit coal and uranium mines.


The world currently consumes 65,000 tons of Uranium per year. You don't really think that mining that amount of resource (or ten times it) would really have an impact comparable to filling the non-Russia parts of Europe with wind turbines, do you? Remember that these have to be sited where there are good wind resources. I doubt that much of the Australian outback is very windy. some evidence

The first question should be can this be scaled ?, and if the answer is yes, then is this level of wind (10Tw) a reasonable assumption.

I think you first need to figure out what the need is and then what you can do to address it. You might conclude that you would really like to solve the problem with wind but that it will not scale to the anticipated need so your only viable option is nuclear. I want to build as much wind and solar as possible that is roughly economically competitive and which preserves power on demand to a large extent.


Thank you Oil Drummers for the Black Swan reference a couple weeks ago. I bought Taleb’s book and though I do not in many ways equate to him or his experiences, I recognize the logic behind his conjecture and have experienced several Black Swans in my lifetime. I just didn’t have a name for them.

So here we are drawing pretty graphs that extend into the future with all the associated historical and current numbers. Might I say, to do that is nice (maybe even fun) but pretty much a waste of time? About the time we get hit with a significant Black Swan, which is certain to happen with all the little multicolored cygnets brewing here and around the world.

To name just a few: Peak Oil, Peak electrical grid, Peak PK, Climate Warming releasing methane, Some DS at CERN turns the power up too high and creates a real black hole that doesn’t go away (oops), Population Growth, Feds print too much money and it is worth nothing, Iran decides to take Israel out, Someone takes out the whole center of New York with a dirty bomb, Untracked Meteor from space about the size of Rhode Island goes by the key spot to come back in a couple years, Peak Pesticide, Peak Herbicide, (right here enter your own little pet swan). Peak Grownups anyone? Does anyone here really think Washington DC or anyone else will pull you out of the predicament we are all in?

So what should “we” do? Do whatever you damn well please. The beauty of this idea is that you don’t have to count too much on the dips in Washington DC, the dips around the world or anyone over a few hundred feet from the “here” and a few minutes from the “now”. For me, I am trying to figure out what is about the worst thing that can happen that I can still function for a while. I think that a sun powered pump in our well, since we live on a high desert, is a step in the right direction. We are completely out of debt so screw FM and her brother. Bicycle, have one for sure; maybe electrify it. Savage 250-3000, .357 magnum, multiple .22s with plenty of ammunition. This may not work against a group of dedicated people but what the hell?

Yep, I’m a 75-year-old American doomer and I have been one since I first saw Hubbert’s famous peak oil graph and the extrapolation to world oil. After understanding that one piece of data over 40 years ago I had to say OMG we are in deep caca. Nothing since has changed my mind or given me the least indication it would get better, in fact it is worse, by far, now than then.

Vaya Con Dios Drummers.

BTW: After reading some of the posts recently about religion and "Dios" maybe I should just say "Happy Randomness Drummers"

("Iran decides to take Israel out") Your quote has me confused. I know of no country Iran has threatened to
attack or has ever actually attacked without a threat.
I can name half a dozen Israel has threatened to attack and as many, it has attacked. Iran has no nukes
and Israel does.
Seems your post is religiously charged...more so than any charge you level at religious posts by others.
Unless your Farsi is better then mine,please show where Iran has threatened Israel...thanks in advance.

That's why it would be a perfect Black Swan. No one expects it. It is catastrophic to BAU and later everyone will explain it as “I told you so.” i.e. nuclear development, etc. RTFM, in this case RTFB.

I notice that the Black Swan moments you conjecture all have negative consequences.

Most of the cornucopians when referencing Taleb's book point out only positive ones. I wonder which way the Black Swan bias will ultimately tip toward?

You propose 17 TW of nuclear. If we assume 1.5 GW nuclear power plants then you are assuming about 11333 nuclear plants or maybe 12000 to account for down time. That's about 100 times more nukes than America currently has or maybe 20 more than the world has. The difference is even greater if we consider that the average nuke size for existing plants is smaller.

Is such a big build realistic? How much concrete and steel does that represent as compared to how much concrete and steel currently get produced in the world?

Do we have enough uranium for 12 000 new nuclear plants?

* Mainland China has eleven nuclear power reactors in commercial operation, six under construction, and several more about to start construction.

* Additional reactors are planned, including some of the world's most advanced, to give a sixfold increase in nuclear capacity to at least 50 GWe or possibly to 60 GWe by 2020 and then a further three to fourfold increase to 120-160 GWe by 2030.

* The country aims to become self-sufficient in reactor design and construction, as well as other aspects of the fuel cycle.

* Electricity demand is growing very rapidly.

* Mainland China is starting to rely heavily on imported uranium to fuel its nuclear power program.

This is China's plans currently. China must at least account for several thousand of these nuclear plants by 2050...

Correction: all power units are for primary energy, as is a standard for the energy statistics. A 1.5 GW nuclear unit outputs 4.5 GW in primary energy, so your number must be divided by a factor of three.

So are 4,000 reactors possible? What if you ask someone 40 years ago, are 1 or 1 bln.personal computers possible?

From a physical standpoint IIRC a nuke takes about 100,000 tonnes of steel and 300,000 tonnes of cement. Meaning a total of 400 mln.tonnes of steel and 1.2 bln.tonnes of concrete will be required. World production for a single year is 1.2 bln. tonnes of steel and about 2.5 bln.tonnes of cement.

So, it is certainly possible and will take less than 1% of the steel and cement produced from now to 2050.

99+% of the world's steel is unsuitable for nuclear power plants (that is safety related systems, the Administration building and cafeteria can be built with standard commerical products). Same for concrete.

Can the world produce 400 mln tonnes of surgical steel (suitable for scalpels & implants) or steel suitable for aircraft landing gear ?

*MAYBE* but it is hardly a given. And it *WILL* be a challenge !


90% of those 100,000 tonnes of the steel is just an ordinary construction grade steel for the buildings, the auxilary equipment, low-pressure piping etc.

It's true the reactor vessel etc. require special alloys, but there are no real bottlenecks for producing those. Let's not start imagining artificial problems here. There won't be any shortage of chrome, beryllium, titanium, vanadium etc. and the amounts employed are virtually insignificant.

The only would-be shortage is of human expertise, the rest are just technical details.

I believe (having worked on-site on nukes) that low pressure piping is classified as "safety related" and quality controls are comparable to aircraft landing gear. I doubt that "10% of steel is safety related" figure but have only a gut feel to counter it.

I would have guessed closer to 80% (pressure vessels, valves, pipes, electrical conduits, supports & covers, rebar in reactor foundation and walls are all ranked as safety related).


Most likely the truth is more complex with many grades of steel for different parts of the plant. My quick research over the internet produced nothing, but I can bet that the bulk of those 100,000 tonnes would be simply the steel used to reinforce all that the concrete - nothing so much special about it.

IIRC the most critical parts of the plant - the reactor vessel and the turbine weight in the order of 1000 tons each; so my guess is that together all critical equipment must be in the order of 10,000 tonnes. This of course is just an academic discussion, because even if all those 100K tonnes were "special", we are not going to run neither of iron nor chrome nor anything needed to produce it. The amounts of the added elements are simply trivial.

As an example, either the French (Crueset ?) or Japanese rejected a massively expensive forging because the grain size was out of spec.

I cannot imagine GM doing the same thing.


A 1.5 GW nuclear unit outputs 4.5 GW in primary energy

Thanks. I have been trying to figure that out.

You propose 17 TW of nuclear. If we assume 1.5 GW nuclear power plants then you are assuming about 11333 nuclear plants or maybe 12000 to account for down time.

I used the current production of nuclear, .9 TW, from this wikipedia article (memmel has it in a post way up thread as well). How that relates to the currently operating 440 reactors worldwide I have not yet figured out [edit: Levin explains it just upthread] but since the other numbers match Luis de Sousa's fossil fuel numbers I think it is correct. The proposed 17 TW is 19 times the current value but the size of reactors that I would expect to build would be about twice the size of the average of the current fleet, which includes many old, quite small ones, so the number suggested by my original post would be about 4,000.

However, Pitt the Elder found two errors in the model that would each significantly change the projected energy demand. (Thanks, Pitt and I think this bears out the advantage of working out the model before we attempt to describe a solution.)

1. Since electricity is a more processed form than crude oil, the terawatts of electricity do not do the same amount of work as the terawatts of oil. Pitt suggests that it takes only 38% of the electricity on average to do the same work as the other source it displaces. This would only apply to the substitutions to electricity from some other sources such as I project for most of transportation.

2.My model assume energy use tracks directly with GDP but Pitt pointed out:

World GDP (in constant dollars) grew by 118% between 1980 and 2000, whereas world energy consumption grew by 40%. In other words, efficiency improved by 35% in 20 years, despite energy prices being remarkably cheap for most of that time.

So I think I need to change the model to assume a baseline of something like 15-20% efficiency improvement per decade.

It is going to take a while for me to figure this out and I have to work today but I think the implication is that my model probably projects energy demand 50-100% above what it is likely to be in 2050. But I still believe that renewables will max out at 30% or so of generation due to intermittency and scalability. So I think my revised model will probably require 2,500 – 3,000 reactors be built or about 6 times the current number.

As for efficiency of generated electricity: It depends on the use. As oil availability declines electricity is going to get pushed into uses where it is less efficient. That'll lower its marginal efficiency.

Take electric car batteries for example. They are expensive. Some of that cost is for energy to make them. So a shift to electric cars does not yield as big an increase in efficiency as a first glance might lead you to believe.

Intermittent electric power sources suffer from their own form of inefficiency: Energy cost of storage. A lot of electric power storage methods suffer from substantial efficiency losses.

Similarly, if cars get made using more aluminum then that'll cost more energy than the manufacture of steel. Lots of measures to increase efficiency have energy costs associated with them that do not show up when measuring and comparing equipment that has already been built.

Hi Folks,

Of course, while the technology for producing power may be eminantly feasable and flexible as many of the above posts show, the one caveat - well two actually, are mining and nuclear weapons proliferation.

The New Internationalist did an interesting spread on Nuclear weapons and their increasing number back in June this year:

This covered the problems with mining as well - they claim that waste retains up to 85% of the ore's radioactivity - though I am not sure where they get that figure, uranium mining is a problem. However, extraction from sea water as the Japanese have proved gets over that one (just google 'uranium from seawater' to see all the varied arguments).

No the real problem is us - as in humans, or more specifically US foreign policy. As the US has gone for FSD (full spectrum dominance see: - again!) it is hardly like to let hundreds or thousands of nuclear power plants get built all over the place, no matter how safe they are, as one of the 'by-products' is fissile/and or 'dirty' bomb material. Not forgetting the fact that DU warheads are used in 'standard' munitions as they're heavier than lead, and penetrate better. Just as the ancient Doaists search for an elixir of life produced salt peter that turned into the elixir of death through its use as gun powder, so too goes the potential of nuclear power.

What could happen as a possible scenario will be a two tier world, with current friendly 'nuclear allies' (see June NI map for current nuclear capable states) being allowed unlimited nuclear power, with the rest of the world utilising a higher proportion of renewables. While extremely unfair, it would be useful in a modelling exercise as it might give a better weighting to distribution of various power sources around the globe.


Fundamental Problems with this article

1) 50 years is nearly useless. IMHO, 20 or 25 years is ideal for this type of planning with 30 years for completion. TOO much uncertainty to make 50 year projections useful.

2) I strongly disagree with your dates for peaks, especially natural gas.

3) I did a North American electrical grid (90% non-GHG) and that was exceedingly complex. A world model is composed of many large parts, each continent (with Asia in multiple pieces) and a different strategy for each. (Africa today can be 95+% hydro and geothermal, wind and solar for growth).

4) Ignore Climate Change impacts.

5) Too much new nuke. Next ten years, just 8 new nukes max in USA, few nukes in non-nuke nations (first nuke is almost always a disaster). Nuke is a secondary, follow-on response that comes on-line in quantity at the end of a 20 year planning horizon, but you made it an idea fixe.

Nukes are delicate and unreliable (common design flaws, take down for disasters, our nuke came back up this morning after Gustav) and have not yet been shown to be variable. Very difficult to plan a grid around (the French use Swiss hydro, and late night sales to Germany, Italy, Belgium, etc.) Nukes need pumped storage as badly as wind and solar.

6) You assume continued growth in demand. It is quite possible (AND preferable) to SHRINK energy use, not grow it. Trade current transportation for non-oil transportation at a ratio of 20 BTUs of oil for 1 BTU of electricity. Strongly reduce air travel (back to 1950s or 1960s levels in OECD nations), the most oil dependent mode. Walkable neighborhoods, 15% to 35% of urban trips by bicycle are better choices (see life expectancy and sex lives) than ever expanding energy use.

Much more efficient housing, reduce retail space in USA by 90% (back to 1950 levels/capita) and less elsewhere in OECD. Scrap Dubai & Las Vegas.

Your list of "desirables" for the future had some undesirables. Machine made buildings, computer customized goods I WANT to do without !

More later,


It is quite possible (AND preferable) to SHRINK energy use, not grow it.

Just to make that point another way:

Roughly speaking, half of world primary energy use is burning stuff to make electricity. If electricity is primarily generated directly, that means 2.5TW will give us exactly the same thing as 7.5TW does now.

So 10TW can do exactly what 15TW does now.

Also, roughly speaking, half of the rest is either used for ground transportation (for which electricity is 10x more efficient) or low-grade heat (for which electricity (heat pump) is 3x more efficient). Switching those, 1TW will give us exactly the same thing as 4TW does now.

So 7TW can do exactly what 15TW does now.

That's just from efficiency - it's not even taking into account Alan's suggestions for conservation. Taking into account those, there's no reason to think we couldn't have high standards of living with less than 1/3 current energy consumption rates.

Given a need to improve the present miserable condition of many people in the world, then it would be good if even taking into account increased efficiency that you postulate, if around double current use could be generated, say around 30TW.

No great dissention is possible from Alan;'s comment that we should build nuclear power as fast as is safely possible, and really for the immediate future it is a case of sucking it and seeing, although it is encouraging that Toshiba is building a production line in Louisiana similar to the one in China, which should have the capacity when working flat out to produce around 1-2 reactors a year.

For nuclear power it is how many can be built a year in 2025 or so that will determine it's fate, rather than immediate production gliches.

Since France built it's 59 reactors in around 17 years, perhaps a rate of 20 a year for the US would not be unreasonable taking into account it's larger population.

Just building twin modern 1.6GW reactors on the sites of the approx 100 present reactors would give an average actual output of around 300GW, around the present base-load capacity of the States.

With most of the baseload taken care of wind, solar and biogas in integrate systems should do a good job for the remainder, if we actually need that much, as the efficiency and conservation measures mentioned are actioned.

The actual shares of each would be determined by exactly how the technologies panned out, but resources seem adequate so that no-one in the States should need to be without the benefits adequate power can provide.

The real action though is elsewhere, with, for instance, China planning on expanding it's solitary production line for nuclear plants to 10 by 2020, plus whatever it does in PBR's

There was an article a while back here which calculated that we would need to build around 90 1 GW reactors a year or equivalent wind and solar etc to provide for the world.

We may screw it up so badly financially that it is not possible, but there would not seem any technical or resource constraint on producing the 90 reactors a year if we had to.

I would agree though that conservation, efficiency, and huge inputs from renewables will mean that nothing like that build will be needed, but it could be done if we had to.

PTE, all agreed. Sterling, consider that California is considering requiring all new homes built after 2020 to be zero energy designs. Consider how much more energy efficient ocean and rail is over trucking. Consider that on a sunny day enough energy falls on a Prius or Explorer to power it at least a hundred miles, and current technology could harvest about 50 miles per day with body mounted PV.

I am not a believer that the way to solve this problem is with personal micro solutions. I think we need to build large scale infrastructure. The economies of scale mean this approach uses the fewest total resources. I also do not want advanced civilization to fall apart and have us all get into life boats. Too many people would have to die and the world would be wrecked that way.

I am not a believer that the way to solve this problem is with personal micro solutions.

Neither am I. I am discussing the entire US transporation system, not a few cars.

I think we need to build large scale infrastructure.

We already have a large scale infrastructure. It just needs to be optimized for energy efficiency now that energy has become expensive. See, there wasn't any real motive in the past. Now there is. So houses that use 50k btu of (formerly cheap but now expensive or even unavailable) energy per ft2 per year are reworked to use a tenth that. And I am not talking about my house, I am talking about 100 million houses. Do the math. How much of the fossil fuel usage in the US would that displace? And at what relative cost to nuclear?

The economies of scale mean this approach uses the fewest total resources. Only if your key assumptions hold up. Which once you actually compare the real levelized cost of energy for your assumptions, you will recognize the economic sense of what a lot of people are saying here.

I also do not want advanced civilization to fall apart and have us all get into life boats. Too many people would have to die and the world would be wrecked that way. Don't worry, unless the leadership gets even worse than it is, the world will be fine until all the forests burn up from GW. There is so much slack between how much energy we need and how much we use that adaptation will be easy to the emerging conventional energy squeezes.

You need to head over to RMI and read for a while. Then you might realize why, despite the slavering devotion and support of/by the US gov to nuclear power, no one is building them. It is the most expensive way to solve the energy issue.

We already have a large scale infrastructure.

Yes, but in the next 40 years we will run out to the fuel is uses and seriously damage the environment. We need to build a new large scale infrastructure to replace it. The only sources that are not directly supply limited are nuclear, wind and solar. But wind and solar are very diffuse and intermittent. Above I have argued that to build a wind based infrastructure of the scale required would mean filling up an area of land the size of Europe excluding Russia. Is there even that much land in the world and near off shore that has good wind? Solar is comparably diffuse. I also argued above that renewables are 2.7 as expensive as nuclear if you properly cover intermittency.

No amount of conserving solves the problem. You eventually starve. I am not denigrating the efforts of people who want to work on conservation. I just want to be part of solving the problem.

Yes, but in the next 40 years we will run out to the fuel is uses and seriously damage the environment The fuel and the infrastructure as seperate. Roads, cars, factories, schools, house, farms, etc (infrastructure) just need to be re worked, re powered and re engined. Think electric cars won't cut it? You need to learn about lithium iron phosphate batteries. Think low or zero energy buildings are expensive? You need to read up on these too.

Your approach is well worth continueing, but check your inputs. The Dakotas alone could supply 1.7 trillion kwhs annually, and anything like Esolar's modular apporach would require a small portion of some western state to supply the entire nation's energy needs, with baseload as cheap thermal storage. This is reality. Solar thermal plants have been operating reilably for decades. In either case, you need to develop a national HVDC long haul system. And in both cases, this is the expensive way to go if it is all you do, especially if you skip all the really cheap and easy stuff we need to do now to reserve our capital for the big renewables projects. Remember, for example, lighting = 20% of the national elelectrical usage.

No amount of conserving solves the problem. You eventually starve. I am not denigrating the efforts of people who want to work on conservation. I just want to be part of solving the problem.

You are the one who keeps holding up the "conservation" strawman. Don't confuse conservation like turning the thermostat down or skipping atrip to the beach with what I am pointing out. Conservation is what you need to do when your hardware (house--poorly insulated and applianced)(car--heavy poorly built kluge that need a precious materials like benzene and toluene just to move) sucks.

Upgrade the hardware, upgrade the energy inputs, do it as cheaply and as quickly as possible. That is not "conservation", that is a winning business plan. We have the infrastructure already, and all the technology is on the shelf. All it takes is a national will to get this fixed. As opposed to "fission, baby, fission"


I appreciate your vision. But as many others, for the obvious reasons, it is not very realistic.

First, nuclear power seems impossible without an underlying fossil fuel infrastructure, including mining, processing/production and transport of cement, steel and nuclear fuel.

Second, we are in the opening chapters of The Great Depression(the one we call that now was a walk in the park). With the guaranteed implosion of the financial system and fiat currency based on endless growth(which in itself is depending on ever-expanding inputs of energy), the western civilisation has no chance to be maintained in more or less its' current complex state. The western world WILL NOT RECOVER from this depression in any recognisable way.

A few more points:
- The world has never been this close to WWIII, and we're getting closer by the day. With PO looming a nuclear missile exchange is in the books. If Iran is attacked, WWIII is here.
- Exponential climate change (like all articles in DB that say the models are too optimistic, even the worst case ones) guarantees major problems with harvests, and potable water. Possibly sea levels will rise much, much faster then anticipated (idling all port infrastructure around the world). Read mass migration, end the problems that come with it (social unrest, war)
- The world is overdue for a pandamic from a new influenca strain. Disease will strike hard when people are undernourished (for various reasons, and in the western world possibly due to lack of FF,CC)
- Everything totoneilla posts.

nuclear power seems impossible without an underlying fossil fuel infrastructure, including mining, processing/production and transport of cement, steel and nuclear fuel.

Fortunately, that infrastructure already exists, and isn't likely to vanish overnight.

The amount of oil required to build a nuclear plant is relatively trivial. The EROEI of these plants is ~80:1 (for modern enrichment techniques), and most of that is from electricity (for enrichment and running mining machinery). China first started producing nuclear energy in 1992, at which point their oil consumption was only 2.7Mb/d for a billion people.

Based on current projections, it's going to be a long time before oil availability falls below the level where China was building nuclear power plants. Accordingly, there seems to be a span of decades where enough oil will be available to build those plants and transition to a non-oil infrastructure.

With the guaranteed implosion of the financial system
The western world WILL NOT RECOVER from this depression

And you can "guarantee" this how?

People who say "I know the future!" are usually either making that future or are deluded. When it comes to the world financial system, sadly, I don't think you're making its future.

The world has never been this close to WWIII

Uh, Cuban Missile Crisis?

Interestingly, the Doomsday Clock is indeed closer to midnight than it's been since the Cold War. As they explain, though, a significant part of that is due to global climate change - it's not just a risk-of-nukes measure.

climate change...guarantees major problems with harvests

You seem awfully willing to "guarantee" the future of the world based on things you read on the internet.

I've discussed this with a friend of mine who's an atmospheric scientist. He was quite worried about the future of food production, based on some predictions he'd read, until he went and took a first-hand look at the data that was used for those predictions.

So take a look at them. Most of the plots are just noise - the data points are scattered all over the map. The correlations and predictive power of the lines they've drawn through those clouds of points are modest at best. And that's about the best science we have on the topic.

If you think a certain outcome is "guaranteed", I strongly suspect you have no more than a cursory understanding of the topic.

The world is overdue for a pandamic from a new influenca strain.

Viruses don't punch a clock. That it's "overdue" doesn't make it any more likely.

nuclear power seems impossible without an underlying fossil fuel infrastructure, including mining, processing/production and transport of cement, steel and nuclear fuel.

Fortunately, that infrastructure already exists, and isn't likely to vanish overnight.

True. But then no one claimed it would. The challenge is to maintain the current infrastructure, much of which is decades old and in need of modernisation, while simultaneously building the new infrastructure required, in an environment of rising energy costs and increasing scarcity of fossil fuels (Gail has written extensively on this topic). Even now, reductions in vehicle-miles-driven are reducing the tax revenues available for road and infrastructure maintaince.

Based on current projections, it's going to be a long time before oil availability falls below the level where China was building nuclear power plants. Accordingly, there seems to be a span of decades where enough oil will be available to build those plants and transition to a non-oil infrastructure.

Don't be fooled by the superficial symmetry of the Hubbert curve. The oil on the left hand side is cheap, high EROEI and relatively easy to extract. As you move beyond the peak, the EROEI declines and the oil becomes more expensive and difficult to extract. Other factors such as ELM and 'hoarding' will reduce the availability of oil in the international market and financial problems in the US and elsewhere may further reduce the amount of oil which can be purchased for investment in infrastructure. Your ‘span of decades’ may not be nearly as long in practice as you believe.

I've discussed this with a friend of mine who's an atmospheric scientist. He was quite worried about the future of food production, based on some predictions he'd read, until he went and took a first-hand look at the data that was used for those predictions.

So take a look at them. Most of the plots are just noise - the data points are scattered all over the map. The correlations and predictive power of the lines they've drawn through those clouds of points are modest at best. And that's about the best science we have on the topic.

The fact that the data are noisy and you can’t neatly extrapolate your graphs into the future does not mean that you can simply brush aside concerns about future food production. People are not concerned about food production simply on the basis of past events but for numerous reasons: soil depletion; marine dead zones and fish stock depletion (data on this is not so noisy); previously stable weather patterns become less predictable (a record high wheat harvest predicted for the UK this year may now be one of the lowest since the 1960s due to heavy rain); sea level rise (farmland in Bangladesh is already being lost as saline water encroaches on lower lying areas and contaminates the water table); smowmelt and glacial meltwater in areas such as the Himalayas increasing and/or decreasing in volume; pests and diseases changing their geographical ranges in response to changing temperatures; not to mention the other unkown effects of climate change which is proceeding at a far more rapid rate than even the most pessimistic scenarios envisioned by the IPCC.

You seem awfully willing to "guarantee" the future of the world based on things you read on the internet.

Unfortunately, you’re awfully eager to view the future from simple extrapolations from the past, and to dismiss any possible future event which doesn’t fit in with this picture.

Viruses don't punch a clock. That it's "overdue" doesn't make it any more likely.

This is a misrepresentation of PaulusP’s comment. He never claimed that pandemics strike with clockwork regularity. A pandemic is ‘overdue’ because from a historical perspective the time period which has elapsed since the previous notable pandemic in 1968-1969 is abnormally long. According to the WHO the probability of a pandemic striking has increased:

With the H5N1 virus now firmly entrenched in large parts of Asia, the risk that more human cases will occur will persist. Each additional human case gives the virus an opportunity to improve its transmissibility in humans, and thus develop into a pandemic strain. The recent spread of the virus to poultry and wild birds in new areas further broadens opportunities for human cases to occur. While neither the timing nor the severity of the next pandemic can be predicted, the probability that a pandemic will occur has increased.

From today's (11th)Drumbeat on the governing party wanting to open new Scottish coal mines:

Gavin Brown, the Scottish Tory energy spokesman and committee member, said: "The Scottish Executive is completely ignorant on how its main objective would impact on the three overriding factors for the future of energy in Scotland - affordability, security of supply and cutting carbon.

"In response to my question, the Scottish Executive admitted it had no idea what impact its main energy objective impact will have for the future affordability and security of supply as well as the cutting of carbon in Scotland."

Last night an Executive spokesman insisted Scotland's coal reserves could meet electricity needs with no need for nuclear power.

He added: "Scottish opencast coal output remains healthy - there remains almost 30 million tonnes of coal at consented opencast sites in Scotland and we support the continued extraction of coal."

With the exception of countries which have access to hydropower and geothermal. in practise opposition to nuclear power has always resulted in continued heavy coal use and greenhouse gas emissions.
Germany is a notable example of this, where is spite of their 'green dressing' they emit far more CO2 per capita than France.

I believe that Marx would have said that 'objectively speaking ' the anti nuclear movement has been on the side of the coal industry, and Global warming.

Hinderances to the development of more sophisticated and cheaper nuclear technology have also contributed to the Chines building vast numbers of coal plants, when perhaps the could have been nuclear.

Other influences, primarily the cheap price of fossil fuels, have also been of critical influence, but anti-nuclear forces have extracted a high, possibly fatal, price.

Assuming that population growth will end by 2050 might not be a good bet. One of the better books I have read on the subject is Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet by Jeffrey Sachs. Sachs demonstrates that there is a lag time of about 2 generations before policies to reduce population growth take effect. Now that timeline might bring is to 2050 starting now, but the required policy changes are not yet on the horizon, in my view.

Sachs explains it much better than I can, but the key to ending population growth is reducing infant mortality worldwide. Seems counter-intuitive, doesn't it? Putting it crudely, people have as many children as they think it takes to have a high probability that one son will survive. If the infant mortality rate is 20% (common in Africa and elsewhere), it takes 3 sons to exceed a 97% probability that one will survive. And 3 sons statistically will be accompanied by 3 daughters, making 6 children a common average. In developed countries with low infant mortality, parents can confidently have 2 children, being relatively assured that they will survive.

The obvious argument to this is that if mortality is so high, then only 2 children will survive anyway. The problem is that as mortality goes down people adjust very slowly, leading to a population explosion. They don't know why everyone is expected to have 6 children, they just follow the tradition.

I think it's a really good book. Sachs' opinion on peak oil is that we will have enough total fossil fuels for this century, but using the remaining resources in ecologically safe ways is the challenge. Markets will not provide an invisible hand to make it happen. In the one page on peak oil the book quotes a 5000Gtoe estimate from Hans-Holger Rogner and then the discussion of peak oil is over. He must really be counting on the people at The Oil Drum :)